Sunday, March 31, 2019


"Are we Indians paying too big a price for electoral 
Nothing wrong with our electoral democracy. As always, the wrong/fault, if any, lies with the people elected/appointed(bureaucrats) to run the system. That's where we, the people, have been failing to set right the system. We only involve ourselves on the day of polling once in five years. Thereafter, we maintain no connection or no relation with our elected representatives. Consequently, the elected and the electors are left to fend for themselves in their own ways without any accountability to each other. Unless we, the people, assert ourselves by engaging our elected continuously giving an impression that we are closely watching his/her performance, we can't make them accountable to us. 

D.S.Ranga Rao
9969 069 144

On Mon, Apr 1, 2019 at 8:51 AM Venkatraman Ns <> wrote:


India Against Corruption

                                                                     DIMINISHING DISTINCTION BETWEEN PRESENT DAY POLITICIANS AND CRIMINALS

Nobody anymore believe that a politician is a honest person. Almost everyone thinks that politicians have huge black money , they accumulate wealth by dishonest methods and behavior of some of them is not much different from criminals. Many politicians face criminal charges including murder. Most of them go scot free using their money power and by circumventing the law.

The forthcoming parliament election is a clear case of unprincipled politicians who form alliance between various groups purely to win election and seize power and accumulate more money. 

It is distressing that in number of cases, politics has become a family business.

In such circumstances, it is impossible for honest people to contest elections and win. Possibly, the large number of voters who vote on the basis of caste, cash they get or the freebies they get are also responsible for the electoral success of criminal politicians and the politicians exploit the weakness and vulnerability of these people.

In the case of thieves , they don's claim that they are honest people and they have no ethical and moral values. Are the politicians today any different from the thieves ? Probably, some of them are worse than thieves , since even as they indulge in corrupt dealings , they claim that they are honest.
Are we Indians paying too big a price for electoral 
democracy ?

Nandini voice For The Deprived
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Thursday, March 28, 2019



India Against Corruption

                                                                     DIMINISHING DISTINCTION BETWEEN PRESENT DAY POLITICIANS AND CRIMINALS

Nobody anymore believe that a politician is a honest person. Almost everyone thinks that politicians have huge black money , they accumulate wealth by dishonest methods and behavior of some of them is not much different from criminals. Many politicians face criminal charges including murder. Most of them go scot free using their money power and by circumventing the law.

The forthcoming parliament election is a clear case of unprincipled politicians who form alliance between various groups purely to win election and seize power and accumulate more money. 

It is distressing that in number of cases, politics has become a family business.

In such circumstances, it is impossible for honest people to contest elections and win. Possibly, the large number of voters who vote on the basis of caste, cash they get or the freebies they get are also responsible for the electoral success of criminal politicians and the politicians exploit the weakness and vulnerability of these people.

In the case of thieves , they don's claim that they are honest people and they have no ethical and moral values. Are the politicians today any different from the thieves ? Probably, some of them are worse than thieves , since even as they indulge in corrupt dealings , they claim that they are honest.
Are we Indians paying too big a price for electoral 
democracy ?

Nandini voice For The Deprived

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


There isn't anything wrong in becoming wealthy so long as the it is earned through fair means. Am impoverished man cannot enrich the society but a rich man certainly can. 

Rahul Pandit

On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 9:42 PM Nabajyoti Das <> wrote:
Support Mr. Venkataraman on your thoughts. The Trusteeship approach to entrepreneurship and industry is required in a society to make it stronger. But in market approach we merely look at the people as market. Often the low price strategy is balanced with exploiting the existing policy provisions or creating one in the parliament by virtue of your M power helping in waiver of taxes etc. In the long run its the people who pays through their noses. At the other end we see a family where 600 people are employed to take care of the comfort of 4 people and of course those lavish marriages, pomp and ceremony. 

On 11-Mar-2019, at 9:18 PM, Venkatraman Ns (via indiaresists Mailing List) <> wrote:


India Against Corruption


One of the richest industrialists in the country celebrated the marriage in his family with enormous pomp and show , spending several crore of rupees. The marriage was attended by several so called " big shots" including the former U N Secretary General, former British Prime Minister and several politicians, cinema stars and others in India.

In a country with more than 200 million people living below poverty line and not knowing where the next meal would come from, is not the above marriage a vulgar exhibition of wealth ?  Certainly, the rich industrialist and those who attended the marriage have no thought about the millions of poor people in India.

Obviously, anyone become so rich by excessive  profiteering , often by adopting un savoury methods and even  indulging in corrupt practices. 

The huge richness is due to the capability  for exploiting the opportunities with high self interest and with total disregard for the need of the others.

Instead of  reducing the price of the products and services to make less profit so that the people will be benefited, they want to amass all money for themselves.

Think for a moment how poor people view such marriages and the contempt that they develop for such vulgar exhibition of wealth.

What is particularly disgusting is that nobody has condemned such vulgar exhibition of wealth and media is deafeningly silent.


Nandini Voice for The Deprived

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Nabajyoti Das
Mobile: 9810872211

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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

[IAC#RG] (Relative) Honesty and integrity now despised in BJP

The recent insult to Prof. Murli Manohar Joshi by the duo of Modi and Shah has greatly upset the wider Hindu Samaj community and is sure to have electoral consequences

After wide consulatation, there is no doubt among most Hindus now that the BJP has no place for sane sober leaders, and the only objective of the BJP's gang of thieves is to loot the nation even more than the East India Company. However, opposition disunity and opportunism prevails and the neo-East India bania-raaj machine carries on unchecked.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

[IAC#RG] Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Chief Justice of India & Defence Minister Nirmala Sitaraman : Fill the Vacancies of Judicial &Administrative Members in Armed Forces Tribunals Urgently


I just signed the petition "Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Chief Justice of India & Defence Minister Nirmala Sitaraman : Fill the Vacancies of Judicial &Administrative Members in Armed Forces Tribunals Urgently" and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name.

Our goal is to reach 200 signatures and we need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here:


Thursday, March 14, 2019


Show your concern by voting out the party that made him such.

On Mar 11, 2019 21:18, Venkatraman Ns <> wrote:


India Against Corruption


One of the richest industrialists in the country celebrated the marriage in his family with enormous pomp and show , spending several crore of rupees. The marriage was attended by several so called " big shots" including the former U N Secretary General, former British Prime Minister and several politicians, cinema stars and others in India.

In a country with more than 200 million people living below poverty line and not knowing where the next meal would come from, is not the above marriage a vulgar exhibition of wealth ?  Certainly, the rich industrialist and those who attended the marriage have no thought about the millions of poor people in India.

Obviously, anyone become so rich by excessive  profiteering , often by adopting un savoury methods and even  indulging in corrupt practices. 

The huge richness is due to the capability  for exploiting the opportunities with high self interest and with total disregard for the need of the others.

Instead of  reducing the price of the products and services to make less profit so that the people will be benefited, they want to amass all money for themselves.

Think for a moment how poor people view such marriages and the contempt that they develop for such vulgar exhibition of wealth.

What is particularly disgusting is that nobody has condemned such vulgar exhibition of wealth and media is deafeningly silent.


Nandini Voice for The Deprived

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Support Mr. Venkataraman on your thoughts. The Trusteeship approach to entrepreneurship and industry is required in a society to make it stronger. But in market approach we merely look at the people as market. Often the low price strategy is balanced with exploiting the existing policy provisions or creating one in the parliament by virtue of your M power helping in waiver of taxes etc. In the long run its the people who pays through their noses. At the other end we see a family where 600 people are employed to take care of the comfort of 4 people and of course those lavish marriages, pomp and ceremony. 

On 11-Mar-2019, at 9:18 PM, Venkatraman Ns (via indiaresists Mailing List) <> wrote:


India Against Corruption


One of the richest industrialists in the country celebrated the marriage in his family with enormous pomp and show , spending several crore of rupees. The marriage was attended by several so called " big shots" including the former U N Secretary General, former British Prime Minister and several politicians, cinema stars and others in India.

In a country with more than 200 million people living below poverty line and not knowing where the next meal would come from, is not the above marriage a vulgar exhibition of wealth ?  Certainly, the rich industrialist and those who attended the marriage have no thought about the millions of poor people in India.

Obviously, anyone become so rich by excessive  profiteering , often by adopting un savoury methods and even  indulging in corrupt practices. 

The huge richness is due to the capability  for exploiting the opportunities with high self interest and with total disregard for the need of the others.

Instead of  reducing the price of the products and services to make less profit so that the people will be benefited, they want to amass all money for themselves.

Think for a moment how poor people view such marriages and the contempt that they develop for such vulgar exhibition of wealth.

What is particularly disgusting is that nobody has condemned such vulgar exhibition of wealth and media is deafeningly silent.


Nandini Voice for The Deprived

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Nabajyoti Das
Mobile: 9810872211


Dear All,

Politicians, CEOs  Bollywood - a starry turnout at Chanda Kochhar daughter's wedding via @ETPanache


(Babubhai Vaghela)
C 202, Shrinandnagar V, Makarba Road Vejalpur, 
Ahmedabad - 380051 M -  94276 08632.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Venkatraman Ns <>
Date: Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 9:20 AM
To: <>


India Against Corruption


One of the richest industrialists in the country celebrated the marriage in his family with enormous pomp and show , spending several crore of rupees. The marriage was attended by several so called " big shots" including the former U N Secretary General, former British Prime Minister and several politicians, cinema stars and others in India.

In a country with more than 200 million people living below poverty line and not knowing where the next meal would come from, is not the above marriage a vulgar exhibition of wealth ?  Certainly, the rich industrialist and those who attended the marriage have no thought about the millions of poor people in India.

Obviously, anyone become so rich by excessive  profiteering , often by adopting un savoury methods and even  indulging in corrupt practices. 

The huge richness is due to the capability  for exploiting the opportunities with high self interest and with total disregard for the need of the others.

Instead of  reducing the price of the products and services to make less profit so that the people will be benefited, they want to amass all money for themselves.

Think for a moment how poor people view such marriages and the contempt that they develop for such vulgar exhibition of wealth.

What is particularly disgusting is that nobody has condemned such vulgar exhibition of wealth and media is deafeningly silent.


Nandini Voice for The Deprived


It is exactly this socialist and povertarian mindset that has kept 30% of India's population in dire poverty and another 40% at just above subsistence levels. In India, we write "shubh labh" at the entrance of our houses, businesses, etc - but, this imported socialist mentality among policy makers has destroyed this country.

As an aside, there was a CLSA report that Indian weddings contribute 10% of India's GDP - and, obviously these are all the "lavish weddings" - have you considered the amount of jobs and income that are actually generated by these weddings and that they are a much fairer redistribution of wealth than taxes?

As long as this kind of envious and socialist mentality still pervades our "society", I really see no hope for India's poor - because, at its core, its an anti-progress mentality.

- Supratim

On Wed, 13 Mar 2019 at 09:20, Venkatraman Ns <> wrote:


India Against Corruption


One of the richest industrialists in the country celebrated the marriage in his family with enormous pomp and show , spending several crore of rupees. The marriage was attended by several so called " big shots" including the former U N Secretary General, former British Prime Minister and several politicians, cinema stars and others in India.

In a country with more than 200 million people living below poverty line and not knowing where the next meal would come from, is not the above marriage a vulgar exhibition of wealth ?  Certainly, the rich industrialist and those who attended the marriage have no thought about the millions of poor people in India.

Obviously, anyone become so rich by excessive  profiteering , often by adopting un savoury methods and even  indulging in corrupt practices. 

The huge richness is due to the capability  for exploiting the opportunities with high self interest and with total disregard for the need of the others.

Instead of  reducing the price of the products and services to make less profit so that the people will be benefited, they want to amass all money for themselves.

Think for a moment how poor people view such marriages and the contempt that they develop for such vulgar exhibition of wealth.

What is particularly disgusting is that nobody has condemned such vulgar exhibition of wealth and media is deafeningly silent.


Nandini Voice for The Deprived

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Monday, March 11, 2019



India Against Corruption


One of the richest industrialists in the country celebrated the marriage in his family with enormous pomp and show , spending several crore of rupees. The marriage was attended by several so called " big shots" including the former U N Secretary General, former British Prime Minister and several politicians, cinema stars and others in India.

In a country with more than 200 million people living below poverty line and not knowing where the next meal would come from, is not the above marriage a vulgar exhibition of wealth ?  Certainly, the rich industrialist and those who attended the marriage have no thought about the millions of poor people in India.

Obviously, anyone become so rich by excessive  profiteering , often by adopting un savoury methods and even  indulging in corrupt practices. 

The huge richness is due to the capability  for exploiting the opportunities with high self interest and with total disregard for the need of the others.

Instead of  reducing the price of the products and services to make less profit so that the people will be benefited, they want to amass all money for themselves.

Think for a moment how poor people view such marriages and the contempt that they develop for such vulgar exhibition of wealth.

What is particularly disgusting is that nobody has condemned such vulgar exhibition of wealth and media is deafeningly silent.


Nandini Voice for The Deprived

Thursday, March 7, 2019



India Against Corruption


Whether one would like to admit it or not, in recent times, all over the world, most of the  people have developed suspicions and misgivings about the neutrality of the journalists and their commitment to fair journalism. There is rapidly spreading view that media is a commercial activity with profit motive and news and views are products for sale. It is clearly evident that media is steadily going under the control of business houses and politicians and religious bodies , who often  have vested interests or business motives or both.

In USA, it is clearly evident that a section of the media has deep prejudice against President Trump , often using vituperative language to  criticise  him and publishing motivated stories. During the last Presidential election, several leading newspapers and journals in  USA openly campaigned against Trump and wanted him to be defeated. Trump won and became the President , proving that the views of the media do not carry faith and conviction or  any weight  amongst people any more.

This situation is no different in many other free and democratic countries including India.  The conditions in U K too  is no different.  Of course, in countries like China and Singapore, media is not allowed to criticise the government and the media is largely controlled by the government.

In India, in recent times, many section of print and visual media carry out what they call as investigative journalism and in the process,  publish unverified news  mixed with the views with what appears to be  ulterior motives and objectives. It is often said that in this process of investigative journalism where serious allegations are made against one or the other , the journalists say that they will not reveal the source of the information or conclusively prove the information that they have given with firm evidence. In this media exercise, accused persons, who may even be  really innocent , suffer heavily.  While they can go to the court filing defamation suits against the media , the courts take  several years to give judgement  and the media and the journalists go virtually scot free.

The media personnel say that any attempts to prevent the media from  stating and writing whatever they want, ( whether right or wrong or true or false) amount to suppression  and curtailment of freedom of press and media rights.

The time has come now to decide whether the freedom enjoyed by the media and the journalists  should be unlimited and total. It is also necessary to introspect as to whether it is ethical practice and in the true spirit of honest journalism to publish articles and news without adequate  proof and without stating the alternate views  and not giving details  about the source of information.

What is thievery ?   Stealing gold or silver or money from household or elsewhere is thievery. Similarly, stealing news  or official papers from any organization and government  departments to publish news  in a way that it satisfies the  whims and fancies of the particular journalists  should  also be considered as nothing but thievery. It may often happen that such news may be collected  by the journalists and media house by bribing or corrupt methods.   In the name of media freedom, the source of information  is withheld by media. Is  such acts of  journalists any better than the acts of  those who steal gold or silver or money from any household or elsewhere ?

Obviously, media freedom is now taken to an absurd level by journalists, claiming freedom without responsibility to indulge in detective exercises to  "unveil the facts" .

With widespread feelings amongst the cross section of people all over the world that media houses and journalists  now only rarely remain unprejudiced or motiveless, the level of  freedom enjoyed by the media need to be closely scrutinized and reassessed.

Of course, the media  enjoy  the privilege to publish or unpublish  any news or views, appropriate or otherwise. The debate  for or against the  unlimited freedom for media also has to be carried out only in the media, whether print or  visual. Will the journalists of today allow fair and honest media debate on this subject remains to be seen.

Any way, there is no doubt that media  and journalists are  under trial all over the world now.


Nandini Voice for the Deprived

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Re: [IAC#RG] IAF trapped between coordinated "political" compulsions of PMs Modi and Imran Khan

During last seven decades,whoever have been the advisors of the 
governments of Pakistan,haven't done their homework well or,they
have just echoed His/Her Master's Voice.
Probably an easy option of hate campaign against India,for domestic consumption
for winning elections,or for getting public opprobrium ,had always been chosen by all of them.
For long they were able to deceive USA, to act as a buffer State(to prevent spread of communism)
to get virtually free financial and military aid. In recent times,China has replaced USA.
But as no progressive policies for great economic development,and institution building was
created,the State has become a pauper, besides being considered a failed State/rogue State.
The Pak TV channels expose the State and its state openly.
They envy the position of Indian PM globally.
They have muddled politics with corruption embracing top echelons regularly.
How long could religious fundamentalism keep a State together,in modern world?
They are psychologically at a disadvantageous position. And have no strength
to take on to the Indian behemoth.
Not a bad position from Indian perspective post air strikes.
JeM attack could be counter productive as its reaction,in the form of successful air strike
could greatly help the current regime( in India) a second term on the platter; something
that Pak rulers would consider only as a nightmare.

On Sun, Mar 3, 2019 at 2:11 AM Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:

Actually, I had the info on 27.02.2019 from my own sources, and the
same day I formally complained to MoD which they kindly acknowledged
on 28.02.2019 through the Additional Secretary assuring me they would
look into it soon if there were indeed any breaches of international

Notwithstanding the DISINFORMATION, the fact remains that both
Airforces launched sophisticated pre-programmed missiles in standoff
(ie. from far away) from within their own claimed territories to
demonstrate their "non-military (ie.NUCLEAR)" precision targeting
capabilities to each other..

So although the statement by IAF that they achieved their operational
mandate is technically correct, the fact remains that the MEA has lied
through their teeth at their first press briefing.

Questions are now also sure to be raised if India should consider
purchasing F-16s to be made in Hyderabad (using a junked manufacturing
line from Israel in a deal where Ratan Tata reprises Anil Ambanis role
in Rafale) when they can be so easily knocked out by our "flying

There is also the new issue of highly credible evidence emerging that
the "trigger incident" (Phulwama, or something similar to it) for
these "standoffs / pilot exercises" had been planned from Oct 2017

Finally, Sir, all these wars and elections freebie gimmicks are
costing us a great deal of money. The revenue deficit has already
exceeded 126.9% of this year's target, with no hope of it being made
up in this fiscal.


On 3/2/19, ravindra malhotra <> wrote:
> As far as views of media in USA is concerned, please have a look at New York
> Times of 1st and 2nd March. It has mentioned a few things similar to that
> pointed out by Sarbajit Roy.
> R.N.Malhotra
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Monday, March 4, 2019

Re: [IAC#RG] How can 45 HINDUSTANI martyrs be avenged without violating some law or using forces

> a) Get rid of Ajit Doval and his parallel networks which are fully
> infiltrated by Islamic elements and compromising Army humint.

Has the IAF has been left with egg all over its face because of some
Doval's kiddy clowns who over rely on electronic intelligence ?

"sources revealed on Monday that technical surveillance conducted by
the Indian intelligence services in the days leading up to the air
strike had confirmed around 300 active mobile connections in the
facility. The information, revealed through the surveillance conducted
by the National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO), gives a fair
indication of the number of terrorists killed in the February 26
airstrike, sources told news agency ANI."


Explains why BJP bania brigade have taken a standard 20% bania stop
loss and discounted kill assessments to 250 from 300.

On 3/3/19, Rajinder Dalvi <> wrote:
> How should 45 Hindustanis killed by this jihadist be avenged ?
> a) Get rid of Ajit Doval and his parallel networks which are fully
> infiltrated by Islamic elements and compromising Army humint.
> b Leave it to the affected forces.
> c) Ab tak Chhappan ( 56:1 ratio)
> d) Don't politicise what you do. Run silent run deep.
> e) *Dabaake maaro*
> On Sun, Mar 3, 2019 at 2:12 PM Sarbajit Roy <>
> wrote:
>> *UPDATE:*
>> I am happy to inform our members that after widespread public doubts on
>> social media and TV channels like NDTV about "0" casualties in the air
>> strike, our Goi is "*leaking*" that the actual location where we struck
>> was at Arabkhan (Manshera), about 3.5 km south of Village Jaba (Balakot)
>> where Pakistan took reporters of Reuters, Al-Jazeera etc for
>> disinformation
>> to Mamata Banerjee, Arvind Kejriwal and Pappu, and credible evidence
>> indicates Masood Azhar himself has been either killed or is badly
>> wounded.
>> On Sat, Mar 2, 2019 at 11:45 PM Vidyut <> wrote:
>>> I am not a pacifist and can be happily blood-thirsty if the occasion
>>> demands it. However, I think we are mistaken in seeing Kashmir as one
>>> such
>>> subject.
>>> Regardless of Pakistan's support or JEM, it is important to understand
>>> that the suicide bomber was a Kashmiri. All the support in the world
>>> can't
>>> make someone give up their life unless they think it is futile to begin
>>> with.
>>> THIS is the crux of the Kashmir problem. One I am disappointed that a
>>> country with a freedom struggle so close in her past is unable to
>>> recognize.
>>> We cannot invite love with slaps. If you were to court someone to marry
>>> you, you wouldn't kick them and ask them to tell you they love you or
>>> else.
>>> Yet this is what we seem to be doing over and over with Kashmir. There
>>> is
>>> an entire generation come to adulthood who see armed violence as NORMAL.
>>> They don't even have an experience of what it is like to never have seen
>>> a
>>> gun up close - which is the reality of most Indians not in security
>>> careers
>>> outside Kashmir.
>>> We are so fast to take outrage if someone insults our parents or lays a
>>> hand on our sister. For them this is normal. Even without abuse, they
>>> can
>>> be searched on whim. They have no autonomy over their own body. Pause to
>>> think of this a bit.
>>> Suicides are high. A suicide bombing is just one way of doing it. A
>>> lashing out.
>>> Violent choices must be seen in this context. We have contributed to a
>>> world where this is NORMAL for them. The only difference is whether they
>>> obey another or do as they wish. School kids are throwing angry stones
>>> at
>>> forces. The same forces that come to their rescue in avalanches. More
>>> than
>>> hate, this is the frustration of living in a cage. Of being poked by
>>> random
>>> strangers on whim. Of being impotent to protect your loved ones, from
>>> "protectors" or random violence.
>>> What we need to "avenge" the dead CRPF jawans is to defeat this. Not
>>> defeat suicidal kids, but defeat what makes them suicidal.
>>> This government is all about a land grab. It HATES Kashmiris, but wants
>>> the land. This government is not going to be able to do it. But
>>> governments
>>> change. A country endures. We, as citizens too have tremendous power to
>>> include and love. The day we feel angry when a Kashmiri teenager who
>>> can't
>>> go out because of curfew is also denied 4G, that teenager feels like we
>>> understand his hardship. We may not be in Kashmir, but we have voices
>>> and
>>> we can speak up for them. We can care. We can feel the same outrage over
>>> blinded kids that we do over bombed soldiers. Because both of them are
>>> ours.
>>> Even calls for Azadi can be defeated if they want to be a part of India.
>>> Where they feel included in our identity. Have we even done that that we
>>> blame them and hate them for feeling isolated and lashing out in the few
>>> ways they can?
>>> And we can stop being so freaking pliant and question lapses. Propaganda
>>> can't create security. Secure protocols, oversight, good equipment,
>>> addressing problems, funding, accountability, training, recruitments,
>>> support for jawans suffering PTSD.... all that is needed. We can avenge
>>> the
>>> dead CRPF jawans by ensuring that unnecessary threats to their lives are
>>> defeated.
>>> And sure, if as a part of proper security we have information about
>>> Pakistan and terror groups, we address that too. Not with hate, but
>>> firmness. To protect Kashmir and Kashmiris, not to strangle them.
>>> V
>> Post: ""
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>> Help:
>> WWW :

[IAC#RG] Fwd: India's new old Arthashastra playbook :-)


Govt will be very soon releasing "video footage" from alleged nose
cameras of missiles launched towards the Bisian target soon. The
terror camp is on the banks of the Kunar river and was very well
camoflauged against spy satellites using techniques learned in
Afghanistan from the Soviets, All "before-after" satellite photos of
mountain top Jaish targets circulating on internet are forgeries.The
actual camp that was struck is very much on a hillside with easy
access to the river and where initial water training was also given to
the 26/11 attackers (as Kasab's narco revealed)

The delay in releasing video footage is only because a top 3D CGI
animator of Bollywood hired by BJP had made a fatal flaw in their
videos which gave the game away, and the videos have to be
remanufactured. Ministerial sources are furious with the "kanjoos
makkhichoos" party bosses who have badly let down the workers in this
video fiasco and who are unable to answer TMC questioning "where are
300 bodies ?".

Some BJP leaders are also angry that Piyush Pandey may no longer be
making the BJP's iconic videos (he is also negotiating to get Rahul
Gandhi's account) due to some old payment disputes for the 2014 "ab ki
baar Modi Sarkar".campaign. Furious efforts are on to woo him back and
2 weeks back he indicated in Kerala to wait and see his new works for

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Re: [IAC#RG] How can 45 HINDUSTANI martyrs be avenged without violating some law or using forces

How should 45 Hindustanis killed by this jihadist be avenged ?

a) Get rid of Ajit Doval and his parallel networks which are fully infiltrated by Islamic elements and compromising Army humint.

b Leave it to the affected forces.

c) Ab tak Chhappan ( 56:1 ratio)

d) Don't politicise what you do. Run silent run deep.

e) Dabaake maaro

On Sun, Mar 3, 2019 at 2:12 PM Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:

I am happy to inform our members that after widespread public doubts on social media and TV channels like NDTV about "0" casualties in the air strike, our Goi is "leaking" that the actual location where we struck was at Arabkhan (Manshera), about 3.5 km south of Village Jaba (Balakot) where Pakistan took reporters of Reuters, Al-Jazeera etc for disinformation to Mamata Banerjee, Arvind Kejriwal and Pappu, and credible evidence indicates Masood Azhar himself has been either killed or is badly wounded.

On Sat, Mar 2, 2019 at 11:45 PM Vidyut <> wrote:
I am not a pacifist and can be happily blood-thirsty if the occasion demands it. However, I think we are mistaken in seeing Kashmir as one such subject.

Regardless of Pakistan's support or JEM, it is important to understand that the suicide bomber was a Kashmiri. All the support in the world can't make someone give up their life unless they think it is futile to begin with.

THIS is the crux of the Kashmir problem. One I am disappointed that a country with a freedom struggle so close in her past is unable to recognize.

We cannot invite love with slaps. If you were to court someone to marry you, you wouldn't kick them and ask them to tell you they love you or else. Yet this is what we seem to be doing over and over with Kashmir. There is an entire generation come to adulthood who see armed violence as NORMAL. They don't even have an experience of what it is like to never have seen a gun up close - which is the reality of most Indians not in security careers outside Kashmir.

We are so fast to take outrage if someone insults our parents or lays a hand on our sister. For them this is normal. Even without abuse, they can be searched on whim. They have no autonomy over their own body. Pause to think of this a bit.

Suicides are high. A suicide bombing is just one way of doing it. A lashing out.

Violent choices must be seen in this context. We have contributed to a world where this is NORMAL for them. The only difference is whether they obey another or do as they wish. School kids are throwing angry stones at forces. The same forces that come to their rescue in avalanches. More than hate, this is the frustration of living in a cage. Of being poked by random strangers on whim. Of being impotent to protect your loved ones, from "protectors" or random violence.

What we need to "avenge" the dead CRPF jawans is to defeat this. Not defeat suicidal kids, but defeat what makes them suicidal.

This government is all about a land grab. It HATES Kashmiris, but wants the land. This government is not going to be able to do it. But governments change. A country endures. We, as citizens too have tremendous power to include and love. The day we feel angry when a Kashmiri teenager who can't go out because of curfew is also denied 4G, that teenager feels like we understand his hardship. We may not be in Kashmir, but we have voices and we can speak up for them. We can care. We can feel the same outrage over blinded kids that we do over bombed soldiers. Because both of them are ours.

Even calls for Azadi can be defeated if they want to be a part of India. Where they feel included in our identity. Have we even done that that we blame them and hate them for feeling isolated and lashing out in the few ways they can?

And we can stop being so freaking pliant and question lapses. Propaganda can't create security. Secure protocols, oversight, good equipment, addressing problems, funding, accountability, training, recruitments, support for jawans suffering PTSD.... all that is needed. We can avenge the dead CRPF jawans by ensuring that unnecessary threats to their lives are defeated.

And sure, if as a part of proper security we have information about Pakistan and terror groups, we address that too. Not with hate, but firmness. To protect Kashmir and Kashmiris, not to strangle them.

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Re: [IAC#RG] How can 45 HINDUSTANI martyrs be avenged without violating some law or using forces


I am happy to inform our members that after widespread public doubts on social media and TV channels like NDTV about "0" casualties in the air strike, our Goi is "leaking" that the actual location where we struck was at Arabkhan (Manshera), about 3.5 km south of Village Jaba (Balakot) where Pakistan took reporters of Reuters, Al-Jazeera etc for disinformation to Mamata Banerjee, Arvind Kejriwal and Pappu, and credible evidence indicates Masood Azhar himself has been either killed or is badly wounded.

On Sat, Mar 2, 2019 at 11:45 PM Vidyut <> wrote:
I am not a pacifist and can be happily blood-thirsty if the occasion demands it. However, I think we are mistaken in seeing Kashmir as one such subject.

Regardless of Pakistan's support or JEM, it is important to understand that the suicide bomber was a Kashmiri. All the support in the world can't make someone give up their life unless they think it is futile to begin with.

THIS is the crux of the Kashmir problem. One I am disappointed that a country with a freedom struggle so close in her past is unable to recognize.

We cannot invite love with slaps. If you were to court someone to marry you, you wouldn't kick them and ask them to tell you they love you or else. Yet this is what we seem to be doing over and over with Kashmir. There is an entire generation come to adulthood who see armed violence as NORMAL. They don't even have an experience of what it is like to never have seen a gun up close - which is the reality of most Indians not in security careers outside Kashmir.

We are so fast to take outrage if someone insults our parents or lays a hand on our sister. For them this is normal. Even without abuse, they can be searched on whim. They have no autonomy over their own body. Pause to think of this a bit.

Suicides are high. A suicide bombing is just one way of doing it. A lashing out.

Violent choices must be seen in this context. We have contributed to a world where this is NORMAL for them. The only difference is whether they obey another or do as they wish. School kids are throwing angry stones at forces. The same forces that come to their rescue in avalanches. More than hate, this is the frustration of living in a cage. Of being poked by random strangers on whim. Of being impotent to protect your loved ones, from "protectors" or random violence.

What we need to "avenge" the dead CRPF jawans is to defeat this. Not defeat suicidal kids, but defeat what makes them suicidal.

This government is all about a land grab. It HATES Kashmiris, but wants the land. This government is not going to be able to do it. But governments change. A country endures. We, as citizens too have tremendous power to include and love. The day we feel angry when a Kashmiri teenager who can't go out because of curfew is also denied 4G, that teenager feels like we understand his hardship. We may not be in Kashmir, but we have voices and we can speak up for them. We can care. We can feel the same outrage over blinded kids that we do over bombed soldiers. Because both of them are ours.

Even calls for Azadi can be defeated if they want to be a part of India. Where they feel included in our identity. Have we even done that that we blame them and hate them for feeling isolated and lashing out in the few ways they can?

And we can stop being so freaking pliant and question lapses. Propaganda can't create security. Secure protocols, oversight, good equipment, addressing problems, funding, accountability, training, recruitments, support for jawans suffering PTSD.... all that is needed. We can avenge the dead CRPF jawans by ensuring that unnecessary threats to their lives are defeated.

And sure, if as a part of proper security we have information about Pakistan and terror groups, we address that too. Not with hate, but firmness. To protect Kashmir and Kashmiris, not to strangle them.


Re: [IAC#RG] IAF trapped between coordinated "political" compulsions of PMs Modi and Imran Khan


Actually, I had the info on 27.02.2019 from my own sources, and the
same day I formally complained to MoD which they kindly acknowledged
on 28.02.2019 through the Additional Secretary assuring me they would
look into it soon if there were indeed any breaches of international

Notwithstanding the DISINFORMATION, the fact remains that both
Airforces launched sophisticated pre-programmed missiles in standoff
(ie. from far away) from within their own claimed territories to
demonstrate their "non-military (ie.NUCLEAR)" precision targeting
capabilities to each other..

So although the statement by IAF that they achieved their operational
mandate is technically correct, the fact remains that the MEA has lied
through their teeth at their first press briefing.

Questions are now also sure to be raised if India should consider
purchasing F-16s to be made in Hyderabad (using a junked manufacturing
line from Israel in a deal where Ratan Tata reprises Anil Ambanis role
in Rafale) when they can be so easily knocked out by our "flying

There is also the new issue of highly credible evidence emerging that
the "trigger incident" (Phulwama, or something similar to it) for
these "standoffs / pilot exercises" had been planned from Oct 2017

Finally, Sir, all these wars and elections freebie gimmicks are
costing us a great deal of money. The revenue deficit has already
exceeded 126.9% of this year's target, with no hope of it being made
up in this fiscal.


On 3/2/19, ravindra malhotra <> wrote:
> As far as views of media in USA is concerned, please have a look at New York
> Times of 1st and 2nd March. It has mentioned a few things similar to that
> pointed out by Sarbajit Roy.
> R.N.Malhotra

Re: [IAC#RG] How can 45 HINDUSTANI martyrs be avenged without violating some law or using forces

I am not a pacifist and can be happily blood-thirsty if the occasion demands it. However, I think we are mistaken in seeing Kashmir as one such subject.

Regardless of Pakistan's support or JEM, it is important to understand that the suicide bomber was a Kashmiri. All the support in the world can't make someone give up their life unless they think it is futile to begin with.

THIS is the crux of the Kashmir problem. One I am disappointed that a country with a freedom struggle so close in her past is unable to recognize.

We cannot invite love with slaps. If you were to court someone to marry you, you wouldn't kick them and ask them to tell you they love you or else. Yet this is what we seem to be doing over and over with Kashmir. There is an entire generation come to adulthood who see armed violence as NORMAL. They don't even have an experience of what it is like to never have seen a gun up close - which is the reality of most Indians not in security careers outside Kashmir.

We are so fast to take outrage if someone insults our parents or lays a hand on our sister. For them this is normal. Even without abuse, they can be searched on whim. They have no autonomy over their own body. Pause to think of this a bit.

Suicides are high. A suicide bombing is just one way of doing it. A lashing out.

Violent choices must be seen in this context. We have contributed to a world where this is NORMAL for them. The only difference is whether they obey another or do as they wish. School kids are throwing angry stones at forces. The same forces that come to their rescue in avalanches. More than hate, this is the frustration of living in a cage. Of being poked by random strangers on whim. Of being impotent to protect your loved ones, from "protectors" or random violence.

What we need to "avenge" the dead CRPF jawans is to defeat this. Not defeat suicidal kids, but defeat what makes them suicidal.

This government is all about a land grab. It HATES Kashmiris, but wants the land. This government is not going to be able to do it. But governments change. A country endures. We, as citizens too have tremendous power to include and love. The day we feel angry when a Kashmiri teenager who can't go out because of curfew is also denied 4G, that teenager feels like we understand his hardship. We may not be in Kashmir, but we have voices and we can speak up for them. We can care. We can feel the same outrage over blinded kids that we do over bombed soldiers. Because both of them are ours.

Even calls for Azadi can be defeated if they want to be a part of India. Where they feel included in our identity. Have we even done that that we blame them and hate them for feeling isolated and lashing out in the few ways they can?

And we can stop being so freaking pliant and question lapses. Propaganda can't create security. Secure protocols, oversight, good equipment, addressing problems, funding, accountability, training, recruitments, support for jawans suffering PTSD.... all that is needed. We can avenge the dead CRPF jawans by ensuring that unnecessary threats to their lives are defeated.

And sure, if as a part of proper security we have information about Pakistan and terror groups, we address that too. Not with hate, but firmness. To protect Kashmir and Kashmiris, not to strangle them.


Re: [IAC#RG] IAF trapped between coordinated "political" compulsions of PMs Modi and Imran Khan

As far as views of media in USA is concerned, please have a look at New York Times of 1st and 2nd March. It has mentioned a few things similar to that pointed out by Sarbajit Roy.


On Saturday, March 2, 2019, 8:01:41 PM GMT+5:30, SURESHAN P <> wrote:

At Global level India is now enjoying a place which was not the case earlier. Whether IAF achieved it is so called objective or not , the fact now emerging is that , except Trkey, not a single notable world power is pointing any finger against India. Even when USA entered into the airspace of Pakistan for capturing Osma , Killing was condemned by the Hamas administration of the Gaza Strip, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the TalibanIran. Now, even countries standing at different corners  are having very good diplomatic ties with India. After all Pakistan's isolation from Muslim co-operative countries is not a small thing. So my point is only one thing that, due to diplomatic effort from the present central government Our country got recognition and appreciation at International level . This is something very positive achievement made all sort of difference with the relationship with Pakisthan. For that matter, this team of government is entitled to get another five years term. This strong feeling is being created among the minds of nationalist.            
P. Sureshan,
Advocate-on-record, Supreme Court Of India,  
No.2/3A Basement , Surmela House,Jangpura-A, Near Rama Tent House, Bhogal Hospital  Raod,  New Delhi - Pin -110014 Landline Number 011-2437 1060 mobile : 9818083219,7838598740,9911839968, ( call time -strictly 4 P.M to 8 P.M on all working days)

On Sat, Mar 2, 2019 at 12:17 PM Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
Now that the facts about the so-called Surgical Strike 2.0 are coming in from INDEPENDENT sources it is clear (a) why the IAF is so silent and (b) why fuzzy fake clips of downed Pakistan F-16 jets are being broadcast all across Modi's in-house TV channels.

The Indian Airforce knows very well they had no basis in internatinal law for what they allegedly did on 26 February 2019 at Balakot if it was done without Pakistan's consent. ie., if even 1 Paksitan civilian had died that day all the IAF Pilots involved were liable under international law and Pakistan could have moved the UN or ICJ to demand they be handed over for trial under Pakistan law.

Since neither the "hot pursuit" maritime doctrine nor the "exercising right of self defence in face of imminent danger" arguments wash in this particular instance (the existence of this JeM "terror resort" has been known since 2005 and 12 days had elapsed after Phulwamma), the IAF were instead only directed to lay out a circle of light bombs OUTSIDE the JeM's hilltop Madrassa, with the full advance knowledge of Pakistan.

PROOF: (satellite images and analysis etc. by the Australain Strategic Policy Institute)

" ... it appears plausible that India's strikes in Pakistan were designed primarily to placate a domestic audience while simultaneously limiting escalation by not targeting built-up areas and causing substantial casualties. India's upcoming election placed significant pressure on Prime Minister Narendra Modi to act in retaliation for the Pulwama attack. "

Secondly, the SPICE 2000 ammunition kit used has a standoff delivery range of 60 km for penetration warheads, so this theory of IAF's 80 km flying deep into Pakistan to deliver the load, and the PAF driving them off, is sheer irresponsible reporting on part of Indian media and their talking head circus. The craters seen on ground appear inconsistent with warhead specifications claimed.

Moving on,

Let us firstly CONGRATULATE the IAF and Ms. Seetharaman for achieving their STRATEGIC and TACTICAL non-military objectives (ie. the war to win the 2019 elections for this Govt) without loss of civilian (or even non-state actor) life.

We also congratulate Ms. Nirmala Seethraman and the IAF for their silent restraint in not posting DISINFORMATION from their Twitter accounts from Feb 25th onwards, unlike her irresponsible Cabiet colleagues and the BJP's war-mongering in-house TV channels like Times Now and Republic TV etc. We further salute the IAF's representive at the MEA's presser for his studied and deliberate silence and refusal to answer media questions on the Balakot raid.

All the sober international news agencies and military researchers have dismissed the MEA's fanciful claims of eliminating JEM terror installations. Satellite photos, before and after, show that our bombs were (a) not very powerful and (b) formed a near perfect semi-circular arc on the side of the hill where this Madrasa stands inconsistent with the Circular Error of the claimed munitions.

In these circumstances, perhaps the most competent and eloquent PM we have ever had after Lal Bahadur Shastriji, ie. Shri Modi, should stop behaving like his predecessors, and demonstrate what other IAF pilot training exercises he has in mind for Pakistan.

As far as IAC, HRA and entre Hindu Samaj is concerned, 45 HINDUSTANI martyrs still need to be avenged by our Government, WITH PROOF, instead of such propaganda posturings on both sides of LoC.

Sarbajit Roy
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