Thursday, January 20, 2011

Re: [HumJanenge] SBI worst than Swiss Bank

Leslie, this is good. Banking secrecy prohibits sharing individual account info. You may need to ask general info, such as - number of accounts where KYC verification has not been done, number of accounts with cash transactions of more than Rs. say, 5 Lakhs at a time, either payments or receipts etc.



On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 11:55 AM, LESLIE ALMEIDA <> wrote:
Filed RTI application, in september 2010, to Local Branch State Bank of India
requesting information on names of account holders of which i too am a account holder.
if  know your coustomer ( KYC) complied with, how many accounts have as yet not filed KYC as per reserve bank account, name/address of 1st appellate authority They phoned to say they need some time, after 3 months in December 2010 i again put RTI application asking for same, no response to my querie,nor even given me 1st appeals address, I am of the opinion that this No 1 Nationalised Bank is having maximum Benami accounts and are thus not parting with information. I am now filing 1st appeal ( found SBI 1st appeallate authority on SBI website and will follow up with 2nd appeal if the nedd arises
Leslie Almeida

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