Saturday, January 1, 2011

Re: [rti_india] RTI to Bank


Dear friend,
I forgot to add PRIVATE BEFORE banks. So read "RTI is not applicable to PRIVATE BANKS".

On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 9:43 PM, Bhaskar Prabhu <> wrote:
RTI is not aplicable to banks and if there is a custormer service issue then you can go to RBI or Ombudsman.
Youirs in RTI service

On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 5:16 PM, Victor <> wrote:

Is it possible to get information regarding a loan from ICICI Bank using RTI? This information is needed for a legal matter and would help the investigation. I had filed the RTI with ICICI Bank, but I think since private banks don't fall under this ambit they didn't reply (even though this information was regarding a legal matter and case details and copy was shared with them). Will filing the RTI with RBI help? Could it possibly direct ICICI Bank to share the information requested?

Any help, or suggestions would be highly appreciated.


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