Thursday, March 3, 2011

[HumJanenge] Will Ms Aruna Roy / NAC reply to my simple query ?

Dear Ms Aruna Roy / Jayaram

1) FACT # 1, It seems from media reports that the NAC is opposed to
the DOPT's proposed RTI Rules which prescribe 1 subject per RTI
request and discourages lengthy RTI requests.

2) FACT #2, DoPT did not originally propose the 250 word limit or the
1 subject per RTI rule. These are someone else's proposals.

3) FACT #3, You / U-S( NAC) recently invited Mr Habibullah to be a
participant of the expert group assisting the NAC / DoPT / GoI on
these draft Rules.

4) FACT #4, It is Mr Habibullah, and Mr Habibullah alone who is the
devilish brain behind these 2 proposals. The proof I submit is evident
from paras 11 and 12 of this
[] which show the
working of Mr Habibullah's mind since 2007 to undermine RTI Act on
these issues..


1) Can you please share with us the specific inputs Mr Habibullah
provided to the NAC on these 2 core issues recently.


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