Saturday, September 17, 2011

[HumJanenge] How to stop Benami Transactions which is the main source of use of black money.

Benami transactions are being practised in India since long. Benami transaction is one in which a property is purchased in the name of one person but its consideration is paid by some other person. The former is only a nominal owner while the later is the real owner. Legal recognition to benami transactions was accorded by The Transfer Of Property Act, 1882. Since benami transactions were resulting in large scale use of black money, a Benami Transactions Prohibitions Act (BTPA) was passed by Govt Of India in 1988. It empowered govt to confiscate benami property. But it was never implemented property.  Only recently, Bihar started implementing it to curb corruption. Can someone advise as to how could govt be pressurised to implement BTPA 1988 effectively, may be by filing a writ in appropriate court. It would be a great deterrant in our fight against corruption.

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