Friday, October 19, 2012

[HumJanenge] Shopping for ex-Justices

Dear Mr Kejriwal

1. You are a member of this mailing list and receive all our messages
at multiple IDs. Do not deny it.

2. You are unable to find 3 ex-judges with impeccable reputation to
inquire into allegations made against you and your close associates
like Mr. Prashant Bhushan, Adv. So you have handpicked 3 Judges close
to your group/faction to act as your paid "ombudsmen" to verify your
associates. Where then is the essential difference between you and,
say, the electricity ombudsmen appointed and paid for by, say, BSES or
TataPower(NDPL) whom you ridicule as being biased.

3. Instead, I propose that you pick any 3 of the 8 "corrupt CJIs"
names Mr Prashant Bhushan's father gave in a sealed envelope and prove
Mr. Bhushan's innocence before them in the same manner that these
Bhushans have been causing these CJIs to prove theirs.

4) Although I am not privy to the 8 names submitted, let me suggest a
"win-win" method. Pick
a) ex-CJI S.H. Kapadia,
b) ex-CJI Y.K.Sabharwal
c) ex CJI A S Anand

as names to begin with for a fair and impartial probe into the Bhushan
duo's scandals. If they are exonerated by this panel I will believe
you. If not you can continue to scream shrilly that these ex-CJI
judges are biased and corrupt (and we shall also believe you).


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