Friday, November 2, 2012

Re: [HumJanenge] A new political set up for India.

Dear Col Thakur Singh and HJ list


Our list has over 1,000 ex-servicemen. So I can assure you that no disrespect for Indian Armed Forces will be tolerated on this list. I can further assure you that our members, as a class, are "patriots" even if they are not all "nationalists".

 I may also mention that although for civilians we do not allow circulation of addresses and mobile numbers over this list, in the case of our veterans we have never objected or banned the concerned members for doing so.

I would also like to clarify a few things in your email which has the potential to confuse our members. If you disagree with anything I say please feel free to object / discuss this.

1)  IAC, presumably India Against Corruption, is actually a century old revolutionary movement, and Mr. Kejriwal has nothing to do with it, especially since he professes to be a "Gandhian" - ie wears a "white topi" - in public.

2)  Mr Arvind Kejriwal's organisation is called PCRF and he has another one called Parivartan. Mr. Manish Sisodia runs a third organisation called Kabir. These are all massively foreign financed organisations to subvert the people of India which no Indian  patriot would be associated with or support if they knew the facts.  Mr Ajay is a veteran of that group and knows all their secrets.

3) For instance it is an open secret that Mr Kejriwal's group now only consists of RSS persons. All the Christians, Muslims, "secular": jholawallahs and Dalits have deserted them long ago.

4)  The question is not how much respect should be shown to our veterans for OP. Vijay or 1971 or '65 or 1962,  (which we all say can never be enough) but how we can ensure that the foreign yoke over this country should be smashed forever so that our officers and boys never have to face these situations again.

5) There is no doubt that the Vedas are important and revered "books". However, the study of the books is traditionally reserved for Brahmins in our Culture and Society. Shastras say it would not be fitting to reveal the secrets of these "books" to non-Brahmins who would be unable to master them. It would be interesting to note the difference in approach between patriots who say "forward from the Vedas" to nationalists who say "back to the Vedas".

6)  We are all aware of how many non-Hindus became shaheed during '62, '65, '71, Sri Lanka, Kargil etc. No patriot  will seriously suggest that IAF pilots Mickey Blake and Nobby Clarke were fighting for "Vedic culture" when they fought Pakistanis in Kashmir conflict ?.

7) The Indian Armed Forces fight for DUTY and HONOUR and to preserve the Indian nation. If we fight only to preserve Hinduism or Hindustan then what is the essential difference between us and them.? Tomorrow Admiral Ramdas will file another bakwaas PIL in SC saying that Sikhs only fought in 1971 to bring about Khalistan.

8) FM Sam Manekshaw deserves a separate post.

I remind everyone that discussions such as these are the non-RTI discussions, which will soon take place EXCLUSIVELY on the new mailing list "hum".


On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 1:03 PM, Col Thakur Singh <> wrote:
hi, Ajay,
Whether your below reply is your own creation or approved by IAC / Kejriwal  & the team ...

I am shocked to read your thoughts and the views you hold towards the dedicated lot of VETERANS who have won for you 71 WAR, Kargil and the like ; and they are most revered lot still.

That is how we need to fall back to VEDIC education so that we can have our youth with our own culture which is capable of binding joint family / relations / respect/ love/ affection fopr each other amongst the society  / SHARM / HAYA  etc   ... 

When the soldiers are not given their due ; the day will not be far,  when we all will fall prey to wolves for centuries ..... may be again and loose our vedic culture.

Arrogance Abhimaan / Ghamand and Nasha of your drama will take you down sooner than you have climbed up the ladder w/o having achieved any-thing so far .

behold ! ajay dont treat all veterans with whatever dogs & cats views you are engraved with ..
you need to be humble respectful to all especially hon'ble Colonels as you are still no match for those veterans . why do your compare  us with juntaas etc  dont you have maj Shaitan Singh  F M... Maneksha .. to thik of ;  
I await your amends dearest -  ajai / IAC

Col Thakur Singh

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 12:21 AM, IAC INFO <> wrote:
Dear Colonels

You are all very "senior" people, so kindly listen to the voice of the "young india".

@ Your "new political setup for India" is simply OLD WINE in OLD BOTTLES. The only places for disposing old bottles is as scrap, and for old wine is in gutter.

@ Bootlicking culture in "loser" colonels does not seem to have improved. See how you are still chasing after some authority figure like Narendra Modi so you can become junior Hitlers (who was actually only a corporal) who can say "but, we were only following orders".

@ At one time Greece was ruled by a junta of 7 colonels. They all ended fighting each other and today Greece is biggest basket case in whole of Europe.

@ instead of wasting your time in politics, please take up some useful sport, look after your dogs, grandkids etc, or simply do anything to ensure that you are as far away from the "better half" as possible and can pretend that you are still useful.

@ Let us youngsters clean up the mess your generation has created.

IAC is searching for old wine who can take directions and execute without questions or supervision.


On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 11:21 PM, Joyprakash Chhetry <> wrote:
Dear Cols. Israel Jaikaran, Thakur Singh, Mahesh Khera, Brig. Chikarra, Wg Cdrs. Jai Singh & Jal Singh,
Getting together means getting together from this humble togetherness of the 7 of us to start with. I dont crave for any post as I have seen many and tasted as I am from a political family both from my and my wife's side. I have hobnobbed with a young Indira Gandhi when I was a uniformed Pilot Officer attending parties at Rashtrapati Bhawan and PM's House. My craze for flying was all I dreamt about  and I had my heartful of that.
I have been a great admirer of Narendra Modi and attended his very impressive  Gujrat Gaurav. He was addressing the whole of USA via sat. in June this year and I had just reached Phoenix. I attended the same. I had sent some write ups to him earlier as to why he should be the PM. I asked him as to what were the ways in which we could help him achieve it. The questions were too many, so it was left to the local press to field such questions and answers. A clip of my question-answer was recorded. I could send later.
I have a very good civilian friend who is also very interested in the field of Aviation. He is getting a ticket to stand for the coming elections by Modi's party. I could request him to let us know as to how we could go about being the catalyst force to see him as PM. Afterall, what he can visualise with all his experience will not match our combined thinking. If the guidance is forthcoming then we could work towards that goal in order to eliminate the rot of our great nation. We can stop the repression from within and the encouragement provided to nefarious Indians and foreigners to exploit us.
 Joy Chhetry, Pali Hill, Mumbai.
Ex Sqn Ldr. Veteran 1965 & 71 Indo-Pak war
M AeSI, M FAST, M PCGT, BMIR (Pune Univ)
President : Take-Off-Team & Adv. in India & USA
Author : A Complete Guide to Comm. Pilot Licence

From: Col Thakur Singh <>

Sent: Wednesday, 31 October 2012 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: [HumJanenge] A new political set up for India.

Dear Col jayakaran and All,

Brig Chhikara has given a realistic suggestion although yours ia an innovative idea but it would take lot of efforts to form committees and unite the ESM who are already associated  with other  Pol Parties (corrupt) .

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