Thursday, November 1, 2012

Re: [HumJanenge] A new political set up for India.

Dear Cdr Chhetry

You are correct.

1. Ajay is - National Cyber-Media Coordinator for "India Against Corruption".
he is a prolific RTI'er having over 4,000 RTIs to his credit and until
recently was with a well known NGO working in RTI till he quit in
disgust over their blackmailing ways and communal agenda and walked
off with their email database, copies of their secret account books
and other damaging records etc.

2. Dwarkanath is a socially responsible person / activist who also
represents North Bangalore Christian Sabha (if I recall correctly).

I am sure that you will find them both to be very useful people to know..


On 11/1/12, Joyprakash Chhetry <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have no idea who Ajay and Dwarkanath are, as you have failed to disclose
> your full antecedents. On the contrary we the old wine have nothing to hide
> and opened all our cards for you to check and judge. If you look at politics
> it is mostly old wines who are prevalent right from Obama to European and
> Australian leaders to our very own Robotic PM. There are hardly any example
> of new wine dominating, except in the case of our unfortunate motherland.
> The likes of young Turks like Rahul Gandhi and his young crony brigade are
> an exception rather than the rule.
> Youth have all the ideas of how to do what and the means of doing them,
> after all they are all computer savvy or have another youngster to accompany
> them to do the job. Examples of Rahul with his younger friends in many parts
> of the world is well chronicled by the press. Except for this exception and
> Akhilesh in UP (but his doting old wine dad Mulayam always by his side),
> where else are the 30s and 40s leading nations world wide ? There is some
> thing called experience, which does not come with youthful vigor, it comes
> with passing through the thick and thin of life and learning it the hard
> way. Youth is also ambitious and wants to be the No. 1 in any thing they
> they put their hand in, leading to disharmony and break-ups. Maturity has
> seen enough and its their age to help others do the right job, who have the
> capacity to perform. Excuse me for all this, but the old wine/ new wine
> theory has puzzled me and my quest for understanding of the same. We are
> most happy to know the announcement that the youth are capable of cleaning
> the mess. Well, we have been waiting eagerly for that day. Mean time, we
> have aged waiting !
> Good Luck Youth. Rise and you will find us by your side, not against !
> Joy.
> ________________________________
> From: Dwarakanath <>
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, 1 November 2012 6:50 PM
> Subject: Re: [HumJanenge] A new political set up for India.
> Dear Cols and Ajay, It is your great heart if u can excuse my cross posting
> as some one calls it. I also belong to what is described as Old bottle.
> But I am a new wine trying to refurbish old bottle equally.
> The question is one need not be carried out by any comment. First thing is
> do not be carried away by individual opinions. The rot in my country has
> started long time back when also therewere young wines and young bottles.
> But they only had their corks on. Now that the Corks area leaky, it is for
> all of us to put a joint effort to bring back the "mahan" on our country's
> name. This may be possible by pooling all strength young and old. It would
> be beneficial to study all the existing Parties, who is heading such
> parties, what are their backgrounds, what is the best percentage of their
> honest and good administratin, before any decision to support any party is
> taken. I believe that the old bottles of today were also young when they
> were manufactured. But either they were not filled with good wine or the
> corks were too tight. People have backed politicians based on their
> multiple perceptions which may not include the only right
> perception of a Good governance. No governments so far have proved their
> absolute honesty, or absolute integrity with the country. Many people are
> only after money or many things. They take OATH to abide by the
> constitution and once they are in, they forget the constitution and try to
> manipulate things the way they want and no the way the people want. Today
> the need is for the people to take up governance work based on their
> conscions and law and not dictate of the party system. A fe persons in a
> Party may be able administrators. But the Party ulimately will have its
> way. But of course the only way where one needs to govern the country is by
> a majority which an individual will need. Therefore what we need for our
> country is all members of any new (Political) Party , should add honesty,
> integrity and national interest to the pool of their manifesto. Others
> have promised a lot in their manifesto in the yester years. They
> have lost their copy of such manifestos. We need people to rule the
> country who have absolute honesty, absolutely bold, not carried away by
> whims and fancies, not carried away by inducements, not carried away by Rich
> and powerful people, treat everybody equally, prefer the best interest of
> the nations in their decisions, Tax considerably such of those making huge
> profits, remove all unnecessary tax exemptions in the interest of the
> poverty of middle and lower middle class, disentitle doling of public money
> whomseoever it is when they are reaching a capable level. Diosentitle such
> persons with multiple possession of national wealth, provde every
> agriculturist with such quantity of lands which he can perpetually poduce
> food grains, All industries which have projected their employment potency
> for new or divesification projects to guarantee that appointments, Produce
> enough electricity like wind power, Solar power which are cheap both as
> small package
> deals and as well as national grids, Provide industrialists with all
> cargeable facilities like water, electricty and do not provide the ownership
> of the land, the lands will have to be nationalised, once the industries
> does not function the way they are targetted. Reduce all 4-wheelers in the
> country to the bearest minimum that are permitted by the environment
> pollution limits that should be static.Enhance the Forest lands limit. All
> persons above 22 years should be provided compulsorily with employment, if
> need be organising State Farms, State Indusries, both Home as well as
> Public, even utilising the non-performing granted, failed and sick
> industries, the products of which should be captively utilied within the
> country. There should be community Lakes and overhead water storages and
> maintenanmce facility belong to the State for each certain percentage of
> residents. These lands should be inalienable under any circumstances. They
> should be
> equipped with Rain water harvesting and inter-connections. Only Public
> Transport vehicles should be permitted on the Public Roads. Private
> vehicles should only be permitted to ply on Public road at certain
> prescribed times. No usage of Horns for private vehicles at all.
> Accidental deaths and injury as a result of private vehicles must be paid by
> the vehicle owner based on the principle of the injured/deceased persons
> earning capacity as on that date calculated with his life expectancy data.
> Time limit of compensation must be strict. In cases of litigation, a Pool
> of contribnutions colelcted from all private vehicles could be utilised and
> reimbursed. Public prosecutors must handle all accident cases since the
> Roads are all public purpose. All Trees in Bangalore has to be
> progressively replaced with trees of height and girth not more than 12 to 15
> feet on Road Sides. Huge rain trees etc. must be developed in Parks and
> such other
> places. Development authorities must compulsorily provide parking places
> other than on Roads for all vehicles in all residential localities and
> shopping areas. On Road parking must be heavily penalised. Even public
> transport should also be be stopped/parked only on Bays. Provision of 110
> volts AC should be examined instead of the present 220 volts in order
> prevent electrocution deaths and injuries. All commercial establishement
> and multi storied apartments must compulsorily fit Solar electric panels on
> roof top to produce the energy needed by them. The possibilities are huge
> and the citizens/industrialists who have a personal investment of above
> certain levels should compulsorily, contribute to the cost of these
> facilities, and tax benefits only to be provided to them to the extent of
> their contributions. Regards dwarakanthdm
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 12:21 AM, IAC INFO
> <> wrote:
> Dear Colonels
>>You are all very "senior" people, so kindly listen to the voice of the
>> "young india".
>>@ Your "new political setup for India" is simply OLD WINE in OLD BOTTLES.
>> The only places for disposing old bottles is as scrap, and for old wine is
>> in gutter.
>>@ Bootlicking culture in "loser" colonels does not seem to have improved.
>> See how you are still chasing after some authority figure like Narendra
>> Modi so you can become junior Hitlers (who was actually only a corporal)
>> who can say "but, we were only following orders".
>>@ At one time Greece was ruled by a junta of 7 colonels. They all ended
>> fighting each other and today Greece is biggest basket case in whole of
>> Europe.
>>@ instead of wasting your time in politics, please take up some useful
>> sport, look after your dogs, grandkids etc, or simply do anything to
>> ensure that you are as far away from the "better half" as possible and can
>> pretend that you are still useful.
>>@ Let us youngsters clean up the mess your generation has created.
>>IAC is searching for old wine who can take directions and execute without
>> questions or supervision.
>>On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 11:21 PM, Joyprakash Chhetry
>> <> wrote:
>>Dear Cols. Israel Jaikaran, Thakur Singh, Mahesh Khera, Brig. Chikarra, Wg
>> Cdrs. Jai Singh & Jal Singh,
>>>Getting together means getting together from this humble togetherness of
>>> the 7 of us to start with. I dont crave for any post as I have seen many
>>> and tasted as I am from a political family both from my and my wife's
>>> side. I have hobnobbed with a young Indira Gandhi when I was a uniformed
>>> Pilot Officer attending parties at Rashtrapati Bhawan and PM's House. My
>>> craze for flying was all I dreamt about and I had my heartful of that.
>>>I have been a great admirer of Narendra Modi and attended his very
>>> impressive Gujrat Gaurav. He was addressing the whole of USA via sat. in
>>> June this year and I had just reached Phoenix. I attended the same. I had
>>> sent some write ups to him earlier as to why he should be the PM. I asked
>>> him as to what were the ways in which we could help him achieve it. The
>>> questions were too many, so it was left to the local press to field such
>>> questions and answers. A clip of my question-answer was recorded. I could
>>> send later.
>>>I have a very good civilian friend who is also very interested in the
>>> field of Aviation. He is getting a ticket to stand for the coming
>>> elections by Modi's party. I could request him to let us know as to how
>>> we could go about being the catalyst force to see him as PM. Afterall,
>>> what he can visualise with all his experience will not match our combined
>>> thinking. If the guidance is forthcoming then we could work towards that
>>> goal in order to eliminate the rot of our great nation. We can stop the
>>> repression from within and the encouragement provided to nefarious
>>> Indians and foreigners to exploit us.
>>> Joy Chhetry, Pali Hill, Mumbai.
>>>Ex Sqn Ldr. Veteran 1965 & 71 Indo-Pak war
>>>M AeSI, M FAST, M PCGT, BMIR (Pune Univ)
>>>President : Take-Off-Team & Adv. in India & USA
>>>Author : A Complete Guide to Comm. Pilot Licence
>>> From: Col Thakur Singh <>
>>>Sent: Wednesday, 31 October 2012 6:11 PM
>>>Subject: Re: [HumJanenge] A new political set up for India.
>>>Dear Col jayakaran and All,
>>>Brig Chhikara has given a realistic suggestion although yours ia an
>>> innovative idea but it would take lot of efforts to form committees and
>>> unite the ESM who are already associated with other Pol Parties
>>> (corrupt) .

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