Monday, November 19, 2012

Re: [IAC++] Re: Disillusion after attending IAC meeting

Dear Jitender

I had been interacting with you earlier too and know that you are absolutely sincere in your efforts.  But isn't it  too early to blame IAC? Aren't  they  yet to find their own feet? How many issues can any individual or any one organisation take up at a time? Even if they are able to achieve something substantial in the matter of their present 'national' level goals we will have reason to be happy. Whether you have realized it or not,  today change has to percolate from the top downwards. So my sincere request to you is that even if we are not able to close ranks with IAC, let us atleast refrain from weakening them.

regards n bw


On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 7:52 PM, false <> wrote:

In response to my messages on different websites regarding IAC needs to take up local issues directly affecting Aam Aadmi since no other regular party is bothered about, i was invited by one Mr. Bhavesh of Santacruz east IAC, to attend their Janta Darbar today 1pm at Sita Sindhua Hall, Santaxruz east. 

Followings r my good and bad observations about working and functioning of IAC, some points were encouraging but others were utter disastrous and caused total disillusionment on other aspects.

First i would talk about good observations, these r to encourage more people to join the movement which is only hope and in good direct as far as national and to some extend state level issues r concern. 

1. Systematic registration of new members that were coming for first time. It was disclosed that in every meeting more than half r new members.
2. Star speakers Mayank gave some information on the subject and future course of action on the issues that r in hands of IAC as of now.
3. regular meetings being held every week at different locations in Mumbai to keep the momentum going.
4. Regular support and donations in the form of kind coming for all future programs. 
5. I appreciate what Mayank made it clear that IAC is not for personal issues. 

Now i would come to equally important bad points which need introspection, retrospection for having improvement and as IAC is no different or even worst than other political parties. 

1. No discipline a) time given was 1pm but people strated turning up late and so speech started at Do people coming in time have time to waste. 
b.)It is called a Aam Aadmi party but 3 Star Speaker Anjali Damani, Praful Vora and Mayank Gandhi, left immediately after completing their speech, with out bothering to lisen to other member of pubic that has come over there to speak and share what they wish to say. This is utter disrespect to Aam Aadmi. If this is the attitude even before their become any celebrity, imagine how they would behave later or may not be any different from any of the other existing Neta;s that we have today. Following them, many members of public also left, as if they all come to lisen to some vital information that they were expecting that their Neta;s would be sharing with them. 
2. There was nothing substantial in the speech that Ms. Anjali and Mr. Vora gave, All facts that they kept on elaborating r known to every alert citizen who is hearing them for last few years or months now everyday in every News channel. They were just pulling their speech to kill time, which was quite boring and may be that is the reason, in every subsequent meetings the number of old members if just half.
3. The most important issue for which i was invited. Local issue of public interest. It seem like all other political parties, even IAC has no value for local issues. So what way it claim to be different alternative from existing parties. It seem that Mr. Bhavesh intention to invited me seem to just he wish to add me as one more person in audiences without having any respect for the public issues which i wanted to address. Anyway after waiting for 2 and half hour i felt like leaving without referring to what i had come for, but then i though, before i leave, lets complete the job of taking the message across may be before just half the audience, who infect had no important role to play in policy decisions. Anyway, exactly as per my what past experience had though me that here r people who r just looking for self glory and least bothered for Aam Aadmi issues. I took off 3 hours from my busy schedule not for any personal problem or issue but because i had expected that IAC could be only alternative to take the issue across the mass as the issues which i wanted to refer r connected with Corporates ( Mobile operators radiation and Tata illegal possession of lakes without any revenue contribution to nation ) and media fails to take the cognizant of these issues because of their commercial interest of loss of Ad revenue, politicians seem to be sold out, RTI r not replied since even govt has no records because no land survey had been conducted or in case of Radiation even if BMC made tall claims but we cannot trust them and citizen monitoring and building pressure is required. But it seem all is just a dream as leadership of IAC seem to be just targeting DELHI but surely they would fail even in this as if they r neglecting local aam aadmi and his local issues.No doubt it is this neglect that there r just 100/200 people attending their meeting who also get disillusion and fail to return again in next meeting. 

In the end i could say, Mayank doing good job and it may be difficult to find his replacement but he needs to change his attitude and neglect of basic issues

My analysis need to be taken in right sprite. i do not hold any personal Vedanta against anyone. I took this pain to pen them down because as i said earlier, this is possibly the only hope after long time so if positive correction is made timely, possibly we may not see this party suffering from it ills. 

Jitendra Gupta


'Judiciary Watch' at

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