Thursday, December 6, 2012

Re: [IAC++] IAC position on FDI in retail

Selling family jewellery to fund a drinking habit.

While the abject misgovernance of funds and country continues, the
government will always be begging for money, selling valuables to
raise it.

An average hardworking "housewife" can explain how to budget to fit
income, plan a couple of treats for the kids and save a bit. Perhaps a
politician is overschooled. Or rather schooled in non-educational

Decades of neglect now turned into the fate of those cliched nobles
who sell some of the silver to be able to still be seen eating in the
little that remains, served by liveried footmen.


On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 12:19 AM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
> The Lok Sabha has passed the FDI in retail motion.
> The action now moves to the Rajya Sabha.
> Somebody asked me today what IAC's position was on FDI in retail.
> I said we hadn't worked it out, but my own view was surprisingly
> quite similar to the Shiv Sena's as expressed by their MP
> Sanjay Raut today in Parliament
> "selling the country to foreigners like Wal-Mart.
> If Sukhdev, Bhagat Singh were alive, they would have
> bombed the people who are sitting here."
> What do IAC members think ?
> Sarbajit
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Vidyut Kale
Twitter: @Vidyut
Diaspora: vidyut@ilikefreedom
Phone: Allergic
Telephone: Forget it.
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