Sunday, December 2, 2012

Re: [IAC++] Sorry to write but fed up so writing - hope will not mind.

Dear Dr Sanjay

May I say at the outset that I have the highest regard and respect for your opinions, and I am deeply appreciative that you have posted them to our mailing list.

I don't think there is any dispute that all of us want a clean, efficient, fair, honest, powerful India/Bharat.

I also don't think there is any dispute that all of us want a positive attitude, a positive method to clean the country without all this abuse and back-biting going on in this mailing list.


The people who are being projected as the saviours who are going to lead us into this promised wonderland are a FOREIGN FINANCED GANG of COMPLETELY CORRUPT HARAAMIS who are remote controlled by foreign puppeteers for an ulterior purpose.

That is what we (who are helping the IAC revival now) oppose.

So, I do agree that the "venom" has to be toned down and a positive attitude brought about.

So please be slightly more patient - say 48 hours for the message to percolate. Things on this mailing list will change fast.

We are also going to show India, in a positive way,  that IAC is not only a handful of big names whose names come in the media.  There are thousands of anonymous workers and activists going about their mission, selflessly, without publicity and without funds from dubious sources. That is how true Swaraj will be achieved.

Also, in a few days, Dr. Sanyal (of HRA) will be making a statement to clarify some aspects about the future of IAC . This will be after Anna Hazare comes to Delhi this week.

With best wishes


On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 8:49 PM, Dr. Sanjay Chaturvedi <> wrote:
Why are we fighting. Accept all corrupt. But yet want some improvement.
But why we want a honest country is the question.
Everything will stop moving or we just afraid of that other is getting more Bribe and we are not able to get that much.
At least some are fighting against corruption even if it is from corrupt money how does it matter. Unfortunate is high ambition of both made the situation worse. Can't they live like RSS and BJP.
Hopefully this mail list now must start thinking how? Rather than what is wrong? And try to get answer how this can be improved.
1/188 Delhi Gate, Agra 9412261575

-----Original Message-----
From: R V Sakhadeo <>
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2012 20:28:04
To: iac<>
Subject: [IAC++] Bhushan donates Rs 1 crore to Arvind party

Kejriwal's party has received donation from Prashant Bhushan amounting
to Rs. 1 Crore ! Is this money as pure as Gangajal ? A person declares
open support to the secession of Kashmir from India and then gives Rs.
1 Crore to Kejriwal. What does K now say about Kashmir ? For that
matter, what is K's views/agenda about any matter or issues concerning
our nation ? Anna is a political discard and K is a headed for the
political dustbin.


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