Thursday, October 18, 2012

Re: [HumJanenge] Why as a former IPS officer I decided not be a part of Version Apr 2011 of Anna's Agitation

Every educated n self conscious person may have or must have his own opinion regarding the current problems of the nation n there can be many as per the individual's thinking ie population is also  one of them, castism  may be other, so is poverty etc but the mother of all  is corruption which has gone in our blood like a poison n killing the country's consciousness. In this country not a single politician can claim to be fully honest, if he is than he should not be in politics because than he can't support any political party in today's environment of politics. Blaming Anna for his past activities also, may not be correct in vive of his education n economical background, he has to make best use  of what asset he had with him to fight these crooks of highest order n to increase his strength to present level.
From: Sarbajit Roy <>
To: humjanenge <>;
Sent: Thursday, 18 October 2012 6:02 PM
Subject: [HumJanenge] Why as a former IPS officer I decided not be a part of Version Apr 2011 of Anna's Agitation

1) What the f*** is going in with these so-called anti-corruption fighters ???

2) On the day Arvind Kejriwal deliberately throws in the towel against
Nitin Gadkarai and the BJP, coincidentally his former legal advisor
and friend Y.P.Singh (ex-cop) diverts the issue away from BJP by
raking up his same old 2011 allegations against NCP's Sharad Pawar and
Lavasa (see para 7 of his email below). The BJP is the obvious
beneficiary ... Team A, Team B. .. Team C. A new twist : Arvind
Kejrwal was on Lavasa Inquiry Committee.

3) How long will this prolonged " TV reality show" go on and on and on
and on ???. We are fed up. You jokers are getting BOOOORRRIIIINNNNGGGG

As a ordinary citizen here is what I feel. All these corruption
fighters are corrupt and hanker after power themselves.

At the present time I am not including Mr Y.P.Singh because at his
Press Conference he made one outstanding statement "Forget this
corruption that corruption .. the problem of the country is POPULATION
!!! "

Focus on population control and all other problems will melt away

Dear Shri Y.P.Singh

I don't know you, I've never met you. POPULATION Control is the
burning need of the hour, and I congratulate you for daring to say
what is politically unpalatable but TRUE..


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: 11 April 2011 12:29
Subject: Why as a former IPS officer I decided not be a part of Version Apr
2011 of Anna's Agitation

Dear All,

Thanks for your concern, Madhu Rayala.

Similar has been the concerns of many others who have repeatedly asked me
why I have not been a part of Anna's Agitation version April, 2011.

*My answer to all such concerns is as under:*


After I quit the Indian Police Service, it was my resolve not to become
member of any Government Committee. The reason is that if constructive
critics themselves become a part of any Government Committee then who will
be there to put forward a critical account of the final outcome. The
activist shall become a judge in this own cause, which would force him to
support an undesirable outcome. Now the position is that even if the Lokpal
Bill does not come upto the mark, Anna being a Member of the Committee shall
have to praise it.


I was the one of the first persons to have sat along with Anna for a couple
of days in his week-long Fast starting from 9th August, 2003. At that time I
was in the IPS and was posted as Commandant State Reserve Police Force,
Mumbai and which had caused a tremendous harm to my career at that time.

It was indeed an unprecedented step taken by any serving IPS officer at cost
of great harm to his career. *Hardly ever before any IPS or IAS officer had
the courage to openly align with Anti-Establishment activists while being in
service. Ironically, it has become a fashion among IAS/IPS Officers to turn
Anti-Establishment activists after retirement.*

To prove the above, a quote from Times of India of 1 June, 2003 is given
hereunder (Link placed at the end):

"Anna Hazare's experience in fighting corruption can help me improve my
performance as a police officer," said Mr Singh, who has upset the
establishment with his recent novel, 'Carnage by Angels', a thinly
fictionalised account of corruption in the force.[image:]

Explaining his hour-long meeting on Wednesday with the veteran crusader
against corruption, Mr Singh said, "If I want to plant trees, I will go to a
tree expert."

Mr Singh, the commandant of Group VIII of the State Reserve Police, said
that he met Mr Hazare to push his proposal that promotions and transfers
should be effected by a committee.

"The government can set up a committee comprising a retired high court judge
(appointed by the chief justice), the Lokayukta, an eminent citizen and two
former police commissioners who can vet the list of police officers to be
appointed to key posts," said Mr Singh, adding that the final decision could
be left to the government.

However, after some time I realised that my way was different. Hence I
decided to keep away from the April, 2011 version agitation of Anna.

There have been several people asking me why I did not join Anna's agitation
of April, 2011. I think I owe an answer to them. Hence state my reasons as


*(1)    Anna gets impressed by colour of authority – e.g. his getting
impressed with Sonia Gandhi:*

I have been seeing for the past 8 years of my association with Anna, he is
one person who gets impressed by the colour of authority. If a senior
politician or minister calls up, he gets overwhelmed. One can never fight
against an authority if you get impressed by his stature. His praise for
Sonia Gandhi is one such example. The effect of this praise was like a
pronouncement of a PR person trying to show that a corrupt government was

*(2) Anna rejoiced moving in Government Vehicles with Red Lamps – very
demeaning to activists:*

After the 9th August 2003 Anna started moving in Government Vehicles with
Red Lamps. I remember the only time I sat in a Government vehicle after I
quit the IPS was with Anna (Except a couple of times with my activist wife
Abha Singh in her Government Vehicle to attend her office functions where
spouse presence is expected, for which I had no courage to say No!).* (This
can be confirmed through RTI to General Administration Department,

*(3) Anna accepted Government Hospitality and stayed in Government Circuit
Houses meant for dignitaries high in protocol:*

Maharashtra Government in order to quell his voice, accorded great
hospitality to the willing Anna. He would often come to Mumbai and stay in
the posh Government Guest Houses like High Mount in Malabar Hill. These
guest houses were meant for government functionaries high on protocol. This
was highly objectionable for an activist fighting against the Government. If
an activist accepts government hospitality how can be fight against the

*(This can be confirmed through RTI to General Administration Department,

*(4)    To quell Anna, Government of Maharashtra accorded him de facto extra
constitutional authority to him:*

All limits were crossed when Anna became an extra constitutional authority
and started chairing meetings with IAS officers and other Mantralaya
officials in the Chief Minister's Conference Hall on the 6th Floor of
Mantralaya, Mumbai. Secretaries and Ministers would report to Anna of the
works being done by their respective department with reference to Anna's

*(Details of his meetings can be obtained through RTI to General
Administration Department, Mantralaya).*

*(5)    Anna's people, many in conflict with the cause were given office
space in Mantralaya to operate from there:*

Many of Anna's local associates, led by one property broker, were given
separate office space in Mantralaya. Anna's office started operating from
Mantralaya against all rules. It was just like Anna's men had started
running a parallel government. A history was created when an activist like
Anna Hazare, fighting against the Government, started operating from State
Secretariat itself. For a person like myself even though being in the IPS
has visited State Secretariat just 3-4 times in my entire service career,
this was unthinkable.

*(This can be confirmed through RTI to General Administration Department,

*(6)    Anna took papers from us on Adarsh so that 2 Union Ministers – Vilas
Rao Deshmukh and Sushil Shinde who are involved in Adarsh Scam be removed –
Suddenly Anna turned silent:*

The most serious thing happened when Anna's people kept on calling me up for
giving papers on details on Adarsh scam where 2 Union Cabinet Ministers,
namely, Sushil Shinde, and Vilas Rao Deshmukh were involved. I sent the
papers on the hope that Anna shall seek the ouster of Vilas Deshmukh and
Sushil Shinde from the Union Cabinet. However he never did so and turned
mysteriously silent on demanding the ouster of the 2 Union Cabinet Ministers
after taking papers and details from me.

*(7)    Anna took details on Lavasa Hill Station, which was declared illegal
solely based on our hard work, and where it was proved on document that
Supriya Sule, daughter of Shard Pawar held 21 % shares – these shares of a
Company worth many thousand crores were sold later at a pittance – Anna
suddenly turned silent on Pawar after taking details from us:*

Anna also sought details on Lavasa where because of my diligent efforts on
the legal side and along with untiring efforts Medha Patkar and her
co-activists, a brilliant case was made. The Central Government had to
declare that the project was illegal after a PIL was prepared by me and
filed by the Group of Medha Patkar. Further, there was documentary evidence
to show that the daughter of Sharad Pawar, Ms. Supiya Sule held 21 percent
share in this very high net worth Lavasa Corporation, having thousands of
acres of precious land. Most intriguingly, despite the fact that Ms. Sule
sold 21% share in this Company of many thousand crores, her net worth
remained just Rs. 42 crores! Had the transaction been true her net worth
should have been at least Rs. 500 to Rs. 1,000 crores. *Since Anna had taken
the details from us, we expected Anna would demand Sharad Pawar's
resignation but suddenly he remained silent, leaving us in the lurch to
fight the battle alone.*

What Anna has been doing since 2003 is being repeated once again. Anna and
his people have monopolised a Committee in toto and have anchored themselves
in Central Secretariat just the way they did in State Secretariat earlier.
Fair play and expediency commanded that Anna and his people should have been
out of the Committee and should have critically scrutinised the final
outcome. Unfortunately, now being a part of the Government, and singing
praises for Sonia, Anna has become a judge in his own case. Indeed, a grave
infringement of the rules of natural justice. Such an inconsistent venture
is bound to fail.


I think aforesaid shall explain why I decided not to be a part of April,
2011 version of Anna Hazare. By such specific reasons I may have made my
position clear.

Best wishes,

Y.P. Singh


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