Friday, October 19, 2012

Re: [HumJanenge] Why as a former IPS officer I decided not be a part of Version Apr 2011 of Anna's Agitation

Dear Col Narain
The country is surely heading for the Emergency which both the 2 big
parties want

On 10/19/12, jaiprakash narain <> wrote:
> Every educated n self conscious person may have or must have his own opinion
> regarding the current problems of the nation n there can be many as per the
> individual's thinking ie population is also one of them, castism may be
> other, so is poverty etc but the mother of all is corruption which has gone
> in our blood like a poison n killing the country's consciousness. In this
> country not a single politician can claim to be fully honest, if he is than
> he should not be in politics because than he can't support any political
> party in today's environment of politics. Blaming Anna for his past
> activities also, may not be correct in vive of his education n economical
> background, he has to make best use of what asset he had with him to fight
> these crooks of highest order n to increase his strength to present level.
> ________________________________
> From: Sarbajit Roy <>
> To: humjanenge <>;
> Sent: Thursday, 18 October 2012 6:02 PM
> Subject: [HumJanenge] Why as a former IPS officer I decided not be a part of
> Version Apr 2011 of Anna's Agitation
> 1) What the f*** is going in with these so-called anti-corruption fighters
> ???
> 2) On the day Arvind Kejriwal deliberately throws in the towel against
> Nitin Gadkarai and the BJP, coincidentally his former legal advisor
> and friend Y.P.Singh (ex-cop) diverts the issue away from BJP by
> raking up his same old 2011 allegations against NCP's Sharad Pawar and
> Lavasa (see para 7 of his email below). The BJP is the obvious
> beneficiary ... Team A, Team B. .. Team C. A new twist : Arvind
> Kejrwal was on Lavasa Inquiry Committee.
> 3) How long will this prolonged " TV reality show" go on and on and on
> and on ???. We are fed up. You jokers are getting BOOOORRRIIIINNNNGGGG
> !!!
> As a ordinary citizen here is what I feel. All these corruption
> fighters are corrupt and hanker after power themselves.
> At the present time I am not including Mr Y.P.Singh because at his
> Press Conference he made one outstanding statement "Forget this
> corruption that corruption .. the problem of the country is POPULATION
> !!! "
> Focus on population control and all other problems will melt away
> Dear Shri Y.P.Singh
> I don't know you, I've never met you. POPULATION Control is the
> burning need of the hour, and I congratulate you for daring to say
> what is politically unpalatable but TRUE..
> Sarbajit
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: <>
> Date: 11 April 2011 12:29
> Subject: Why as a former IPS officer I decided not be a part of Version Apr
> 2011 of Anna's Agitation
> To:
> Dear All,
> Thanks for your concern, Madhu Rayala.
> Similar has been the concerns of many others who have repeatedly asked me
> why I have not been a part of Anna's Agitation version April, 2011.
> *My answer to all such concerns is as under:*
> After I quit the Indian Police Service, it was my resolve not to become
> member of any Government Committee. The reason is that if constructive
> critics themselves become a part of any Government Committee then who will
> be there to put forward a critical account of the final outcome. The
> activist shall become a judge in this own cause, which would force him to
> support an undesirable outcome. Now the position is that even if the Lokpal
> Bill does not come upto the mark, Anna being a Member of the Committee shall
> have to praise it.
> I was the one of the first persons to have sat along with Anna for a couple
> of days in his week-long Fast starting from 9th August, 2003. At that time I
> was in the IPS and was posted as Commandant State Reserve Police Force,
> Mumbai and which had caused a tremendous harm to my career at that time.
> It was indeed an unprecedented step taken by any serving IPS officer at cost
> of great harm to his career. *Hardly ever before any IPS or IAS officer had
> the courage to openly align with Anti-Establishment activists while being in
> service. Ironically, it has become a fashion among IAS/IPS Officers to turn
> Anti-Establishment activists after retirement.*
> To prove the above, a quote from Times of India of 1 June, 2003 is given
> hereunder (Link placed at the end):
> "Anna Hazare's experience in fighting corruption can help me improve my
> performance as a police officer," said Mr Singh, who has upset the
> establishment with his recent novel, 'Carnage by Angels', a thinly
> fictionalised account of corruption in the force.[image:
> Explaining his hour-long meeting on Wednesday with the veteran crusader
> against corruption, Mr Singh said, "If I want to plant trees, I will go to a
> tree expert."
> Mr Singh, the commandant of Group VIII of the State Reserve Police, said
> that he met Mr Hazare to push his proposal that promotions and transfers
> should be effected by a committee.
> "The government can set up a committee comprising a retired high court judge
> (appointed by the chief justice), the Lokayukta, an eminent citizen and two
> former police commissioners who can vet the list of police officers to be
> appointed to key posts," said Mr Singh, adding that the final decision could
> be left to the government.
> However, after some time I realised that my way was different. Hence I
> decided to keep away from the April, 2011 version agitation of Anna.
> There have been several people asking me why I did not join Anna's agitation
> of April, 2011. I think I owe an answer to them. Hence state my reasons as
> under:
> *(1) Anna gets impressed by colour of authority – e.g. his getting
> impressed with Sonia Gandhi:*
> I have been seeing for the past 8 years of my association with Anna, he is
> one person who gets impressed by the colour of authority. If a senior
> politician or minister calls up, he gets overwhelmed. One can never fight
> against an authority if you get impressed by his stature. His praise for
> Sonia Gandhi is one such example. The effect of this praise was like a
> pronouncement of a PR person trying to show that a corrupt government was
> honest.
> *(2) Anna rejoiced moving in Government Vehicles with Red Lamps – very
> demeaning to activists:*
> After the 9th August 2003 Anna started moving in Government Vehicles with
> Red Lamps. I remember the only time I sat in a Government vehicle after I
> quit the IPS was with Anna (Except a couple of times with my activist wife
> Abha Singh in her Government Vehicle to attend her office functions where
> spouse presence is expected, for which I had no courage to say No!).* (This
> can be confirmed through RTI to General Administration Department,
> Mantralaya).*
> *(3) Anna accepted Government Hospitality and stayed in Government Circuit
> Houses meant for dignitaries high in protocol:*
> Maharashtra Government in order to quell his voice, accorded great
> hospitality to the willing Anna. He would often come to Mumbai and stay in
> the posh Government Guest Houses like High Mount in Malabar Hill. These
> guest houses were meant for government functionaries high on protocol. This
> was highly objectionable for an activist fighting against the Government. If
> an activist accepts government hospitality how can be fight against the
> Government.
> *(This can be confirmed through RTI to General Administration Department,
> Mantralaya).*
> *(4) To quell Anna, Government of Maharashtra accorded him de facto extra
> constitutional authority to him:*
> All limits were crossed when Anna became an extra constitutional authority
> and started chairing meetings with IAS officers and other Mantralaya
> officials in the Chief Minister's Conference Hall on the 6th Floor of
> Mantralaya, Mumbai. Secretaries and Ministers would report to Anna of the
> works being done by their respective department with reference to Anna's
> demands.
> *(Details of his meetings can be obtained through RTI to General
> Administration Department, Mantralaya).*
> *(5) Anna's people, many in conflict with the cause were given office
> space in Mantralaya to operate from there:*
> Many of Anna's local associates, led by one property broker, were given
> separate office space in Mantralaya. Anna's office started operating from
> Mantralaya against all rules. It was just like Anna's men had started
> running a parallel government. A history was created when an activist like
> Anna Hazare, fighting against the Government, started operating from State
> Secretariat itself. For a person like myself even though being in the IPS
> has visited State Secretariat just 3-4 times in my entire service career,
> this was unthinkable.
> *(This can be confirmed through RTI to General Administration Department,
> Mantralaya).*
> *(6) Anna took papers from us on Adarsh so that 2 Union Ministers – Vilas
> Rao Deshmukh and Sushil Shinde who are involved in Adarsh Scam be removed –
> Suddenly Anna turned silent:*
> The most serious thing happened when Anna's people kept on calling me up for
> giving papers on details on Adarsh scam where 2 Union Cabinet Ministers,
> namely, Sushil Shinde, and Vilas Rao Deshmukh were involved. I sent the
> papers on the hope that Anna shall seek the ouster of Vilas Deshmukh and
> Sushil Shinde from the Union Cabinet. However he never did so and turned
> mysteriously silent on demanding the ouster of the 2 Union Cabinet Ministers
> after taking papers and details from me.
> *(7) Anna took details on Lavasa Hill Station, which was declared illegal
> solely based on our hard work, and where it was proved on document that
> Supriya Sule, daughter of Shard Pawar held 21 % shares – these shares of a
> Company worth many thousand crores were sold later at a pittance – Anna
> suddenly turned silent on Pawar after taking details from us:*
> Anna also sought details on Lavasa where because of my diligent efforts on
> the legal side and along with untiring efforts Medha Patkar and her
> co-activists, a brilliant case was made. The Central Government had to
> declare that the project was illegal after a PIL was prepared by me and
> filed by the Group of Medha Patkar. Further, there was documentary evidence
> to show that the daughter of Sharad Pawar, Ms. Supiya Sule held 21 percent
> share in this very high net worth Lavasa Corporation, having thousands of
> acres of precious land. Most intriguingly, despite the fact that Ms. Sule
> sold 21% share in this Company of many thousand crores, her net worth
> remained just Rs. 42 crores! Had the transaction been true her net worth
> should have been at least Rs. 500 to Rs. 1,000 crores. *Since Anna had taken
> the details from us, we expected Anna would demand Sharad Pawar's
> resignation but suddenly he remained silent, leaving us in the lurch to
> fight the battle alone.*
> What Anna has been doing since 2003 is being repeated once again. Anna and
> his people have monopolised a Committee in toto and have anchored themselves
> in Central Secretariat just the way they did in State Secretariat earlier.
> Fair play and expediency commanded that Anna and his people should have been
> out of the Committee and should have critically scrutinised the final
> outcome. Unfortunately, now being a part of the Government, and singing
> praises for Sonia, Anna has become a judge in his own case. Indeed, a grave
> infringement of the rules of natural justice. Such an inconsistent venture
> is bound to fail.
> I think aforesaid shall explain why I decided not to be a part of April,
> 2011 version of Anna Hazare. By such specific reasons I may have made my
> position clear.
> Best wishes,
> Y.P. Singh
> *LINK:*
> )

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