Sunday, January 2, 2011

Re: [HumJanenge] Handing over the group ownership

Before Enforcing rules & regulation on this group, I here by request you all to keep in mind the Rights available to every citizen under this Constitution of India. The Part III of the constitution gives every citizen Fundamental Rights that is Equality before Law, Freedom of speech, Right to life & liberty including Right to privacy also which is been interpreted by the judiciary in many cases. "Keshavananda bharti V/s State of kerala is one the case which gives better understandings towards the Indian Constitution.
Before Enforcing the fresh rules ,please bring it to the domain of the group so that group members are able express there views.
This new rules should not allow the group to split.
Thank you

On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 4:34 PM, sroy 1947 <> wrote:
Dear All

This group (HumJanenge@googlegroups) has been at the receiving end of many actions to have it shut down. The Govt does not like us / this group. The Govt does not like RTI either. At the present time we are one of the few fora where unconventional views on RTI can be expressed by CITIZENS. We are being targeted by some NGOs who make crores of rupees from their RTI business and who want to shut us down. We anticipate that we shall be in court in the near future to keep this group going.

Due to his work, conflict of interest, and eminence, the current group owner is not in a position to defend / prosecute all these matters in person (despite his deep desire / commitment to do so) . At the same time we strongly stand for defending unmoderated / uncensored free speech to the max extent possible.

We have all therefore decided that temporarily that Mr. S.D. Sharma and I shall be "owning" this group and fighting the legal cases etc. As is well known, neither of us has a propensity to tolerate "nonsense", and we shall be enforcing the group regulations fairly / strictly so that there is no cause for vested interests to get more opportunities to spike this group.


On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 2:51 AM, Sanjeev Santoshi <> wrote:
Dear PMK

This is very unexpected news. HJ-google is the most dynamic e-group
for RTI citizens now have and all credits must go out to you and the
FORE team for this.

Many of us are curious who PMK really is. Will we ever know ?


On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 4:03 PM, PMK1504 <> wrote:
> Dear members
> This RTI google group was conceived only a few months ago to represent the
> Federation of Online RTI E-groups ("FORE").
> The concept of a Federation includes the amalgamation of individuals or
> groups who subscribe to common ideals / goals and a shared vision. In the
> Federation, the management of the components of the consortium is
> individually retained.
> I am pleased to say that the first phase of our Federation has been
> achieved. We now have 3,000 active members and  have successfully achieved
> our first engagement as a group with the Government over the RTI Rules
> amendment issue.
> It is now time for me to step down so that a moderator/owner of another
> group from the Federation can take over in 2011, and so that I can devote
> time to my own RTI mailing list which has been badly neglected.

K N Jagadesh Kumar

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