Saturday, January 1, 2011

Re: [HumJanenge] reg sedition

Dear Dr. Sharma:

Can you please share with me the views of other friends since
i guess the forwarded mail did not carry the full string of discussion.

With my Sincere Regards

Ashok Sharma

Reach out and touch someone with your Love & Gratitude.


--- On Sun, 2/1/11, Dr. Jagnarain Sharma <> wrote:

From: Dr. Jagnarain Sharma <>
Subject: Re: [HumJanenge] reg sedition
Date: Sunday, 2 January, 2011, 2:18 AM


On 12/31/10, K N Jagadesh kumar <> wrote:
> Dear Dwarkanath
> You have 100% with in the limit of Constitutionla Provisional, "Freedom of
> speech" which is a fundamental Right of every citizen.
> .
> Just because some one want to keep a watch on us , they just cant take our
> Fundemantal Rights .
> In Preamble it says " we the people of India, having solemly resolved to
> secure to all its citizens, The Justice, Liberty,Equality,Fraternity on
> 26/11/1949, do hereby Adopt, Enact, & Give to ourselves THIS CONSTITUTION.
> The Supremecourt Gave Direction to Trail court to finish the trial of
> Dr.Binayak sen & others within the decmeber 2010. we welcome this decision.
> why the same decision were not took in
> 1)"The Bhopal tragedy trial  which took 26 years to decide the fate of five
> lakh people's life?.
> 2) "The Bofors which is still investigated & the trial is run to find out
> the kick backs of defence deal?
> 3) Recently in the august 2010, in Bangalore Governmnet beggars colony at a
> time more than 286 beggars (Official record) died in a month. Governmnet
> ordered for COD enquirey. But even after four months the file is laying in
> the chief Minister of karanataka without any decision.
> Article -14 of Indian Constitution says" Equality before Law"
> This means Law is supreme and every citizen should be equally treated.
> But in reality poor peoples life doesn't have any value in INDIA.
> The amount of corruption in 2G, Adarsha, CWG, if at all Indian government
> wants a loan of 4 lakh crores from IMF or world bank we will be asked to
> pledge some states to get this loan amount .
> As you have rightly said, lets understand basic law of the land along with
> our Rights and duties which we are alredy abide.
> if at all any body feels that this does not fit in this groop discussion,
> you can remove me from the mailing address.
> At last "its my right to express" No body can take this including the system
> of the day.
> K N Jagadesh kumar
> Civil Contractor/RTI activist
> n Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 10:01 PM, Dwarakanath <>wrote:
>> friends, I do understand that there are a lot of its and buts in the
>> country as far as honesty or integrity or lawfulness or compliance with
>> laws
>> are concerned.  I am a born Indian and will be for ever. But being an
>> Indian, it is my fundamental duty, irrespective of what others do, to
>> abide
>> by the Constitution and strive to improve, educate the masses about their
>> rights, liberties and duty (under Article 51-A). I have to honestly  put
>> my
>> effort to bring peace and tranquility to the extent possible.   I believe
>> in
>> the mass understanding the law of the country and do their bit to not only
>> abide by it but also take corrective peaceful action wherever it is
>> necessary.  The country belongs to all of us  and not a private property
>> of
>> any individuals or any political parties.   I do not intend or attempt to
>> gain any name, fame or  rewards in this venture.  If my writings offend
>> any
>> of the groups or anybody else, they have the privilege either to ignore or
>> to block the display of write ups.Regards, dwarakanathdm,nbca
>>  On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 9:46 AM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
>>> Hi Dwarakanath /group
>>> I dont know in what context this definition has been uploaded, perhaps it
>>> refers to PMK's warnings in Binayak' Sens' discussions
>>> I surmise that PMK is concerned about members like Major Ravi who were
>>> similarly jailed for their utterances and now go about posting pro-Maoist
>>> comments on various unmoderated blogs and RTI groups purporting to be
>>> written to Constitutional Officers. To illustrate such utterances
>>> "This letter is a deliberate effort in that direction. The only other
>>> option available to me is to pray that the naxalites and maoists chose
>>> their
>>> targets correctly whenever they decide to strike because the other
>>> options-
>>> approaching the police or the judiciary- is beyond the pale of ordinary
>>> mortals in this country. It is pertinent to recall that as per the survey
>>> results of Transparency International the police and judiciary are the
>>> most
>>> corrupt institutions in this country which in turn is one of the most
>>> corrupt in the whole world. "
>>> We don't need a police officer like Amitabh Thakur, IPS to see that such
>>> statements would otherwise directly fall under definition of sedition you
>>> have uploaded except for the fig-leaf of its purportedly being written to
>>> a
>>> Chief Minister,
>>> Sarbajit
>>> On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 6:42 AM, Dwarakanath
>>> <>wrote:
>>>> Friends, I reproduce below the definition of 'sedition' under the Indian
>>>> Penal Code. for information:
>>>>   124-A:   *Sedition* – whoever by words, either spoken or written, or
>>>> by signs or by visible representation, or otherwise, brings or attempts
>>>> to
>>>> bring into hatred or contempt, or excites or attempts to excite
>>>> disaffection
>>>> towards, the Government established by law in India, shall be punished
>>>> with
>>>> imprisonment for Life, to which fine may be added, or with imprisonment
>>>> which may extend to three years, to which fine may be added, or with
>>>> fine.
>>>> [explanation-1- The expression "disaffection" includes disloyalty and
>>>> all
>>>> feelings of enmity, Explanation 2- Comments expressing disapprobation of
>>>> the
>>>> measures   of the Government with a view to obtain their alteration by
>>>> lawful means, without exciting or attempting to excite hatred, contempt
>>>> or
>>>> disaffection, do not constitute an offence under this section.
>>>> Explanation
>>>> 3- Comments expressing disapprobation of the administrative or other
>>>> action
>>>> of the Government without exciting or attempting to excite hatred,
>>>> contempt
>>>> or disaffection, do not constitute an offence under this section.
> --
> K N Jagadesh Kumar
> 9845500932

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