Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Re: [HumJanenge] How journalists and politicians are all sleeping together.

Let me clarify something...

Mr. Roy, first of all you should stop using such word F... and Haramis.. nobody has given you such authority

Other points:
I don't accept anything whatever you have said about Shailesh Gandhiji. I am from Mumbai and know him since 2005. he was a person who left his business and dedicated himself for RTI. he never begged anybody for IC position.He has got this due to his public virtue.

You are saying you have nothing to do with the RTI then:
1. Why did you copy other's intellectual property (Brand name "Hum Janenge", this belongs to people using RTI, all of them are citizen ) you could keep any other name or start a fresh. Isn't your intention to gain short term popularity?
2. If this forum was not for meant for RTI why did you use such highly unacceptable language. If the group is not meant only for RTI, you should have avoided such language.

Don't you think you are behaving like as a dictator and you are facing seriously a political problem where you want to use this group as your mouthpiece and nobody should act against your will?

I suggest you should create a separate group as your mouthpiece and let Mr. Sharma and all other people who are interested on such thing should debate there. This group should be made significant to its brand name and as a tribute to Shri Prakash Kardlayji, to whom we  all debtor and you are more as you have stolen the group name to gain instant popularity, promote RTI in well manner, it doesn't matter who is using or who is misusing it. or else allow everybody to post their content even political or social.


On 16 February 2011 18:43, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
Dear Guptaji

Your post has deeply wounded me. Let me list MY grievances against YOU !

1) First of all I am NOT and RTI "activist". So there is no question of my having anything to do with "other" activists or wanting to cut them to size.

2) Secondly I am not your "colleague".

3) Thirdly, I do not "lead" anything, nor do I want to be "leading" anything.

4) Fourthly I am simply a private citizen, leading a simple and honest life. I can say with great pride that I have not  taken even 1 rupee from anyone for my "social work".

5) Fifthly, all the people you have named as leading RTI activists are all (without exception) part of a massive foreign financed network of haramis. They are out to scuttle the RTI Act and render it useless for ordinary citizens. Wajahat Habibullah is only the public face of this f*** RTI movement - the others are the sly behind the scene operators  - ex babus all  !!!-

6) Sixthly when Govind agrees with me that ALL CCICs and ICs are corrupt, then should I keep quiet about Mr Habibullah, Mr Gandhi, Mr Ansari etc. FYI when I say that ALL ICs are corrupt to some degree, even those ICs will agree with me.

7) Seventhly, Mr Gandhi's corruption is legendary. You just don't know about it, as yet !!!

8) Eightly, when Mr Shekhar Singh openly admits that he is financed by Google (in crores) for his RTI activities, do you trust him to to represent YOU/the People or Google & other foreigners ??? Please be honest.for once !!

9) When Aruna Roy so "selflessly" declines to take even 1 rupee as salary, and puts in sooo much work at the NAC (she is on each and every Working group - except 1), should we not look these gift horses in the mouth ? Ask yourself this, we all know that she lives in Delhi (see CIC records), yet she dutifully claims her conveyance / TA./ DA / flights from Tilonia to New Delhi :-) :) No wonder the NAC has a 30 lakh travel budget just for AR and SG (Sonia NOT Shailesh).

10) Lastly the agenda of this group is PUBLIC. You can read it on the homepage. My only desire is to file "responsible" RTIs as a citizen of a free republic and get the information speedily. Unfortunately because of these haramis that golden age has not dawned on India. Into that heaven of freedom let my country awake !!!


On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 5:30 PM, M.K. Gupta <> wrote:
I request Mr. Roy to disclose his hidden agenda.  It seems to me to hit all other leading RTI activists like (all Shri ) Subhash Chander Agarwaq, Arvind Kejriwal, Aruna Rao, Shekhar Singh and all other those who matter.  He even does not spare former CCIC, Mr. Wajahat Habibullah and present Hon IC Shri Shailesh Gandhi. It seems that there should be only one active and leading activist and all other shld be cut to sizes so that he can claim that he is taller than others.
I apologe for such terse comments and was not able to contro myself in the face of arogance of our one of our colleagues. . 

"The world suffers a lot. Not because of the violence of bad people,
But because of the silence of good people!"


Govind- 9960704146

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