Wednesday, November 21, 2012

FW: [IAC++] How Denmark has curbed corruption? c link

To Mr Anand Gupta, forwarded for information pleae, Regards, K.V. Srinivasan, Camp, USA

Subject: RE: [IAC++] How Denmark has curbed corruption? c link
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2012 02:11:14 +0530

Respected Col.Mahesh Khera,
Thanks for your e-mail & its useful contents.
I fully agree with your approach to eradicate corruption in India.
I am a native of Bangalore, Karnataka, India (No. 13 & 14,   1st
Main, 5th Phase, 1st Stage, West  of  Chord  Road,   Bangalore-
560044, ph: 91-80-23386738),  retired  Civil  Engineer  from   a
public sector bank and now practicing  as a Chartered Engineer,
Registered Valuer & Arbitration Consultant in Bangalore. 
I am now in USA on vacation(# 282, Jurgens Drive, Milpitas, CA,
95035, USA) and will be  back in Bangalore around the 15th Feb
2013. I do  extensively  travel in  USA, meet people   of  several
nationalities including Indians and at first hand, I   am observing
the level of corruption in USA,  which I firmly  say NIL,   I repeat
NIL, in day-to-day life of middle class (or service class)    people.
In contrast, in Bangalore, my home town, I  find quite unbearab-
le difficulty in dealing with the most non-co-operative      officials
(from peon to babus to officers to top boss)  in  every      area of
governmenet activity. Since, we have an elected Govt. to run the
show, we are compelled with lot of unbearable patience   to wait,
wait and wait for getting results to our satisfaction.  If that is the
problem being faced by a qualified person like me, I can imagine
the problems and predicaments   of ordinary un-educated person
in India to get results.
Sir, what is the way out?
I feel the top boss in every Dept.of the Govt. (including top bosses
in  Private,  Public  Sector,  Govt.  aided  institutions)  be      made
accountable for any thing , let it be delay, non-co-operation by his
staff, lethargy of his staff. This accountability should be in the form 
of demotion and /or dismissal from  service  of the top boss for not
giving results within specified time.
I every place in India, I suggest that the IAC should create an AAB
(Aam Aadmi Brigade),  comprising  dedicated  people,  who should
walk into the Govt., Dept., with an Aam Aadmi Gandhi Cap      and
demand results , which the Govt. Dept. has not complied with. This
may be as trivial as getting a ration card, a driving licence,    to get-
ting sanction for entrepreuneral enterprises.  For this purpose,   the
IAC team already functioning need full support from all of us.. I  am
with this IAC team.
I am with you in your efforts. It  will  be  my   pleasure to be of any
asistance to you in achieving ZERO corruption in India.
K.V. Srinivasan,
# 282, Jurgens Drive, Milpitas, CA, 95035, USA


Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 01:00:21 -0800
Subject: Re: [IAC++] How Denmark has curbed corruption? c link

Hi Arun,

Surely, your point is valid, ultimately, it is the man behind the gun. However, in many routine automation of functions, the dependency of man can be completely done away with. The classic example is banking. Pl recall, how ICICI and HDFC etc made debut with automation and they succeeded in all urban market in nineties and semi urban market in the previous decade. Seeing their astounding success, PSU banks have also improved now though it has taken them around 15-20 years or so but today in CBS branches of PSU banks, no one is dependent upon bank babus. 

All we need is to demand two things from the govt, Jan Lokpal bill and 5 years implementation of fool proof NeGP under the direct charge of PMO. If IAC can do their home work, they should just swamp the nation, mobilize the people with these two demands only and force the govt to give monthly progress of NeGP on national TV by IT secy and on regional TV by state IT secy. Non achievement of time bound targets should result in heads roll. Watch the most lethal combination of Jan Lokpal and NeGP in the world working wonders in 1.2 billion strong and 50 % illiterate  India. 90 % netas, babus, police, judges and crony capitalists will be turned around by the same Indian people who have been taken for a ride for last 65 years and at least 90 % corruption will vanish by 2017 and 10 % corruption will land the people responsible in jail. India jumps to 41 rank in least corrupt nations index just after 40 developed countries.  
Jai Hind

With warm regards,

Col Mahesh Khera

From: arun joshi <>
To: Mahesh Khera <>
Cc: "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 21 November 2012 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: [IAC++] How Denmark has curbed corruption? c link

Dear Col Khera,
Pardon the interruption.
I was fortunate to attend a course MMA (ADP) in 1987 (Middle Management appreciation- automated data processing) There was one prayer our instructors recited daily.........
"Gentlemen ,these systems as they evolve are support systems. Remember it is absolutely essential for the man behind the machine to be true to his job.
I fully subscribe to your views of e governance. It will assist in reducing corruption to a discernible extent. However not until our genes (especially Govt servants) are completely overhauled would we see an improvement. 
I am presently struggling to obtain a birth certificate. Struggling because I refused to pay the Lady Rs 1000/-. RTI and a personal interview with the Commissioner of the City has not helped as yet. 
Nevertheless I have not yet lost hope.
With Regards

On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 4:16 PM, Mahesh Khera <> wrote:
Dear M/s Kris and Iftikhar,

We must thank you for bringing out such live examples to the people of India. I am happy to see this as also the curiosity of the people as to when a small democratic country like Denmark can be No 1 least corrupt country then India the world's greatest democracy can also be similar.

I must share with you that in Oct 2010, in a seminar on mobile broadband, I brought out that Denmark has achieved No 1 rank in least corrupt index due to their commitment to implement their national e governance program. The two secys to the government of India were on the chair. Secy DoT just dismissed me that I do not know any thing that India has a National E Governance Plan (NeGP) 2005 and this is under implementation. The other gentleman, Chairman TRAI did appreciate what I said and he was of the opinion that India seriously needs to look at what Denmark has done. For Danish NeGP, they have had huge broadband penetration in the country over which their NeGP, inter-alia,  touching upon every national infrastructure project right from e-RFP, to e-tendering, e-bidding, e-purchase order, e-implementation monitoring and e-operations monitoring has been included. You can imagine our NeGP 2005, the less said the better. We had 2G scam, CWG scam, Coal scam, host of mining, land, power scams and so on. Going forward, we have a $ trillion financial outlay in our 5 year plan, an unlimited money for nation building and some people must be licking their fingers. Suppose, we were actually implementing the real NeGP 2005, all these scams would not have been there. If at all some one does then the e evidence which is indelible in nature can nail the person(s) and within less than a year, the guilty is/are prosecuted, sentenced and find themselves in jail. Imagine, the huge deterrent which true NeGP can bring to the corruption. This is what Denmark has successfully implemented.

I would be happy to contribute to the real India's NeGP through Telecom, Media and Technology (TMT) which in conjunction with Jan Lok Pal can give 90 % relief to India from corruption. For more details, would request you to please click the URL
With warm regards,

Col Mahesh Khera

From: Kris Dev <>
Sent: Monday, 19 November 2012 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: [IAC++] How Denmark has curbed corruption? c link


I like the way Denmark has done. Do you think it's possible in India? If yes, how do we make it happen?


Kris Dev

"He/she should not do that which he/she knows to be wrong, and suffer the consequence whatever it may be, this is the key to the use of soul-force." ( Hind Swaraj , p. 69).



Col Arun Joshi(Veteran)

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