Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I agree with the views with the author as stated below. It is true that the Mr. Anna should contest the elections as early as possible and win all the 500 seats as a majority.

But by doing so, I am confident that congress will win. As 60 - 70 percent of the indian population (who are breeding to produce more offsprings) are poor and pay no tax to government or society and they are not in condition to understand the responsibility of the government and its implications, they understand only "notes" and not value of their votes. By getting notes, they gain money as they have nothing to lose.

So technically, the remaining populations (who have something to lose) have to suffer the choice of such "poor" people. And government is systematically RAPING the indian population who has something, then there is inflation and what not problem.

Now if Anna stands for election, he has to win the "poor" population votes, which poor will not vote for ANNA, considering the money offered by the Congress. And then he will get money instantaneously and vote for congress. either way he will remain poor and his next generation will remain poor.

For any "Honest Person" (Maybe Kej / Anna) to win in elections, he must have the capability of corrupting the poor people votes.

Also if one cannot defeat any power ful party, he must combine forces with the rival of enemy, enemies enemy is our friend. Even the author below is barking on the sun, as we are helpless in such causes.

The opinions are hard, but are stark true and clear.


Mr. Hemant Kshirsagar

On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 9:41 AM, Israel Jayakaran <> wrote:
Dear Mr. Venkataraman,
         I am a Chennaitte and reside in Madhvaram.
         I honestly believe that both Anna Hazare and Kjriwal are barking at the Sun;  they will get no result through the modus perandi  they are folowing. You are quite right in saying that the movement has been derailed. Corruption is so steeped in our land that it would be impossible to eliminate it by any conventional methods. You need a downright majpr surgical operation whereof all the organs are replaced with new ones !!!. Alternatively, only God could clean up our system  by awarding instant punishsment to those  who indulge in it. But, that's only a dream.
         I think there is a better and absolutely positive  method for eradicating corruption and introducing a clean life: a single party government formed by Anna Hazare team with honest people at the helm and with a thumping majority .  Anna could win the next general elections with around 500 LS seats if he and his team members travel the length and breadth of India promising a clean government for the nation wherof a person would feel proud to be an Indian enjoying all the rights of a citizen in a democratic set up.[Recall to mind the method adoped by N.T.Rama rao in AP some 30 years back and he swept the polls.  Why can't that happen now?] He then could introduce any law and any punihment for the offenders;  he could have ministers of great integrity and commitment.  There is no limit to what he could do to clean up the stables. 
       One must remember that the voters are fed up both with Congress and BJP. But then where is the alternative?  This is where Anna fits in.  People believe him and they woud vote for him. 
       Anna could be a father figure ensuring that only clean and honest persons stand for elections and run the government.He should route out mercilesslyanyone indulging in any kind of misdeeds while in the government.
       But as of now, Anna is not interested to enter politics nor start a political movement..  This is a  wrong notion on his part.Could you goad him into the new approach as suggested herein.  All of us should.  At least he could lend his name for the movement for some committed persons to travel round the land and give promises.  We have some 15 months for the job. If we miss this opportunity, the land would be under Congress or BJP for five more years and India would revel in inefficiency, money making processes and all kinds of mal practices.
      If you  agree with me, write to Anna.
                          Israel Jayakaran, Colonel (Retd), veteran, Chennai.[Tele: 42809079]
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 5:04 PM

Nandini Voice For The Deprived
M 60/1, 4th Cross Street,
Besant Nagar,
Tel:- 24916037






With the image of being a Gandhian and using the Gandhian tool of fasting ,when Anna Hazare launched a nationwide anti corruption movement  ,there was genuine support and appreciation from all quarters However, when Anna Hazare   said that Lokpal Bill would be the ultimate tool to root out corruption in India ,many people disagreed  with him  while still having faith in Anna Hazare's the cause. It is a tragedy that the Anna Hazare's movement got diluted with all and sundry getting into the bandwagon and thus the  sense of direction was lost.


When Anna Hazare's movement inevitably collapsed  due to  the use of vituperative language and sort of coercive tactics ( with people like Ramdev facing tax evasion charges  also  being associated  in some way), Anna Hazare has to withdraw the movement for all practical purposes.


Now, Anna Hazare has announced that he would revive the anti corruption movement and has formed a new team. It remains to be seen as to whether Anna Hazare's move to provide second birth to anti corruption movement would take off.  Of course, his movement and pronouncement would be covered in the sensation  hungry media.  But, what is important is not the media coverage but creating faith amongst the people that the revived anti corruption movement would do good to the country. Considering the fact that Anna Hazare would continue to adopt the same strategies of whipping up mass hysteria, it is more than likely that his movement would remain only as the movement of sensation.


Today, in India, corruption exists at all levels and in every field of activity.  One cannot even cremate a human body in India today without paying bribe money.  Therefore, the battle against corruption should be fought in the minds and  hearts of people if it were to provide the intended results,where individuals in large number would  be  willing to sacrifice the personal benefits and comforts for the sake of anti corruption cause. Whether the new team formed by Anna Hazare would aim at such level of micro level campaign against corruption without politicalising it remains to be seen and in all probability , it is unlikely. 


While the large section of country men  feeling sad about the petering of  Anna Hazare's movement , Kejriwal and his friends tried to fill the vacuum, giving an entirely new colour to the anti corruption movement. The dignity associated with Anna Hazare movement is not evident in the antics of Kejriwal and he has virtually brought the movement into ridicule  by   leveling allegations from public platforms and through media and without adopting the due process of law to expose the corrupt people.  His method  is one of provoking hatred about people whom he selects for targeting at his whims and fancies.


Further, Kejriwal's source of funding are being openly questioned by several well meaning people and  lack of transparency is obvious.  Kejriwal and his associates do not have the wisdom and maturity to understand  that   violent accusations  and use of abusive language will have only short term gains and will not sustain any movement.


The average Indian can see through the game  of the politicians and activists ,as has been repeatedly revealed by the defeat of several political parties being removed from power during the elections.  Certainly, people do not approve such antics and do not trust the media beyond a level.


Kejriwal has derailed the anti corruption movement by trying to step into the shoes of Anna Hazare  by playing to the gallery.  The anti corruption movement in the country is back to square one now. 


While Kejriwal and his associates will go into oblivion after the next parliament elections with people rejecting their methods and outlook, the forces of corruption will remain undefeated. The country will continue to search for new messiah.With       the  damage done now by Kejriwal   and the anti corruption movement now becoming a matter f of stage shows , it appears that  the country has to look beyond people like Anna Hazare  and Kejriwal.

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