Thursday, November 1, 2012

Re: [HumJanenge] Re A new political set up for India.

i have my apprehension about my being able to garner support , since i retd fairly young in service as a consequence of which  do not weild any influence
may b a retd gen offr cud handle this better
however an effort shall b made in this regard
jai hind

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 11:53 AM, rs chhikara <> wrote:
Dear All

Further to my post of yesterday, I am attaching two documents;
1. Engineering Substantive Change.......................
2. Open Letter to Narendra Bhai MODI.

The initiative is already underway. Members on this group may please examine this humble suggestion and respond.

Thanks and regards

Brig R S Chhikara

From: Israel Jayakaran <>
Sent: Tuesday, 30 October 2012 8:44 AM
Subject: [HumJanenge] Re A new political set up for India.

        I have said so many times and I am repeating it here.  A. Hazare's mission of eradicating corruption through Lok Pal bill will not work at  all.  Our politicians are  experts at finding loopholes in any  law and make the law non-operational. If there are no loop holes,  they could also create a couple and completely kill the bill putting the country back in square one..
            I feel in ther  present scenario, the only way to clean up the dirty stables is to win the elections  with a thumping majority and run the land with a clean administration and  with clean people.  More Defence service oficers and others need to join politics.
        If Anna and Gen V.K.Singh and their team,  travel the length and breadth of the country promising the voters a selfless government,  a completely selfless one, people will believe them because Anna has a halo round his head. .  The current atmosphere is such that people are fed up both with the Congress and BJP.  They are looking for an altenative. But where is it? Anna, I believe, is that alternative.  He could be a father figure and need not enter politis himself.
      Will some 100 odd Defence people get together and persuade Anna to form a party - I have suggested the name HONEST PEOPLE'S PARTY and fight the 2013 elections.  My forecast is that HPP could easily win 500 odd seats.  Then Anna's party  could run the country according to its policies. Will you please think it over and take the initiative in this regard.  I am too old (86 yrs) to take any active part in this mission. However, I could provide the think tank.   
      Do respond to this mail.
                             Israel Jayakaran, Colonel (Retd), Signals, veteran, Chennai.  (1947 batch)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [HumJanenge] Inida against corruption - a new approach

the idea is laudable
let us create a team /representatives of like minded people , to start with, all those who have given their views , and make a determined effort to convince Anna and Arvind to forget the differences, bond and take the lead and extricate the nation from the muck we are in today 

On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 12:31 PM, devinder chopra <> wrote:
It seems and appears that each one is a "pithoo" of some other, in the political field and out to protect his/her one flank or the other.

What and how much can we protect ourselves from the murky leadership all over corrupt or UN-corrupt?!
dev chopra

On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 6:41 AM, Joyprakash Chhetry <> wrote:
Dear Israel.,
This is a wonderful method. However, Anna has cocooned himself. I had written similarly many times to IAC for Anna to come out and field his candidates before its too late. People are looking for alternatives. Kejriwal will corner some seats but thats not enough. Further, he's silent about Sharad Pawar, which gives signal that perhaps he is being financed by him. We must find a very reliable person to go to his address and council him for a week. Then see what he says. Same with Baba Ramdev. he's a willing horse.

From: Israel Jayakaran <>
Sent: Sunday, 21 October 2012 4:53 PM
Subject: [HumJanenge] Inida against corruption - a new approach

Dear friends,
          Will the method adopted by Kejriwal work? How many corrupt politicians is he going to expose?  Won't it take him decades to deal with thousands of thieves.What would be the result anyway. Exposure inpublic will bring about nothing. Will they get punished?  Who will punish them?.  True, their image will be tarnished.  But they couldn't care less about it.  They need money and they have it.
          The present method followed by IAC will not put an end to corruption.Never.  IAC is only barking at a dry tree.  I feel the only method is for Anna Hazaare to enter politics, fight the next 2014 election with him as the chair person., capture power  all by himself and clean the stable.  He can deal with the corrupt according to his way then.
            I am sure he can corner around 500 Lok Sabha seats if he travels the length and breadth of the counry in the next two years or so promising the people a clean and corruption free  administration  and make the quality of life of every citizen to a top order.An Indian will enjoy his rights as a citizen.  No one could rob it from him. Thisis what he needs to promise in his political speech all over theland. There are more and will be revealed later. Every Indian will feel proud then.  Today, we as Indians are a nobody.  We cannot excercise any right; for that matter we don't even know what our rights are. This should be assured to the people.  People will believe him because he has a halo round his head.
           He is worried about the finance.  I had suggested that anyone wanting to join his party, which may be called HONEST PEOPLE's party(HPP) would have to become a member by paying Rs. 50 per year. He must start on a recruitment drive and it won't be difficult to muster around 10 lakh members to start with;  the servicemen and exservicemen would be the prime members and his backbone as well.  The service personnel will gladly join.  His first round of collection may go up to Rs. 10 crore which is enough for his team to travel round. Remember, this is how NT Ramarao overthrew the giant congress in AP and  came to  power with absolute  majority some 30 years back. Why can't such a revolutionary wave take place on an all India basis?  The voters are fed up both with ther  Congress and BJP.  They are looking around for an alternative.  Where is that alternative?  HPP would be that party.
         I had made this suggestion to Anna but I wonder if his team had  put up my mail to him.  Certainly not. Would you please try and persuade him to lend his name for a political upheaval. He needs to be the father of the party and not head it as a future prime minister.
        Let us goad Anna to come out of his shell and form the party.  This is a better tool to fight corruption ad eliminate it than the one being followed now. 
        If you agree with my suggestion, please go ahead and set the ball rolling. You are welcome to exchange notes with me.
                              Israel Jayakaran, Colonel (Retd), Signals,  Veteran, Chennai. 

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