Sunday, November 25, 2012

Re: [IAC++] Know your new IAC team

This is a bogus list. I have tried to reply several times but the moderators block my replies. In fact I have seen many mails saying I am the one running this list. Sorry to all the pathetic chaps running this list, I don't have time for such idiocy!

On 25 November 2012 21:10, ashutosh singh <> wrote:

I want to know is this the official mailing list of IAC Movement or a fake list. Please let me know so that I can decide if I wish to continue being on the list or not.


On Sun, Nov 25, 2012 at 5:23 PM, Ash IAC-Media <> wrote:
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Tomorrow, 26/11  a new chapter will commence in the India Against Corruption story. 26/11 is an important day for India, on that day the Constitution of India was adopted. More importantly for IAC, it is also the day when foreign mercenaries sent by our enemies invaded our soil and massacred so many of us in cold blood in Mumbai and the nation looked on helplessly as security forces (equipped with  obsolete.arms and sub-standard  battle-gear looted by politicians) took days to flush out a mere 10 terrorists.

The OLD Motto of the Hindustan Republican Army (which now is back in control of the IAC movement) and which got us Independence from foreign rule rings forth afresh from today

"Eradicate Corruption wherever it exists on Indian soil by any means as necessary."

Today, IAC gives you a brand new team of seasoned corruption fighters to take the movement ahead. In the next week I will be introducing you to them. Today I begin with our officiating National Convenor "Sarbajit".

National Media Coordinator (IAC)

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"Dr". Sarbajit Roy is a leading social activist and anti-corruption fighter. A qualified Mechanical Engineer from the Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) Pilani, Sarbajit is known for his plain speaking, abrasive writing and warm heart.

A reformed computer hacker who had written India's first computer virus in 1983 and was briefly on the FBI's most wanted list of international cyber criminals, Roy has also successfully filed/argued in person many Public Interest Petitions in the Supreme Court of India since 1980's which have exposed corporate scandals including the "1-G telecom scandal" of the BJP where then Union Telecom Minister Pramod Mahajan had to resign inside a month and unpaid fees and penalties of Rs. 5,000 crores were recovered within 100 days, the "Set-Top-Box scam" in which dangerous reconditioned devices were being corruptly imposed on citizens of 4 metros by BJP at 10 times their cost and for which another Minister resigned, the "Delhi industries sealing drama" of the Congress Party involving land rackets with scandals of senior judges etc.

As an information activist since 1982 and a prolific user of RTI process since 2001, Sarbajit Roy participated extensively in the drafting of the Delhi RTI Act 2001 and also the RTI Act 2005.  In 2005, Sarbajit filed India's first national RTI application, the first RTI Complaint as well as the first RTI Appeal to the Central Information Commission. In 2006 Sarbajit brought the private electricity companies of Delhi (DISCOMS) under RTI, but the matter is in Court. In 2009, Roy got the highly unpopular Central Information Commission Regulations struck down by the Delhi High Court.

Sarbajit Roy is the Chief Moderator of India's largest RTI group the "Humjanenge" (We shall know) people's movement. On behalf of the Humjanenge he exposed the illegal functioning of UIDAI (an invasive project to extract biometrics of Indian citizens) to public scrutiny using RTI in 2010. In 2010 Roy also forced the National Advisory Council (an extra-constitutional power centre to allow foreign spies to function from under Ms. Sonia Gandhi's petticoats) to appoint a functioning Public Information officer.

In September 2012, Sarbajit was invited by Dr. Sanyal (President of the registered association India Against Corruption) to officiate as National Convenor of the India Against Corruption 'Jan Andolan' (people's movement) after many senior IAC personalities were found to be proxies for politicians and corporate interests and could not be trusted to lead the movement forward honestly.


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