Wednesday, October 17, 2012

[HumJanenge] Re: CONFIDENTIAL: Gross delay in resolving my outstanding Public Grievances

Mr. S.K.Sarkar
Addl. Secretary (S&V) / DoPT

Sub: 3 of my pending Public Grievances filed on 03.May.2012 registered
as DOPAT/E/2012/00352 , DOPAT/E/2012/00353 and DOPAT/E/2012/00354 but
not replied / disposed.


Respected Sir

Further to my email below, it occurs to me that you may not be privy
to the information I recorded on the DARPG''s website on 15.10.2012.
Accordingly, I am reproducing the same below for your ready reference
and record.

"Mr. Pradeep Kumar Mishra IAS, Secretary DoPT, has mischievously
interfered to ensure that my public grievances into rampant improper
conduct of Mr. Shailesh Gandhi, ex Central Information Commissioner,
are unresolved and to shield previous Secretaries of the DoPT. I
apprehend the same was done for corrupt reasons so that the regular
misuse of official stationery and the official seal of the Central
Information Commission by Mr. Gandhi to write anti-national and
seditious letters which were thereafter published on various internet
resources which promote and propagate Naxalism was not investigated by
the concerned security agencies. The specific letter I complained
about bears reference number CIC/PM/RM/2012-023 dt. 26.March.2012 on
Nuclear Safety Regulatory Bill issued by Mr. Gandhi which is
separately on file in DoPT."

Accordingly, I am now aggrieved that Mr. P,.K.Misra has corruptly
engineered that my very long pending public grievances against Mr.
Shailesh Gandhi are sent for resolution to the organisation headed by
Mr. Satyananda Mishra (a previous Secretary/DoPT) who improperly added
Mr. Shailesh Gandhi's name to the "decided list" of persons to be
selected as Information Commissioner in the first place, and I say
that the sudden inclusion of Mr Gandhi's name was very hastily done
at the behest of Chairperson NAC to prevent disclosure under RTI of
certain pending blackmailing RTIs filed by Mr. Shailesh Gandhi or
through his close associate Mr Arvind Kejriwal into Chairperson NAC's
personal affairs, trusts and foundations and also her private family

Hence I again request you formally to forward my complaints against
Mr. P.K.Misra to the Cabinet Secretariat for expeditious action, and
under advice to me.

yours faithfully,

Sarbajit Roy

B-59 Defence Colony
New Delhi 110024
Tel : 0931448069

On 10/17/12, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
> To:
> Mr. S.K.Sarkar
> Addl. Secretary (S&V) / DoPT
> Sub: 3 of my pending Public Grievances filed on 03.May.2012 registered
> as DOPAT/E/2012/00352 , DOPAT/E/2012/00353 and DOPAT/E/2012/00354 but
> not replied / disposed.
> 17-Oct-2012
> Respected Sir
> I refer to my emails below, and all other emails sent to yourself and
> various officers of the DoPT on this subject.
> Firstly, it is a matter of great shame that the DoPT sits on my
> pending public grievances for over 5 months and does nothing till
> yesterday
> Secondly, that the DoPT does nothing on my pending grievances till I
> complain and record on the website of the DARPG's PGPORTAL on
> 15.10.2012 that Mr. P.K.Mishra Secretary DoPT is a corrupt officer who
> is improperly influenced to delay resolution of my long pending
> grievances.
> Thirdly that on 16.10.2012, ie the very next day after I publicly
> complain and record on the Public Grievance portal that Mr
> P.K.Mishra/Secretary/DoPT is a corrupt officer, my 3 pending
> grievances are closed with the cryptic comment that "Your grievance is
> being sent seperately to Secretary, CIC". As a citizen of India I
> demand to know as follows - "What the fuck were you people doing for 5
> months ?"
> Fourthly, I am fully pressing my complaint, made to you, that Mr.
> P.K.Mishra is a corrupt officer who has interfered in the resolution
> of my pending public grievances for improper considerations. You are
> obliged in law to convey my complaint against him forthwith to the
> Cabinet Secretariat/Group of Secretaries for final disposal. If you do
> not do so, it would equally constitute a corrupt action. Kindly note
> that I shall be filing an RTI on this topic to ensure that documents
> are not destroyed, as is usually done in my matters.
> Fifthly, I would request you to formally inquire if the hurried
> decision to close my pending grievances by forwarding the same to the
> Secretary CIC has the mandatory approval of the Secretary/DoPT as also
> the Minister since my grievance has been unresolved for over the
> settled period of 2 months to dispose of the same, and their approvals
> are hence necessary.
> yours faithfully,
> Sarbajit Roy
> B-59 Defence Colony
> New Delhi 110024
> Tel : 0931448069
> On 10/11/12, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
>> Date 11-Oct-2012
>> To:
>> Mr. S.K.Sarkar
>> Addl. Secretary (S&V) / DoPT
>> Sub: 3 of my pending Public Grievances filed on 03.May.2012 registered
>> as DOPAT/E/2012/00352 , DOPAT/E/2012/00353 and DOPAT/E/2012/00354 but
>> not replied / disposed.
>> Respected Sir
>> I refer to my emails of 6-Oct-2012 addressed to you and appended below.
>> It is a matter of regret that I have not received any acknowledgment of
>> my
>> emails. Had an acknowledgment been provided I would have bided my time
>> secure in the knowledge that the Govt would consider my lis eventually.
>> Instead now I am constrained to doubt even your honesty, integrity
>> and efficiency.
>> I would therefore request you to kindly inform me if you are prepared
>> to acknowledge receipt of my complaint against the Secretary/DoPT
>> or not.
>> If I do not hear from you within 72 hours, I shall presume that you are
>> not prepared to received my complaint against the Secretary.
>> Sarbajit Roy
>> B-59 Defence Colony
>> New Delhi 110024
>> Tel : 0931448069
>> On 10/6/12, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
>>> To:
>>> Mr. S.K.Sarkar
>>> Addl. Secretary (S&V) / DoPT
>>> Date: 06-Oct-2012
>>> Sub: 3 of my pending Public Grievances filed on 03.May.2012 registered
>>> as DOPAT/E/2012/00352 , DOPAT/E/2012/00353 and DOPAT/E/2012/00354 but
>>> not replied / disposed.
>>> Respected Sir
>>> Further to my recent email appended below.
>>> 1) I am making the complaint against the Secretary of the Department
>>> of Personnel and Training.
>>> 2) My complaint is that the Secretary has been corrupted to ensure
>>> that my 3 pending PUBLIC GRIEVANCES are not resolved within the norms
>>> set down and applicable to his Department.
>>> 3) My Complaint is specific that it pertains to serious allegations of
>>> A) Misuse of official stationery and official seal of the Central
>>> Information Commission to write a seditious letter to the Hon'ble
>>> Prime Minister, which was later circulated to various anti-national
>>> mailing lists including those of Maoists and Naxalites.
>>> B) Leak of Confidential minutes of meeting of the DoPT to the media.
>>> C) Impersonation of Public Servant, as widely reported in the media.
>>> D) The offender is using his considerable political clout to ensure
>>> that my public grievances are not enquired into or are scuttled.
>>> E) My complaint is prima-facie correct since my 3 Pending Grievances
>>> are unresolved for over 5 months and since the immediately preceding
>>> and following Public Grievances to mine were disposed of most
>>> expeditiously.
>>> 4) My complaint is not pseudonymous.
>>> 5) My Complaint is made to you in your capacity as Addl. Secretary
>>> (S&V)/DoPT
>>> 6) That I request that my Complaint is dealt with in terms of the OM
>>> no. 104/100/2009/AVD-I dated 14.01.2010 issued by yourself.
>>> yours faithfully
>>> Sarbajit Roy
>>> B-59 Defence Colony
>>> New Delhi 110024
>>> Tel : 0931448069
>>> On 10/6/12, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
>>>> To:
>>>> Mr. S.K.Sarkar
>>>> Addl. Secretary (S&V) / DoPT
>>>> Date: 05-Oct-2012
>>>> Respected Sir
>>>> Sub: 3 of my pending Public Grievances filed on 03.May.2012 registered
>>>> as DOPAT/E/2012/00352 , DOPAT/E/2012/00353 and DOPAT/E/2012/00354 but
>>>> not replied / disposed.
>>>> I have not heard any thing from you concerning the time period by
>>>> which my pending PUBLIC GRIEVANCES will be resolved.
>>>> Surely as the Addl. Secretary /DoPT the norms would be at your finger
>>>> tips. These are also required to proactively published under the RTI
>>>> Act.
>>>> I have already informed that my PUBLIC GRIEVANCE is required to be
>>>> disposed within 2 months and have cited the concerned OM of your own
>>>> Department.
>>>> If my matters have still not been replied to after 5 months it is a
>>>> matter requiring to be investigated / inquired into. I have already
>>>> stated that I apprehend a VIGILANCE angle.
>>>> If your department officers cannot comply with the published norms of
>>>> the Department when it comes to interacting with citizens, you are
>>>> duty bound to investigate/ inquire into the circumstances and
>>>> establish that there is no hanky panky involved.
>>>> Kindly treat this communication as my formal complaint to initiate the
>>>> Vigilance inquiry / investigation. I would appreciate receiving your
>>>> acknowledgment of this email.
>>>> Sarbajit Roy
>>>> B-59 Defence Colony
>>>> New Delhi 110024
>>>> Tel : 0931448069
>>>> On 10/5/12, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Mr. S.K.Sarkar
>>>>> Addl. Secretary (S&V) / DoPT
>>>>> Date: 05-Oct-2012
>>>>> Respected Sir
>>>>> Sub: 3 of my pending Public Grievances filed on 03.May.2012
>>>>> registered as DOPAT/E/2012/00352 , DOPAT/E/2012/00353 and
>>>>> DOPAT/E/2012/00354 but not replied / disposed.
>>>>> Will it be possible to know by when I can expect my pending
>>>>> PUBLIC GRIEVANCES (pending for over 5 months) to be resolved ?.
>>>>> I wish to bring to your notice that my grievances are not trivial
>>>>> pertaining as they do to
>>>>> 1) Misuse of official stationery and official seal of the Central
>>>>> Information Commission to write a seditious letter to the Hon'ble
>>>>> Prime Minister, which was later circulated to various anti-national
>>>>> mailing lists including those of Maoists and Naxalites.
>>>>> 2) Leak of Confidential minutes of meeting of the DoPT to the media.
>>>>> 3) Impersonation of Public Servant.
>>>>> I am given to understand that the offender(s) is using his
>>>>> considerable
>>>>> political clout to ensure that my public grievances are not enquired
>>>>> into or are scuttled.
>>>>> yours faithfully
>>>>> Sarbajit Roy
>>>>> New Delhi
>>>>> On 10/3/12, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
>>>>>> To:
>>>>>> Mr. S.K.Sarkar
>>>>>> Addl. Secretary (S&V) / DoPT
>>>>>> Date: 03-Oct-2012
>>>>>> Respected Sir
>>>>>> Sub: 3 of my pending Public Grievances filed on 03.May.2012
>>>>>> registered as DOPAT/E/2012/00352 , DOPAT/E/2012/00353 and
>>>>>> DOPAT/E/2012/00354 but not replied / disposed.
>>>>>> Kindly find below an email sent to Mr. P.K.Mishra Secretary/DoPT on
>>>>>> the above mentioned subject..
>>>>>> I am informed today by Mr. Mishra's office that Mr. Mishra is on
>>>>>> extended
>>>>>> tour and that you are looking after matters pertaining to Mr. Manoj
>>>>>> Joshi
>>>>>> JS(AT&A).
>>>>>> I would therefore request you to kindly look into my pending matters
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> ensure that my Public Grievances, as mentioned in the emails appended
>>>>>> inline below, are attended to immediately.
>>>>>> I would also request you to kindly look into the abnormally long
>>>>>> delay
>>>>>> by your Department's officers, into attending matters related to me.
>>>>>> It
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> certainly very strange.
>>>>>> yours faithfully
>>>>>> Sarbajit Roy
>>>>>> New Delhi
>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>> Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2012 17:25:57 +0530
>>>>>> Subject: CONFIDENTIAL: Gross delay in resolving my outstanding Public
>>>>>> Grievances
>>>>>> To: secy_mop <>, jsata <>
>>>>>> To:
>>>>>> Mr. P.K.Mishra
>>>>>> Secretary, Dept of Personnel & Training
>>>>>> Date: Oct 2, 2012
>>>>>> Respected Sir
>>>>>> I am appending inline a series of emails to your junior officer
>>>>>> concerning the curious fact that 3 of my duly registered PUBLIC
>>>>>> GRIEVANCES are pending since 3rd May.2012 for resolution, and that
>>>>>> despite constant follow-up I have not received any communication
>>>>>> whatsoever concerning my grievances being resolved.
>>>>>> It is certainly a disgrace that the DoPT, which is meant to be the
>>>>>> standard bearer for good governance in the nation, is so lax and
>>>>>> unconcerned about the citizens who chose to approach for resolution
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> their grievances through the front door of your Ministry's
>>>>>> Grievance Portal, under your stewardship are kept waiting in this
>>>>>> fashion.
>>>>>> I can therefore now say publicly that you are a corrupt officer, that
>>>>>> your department is riddled with corruption, and that people such as
>>>>>> yourself are a blot on the nation's escutcheon.
>>>>>> Kindly take notice that you are a public servant, and that I am a
>>>>>> member
>>>>>> of the public. You are required to serve me and all the other people
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> India.
>>>>>> The people of India are paying you to serve them and not the other
>>>>>> way
>>>>>> about.
>>>>>> So kindly do the needful.
>>>>>> Yours faithfully
>>>>>> Sarbajit Roy
>>>>>> On 9/12/12, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>> Mr. Manoj Joshi (JS-AT&A/DoPT)
>>>>>>> & Nodal Grievance Director /DoPT
>>>>>>> 12-Sept-2012
>>>>>>> Sir
>>>>>>> With reference to my email of 16.Aug.2012 appended inline below,
>>>>>>> I am constrained to again remind you that I have not received
>>>>>>> any response whatsoever to my 3 pending Public Grievances
>>>>>>> filed on 03.May.2012 concerning your Department.
>>>>>>> These are registered as nos. 352, 353 and 354 of 2012 respectively.
>>>>>>> I am additionally aggrieved that whereas the Public Grievances of
>>>>>>> other citizens preceding and following mine have been resolved
>>>>>>> expeditiously / promptly, my grievances have been kept hanging
>>>>>>> for over 4 months now without even a single interim reply being
>>>>>>> given to me as mandated.
>>>>>>> In passing I may observe that it is episodes like these which
>>>>>>> cause citizens of India to get disaffected against the State
>>>>>>> and which exemplify the complete lack of governance
>>>>>>> which prevails in the country today.
>>>>>>> yours faithfully
>>>>>>> Sarbajit Roy
>>>>>>> B-59 Defence Colony
>>>>>>> New Delhi 110024
>>>>>>> On 8/16/12, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>>> Mr. Manoj Joshi (JS-AT&A/DoPT)
>>>>>>>> 16-August-2012
>>>>>>>> Sir
>>>>>>>> I refer to 3 of my pending Public Grievances filed on 03.May.2012
>>>>>>>> registered as DOPAT/E/2012/00352 , DOPAT/E/2012/00353 and
>>>>>>>> DOPAT/E/2012/00354.
>>>>>>>> I have not received any intimation as to how these have been
>>>>>>>> resolved.
>>>>>>>> I refer to the D.O. No.G-13013/2006-PG dt. 05.05.2006 issued by the
>>>>>>>> Secretary of your own Ministry setting down the timeline (2 months)
>>>>>>>> for disposal of registered public grievances and ancillary matters.
>>>>>>>> I would therefore request you to kindly call for the files in all
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> above cases and resolve my grievances with the approval of the
>>>>>>>> Secretary/MoP.
>>>>>>>> If I do not hear from you soon, I shall be left with no option but
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> take my grievance to the Parliamentary Standing Committee(s)
>>>>>>>> mentioned
>>>>>>>> in the aforesaid D.O. naming all officers concerned, in addition to
>>>>>>>> pursuing my vigilance options in these matters - especially if some
>>>>>>>> hasty, or half-baked or evasive reply is provided to me as was done
>>>>>>>> once by DoPT previously in a similarly delayed situation. If more
>>>>>>>> time
>>>>>>>> is needed to properly resolve the matters, please inform me
>>>>>>>> accordingly and my cooperation is assured.
>>>>>>>> With best wishes
>>>>>>>> yours faithfully
>>>>>>>> Sarbajit Roy
>>>>>>>> B-59 Defence Colony
>>>>>>>> New Delhi 110024
>>>>>>>> Tel : 0931448069

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