Monday, October 15, 2012

[HumJanenge] Re: DoPT's corruption and HARAMIs exposed.

Yesterday I had posted that I would detail how/why Aruna Roy got
Shailesh Gandhi appointed as an Information Commissioner. In the
meantime I got a few calls/mails from members who a) didn't know who
Aruna Roy was b) wondering why my language was so unflattering/
unParliamentary c) requesting me to clarify this. In deference to our
members I am addressing their points first (one point at a time).

Today's point:

Aruna Roy, who goes about sporting a large red bindi on her forehead,
stated at the 7th RTI Convention that she is a Tamilian, my mother
tongue is Tamil, "but my husband is Bengali".

Since this is a statement made publicly on the dias of the DRDO on 13.Oct.2012
in the presence of many RTI activists and list members and is
video-recorded on multiple cameras, I must ask her to clarify who her
"Bengali husband" is in view of information in the public domain as
'I would like to know how I am a traitor'
"Social work had never crossed her mind, at least not until she met
her future husband Sanjit "Bunker" Roy while doing her postgraduation
in Delhi University. ... The two have since separated. .. "I can't do
without it (Combiflam)," she tells her long-time associate, Nikhil
Dey, sitting on a divan in the office of the National Campaign for
Peoples' Right to Information in Hauz Khas in south Delhi. ... Dey is
driving, and she is next to him. ..."
She joined the Social Work and Research Center in Tilonia, Rajasthan,
which had been set up by her husband, Sanjit 'Bunker' Roy. Aruna Roy
worked at the SWRC until 1983 and her separation from Roy (Brahmos
cannot be legally divorced in India), then moved to Devdoongri, a
village in the Rajsamand district of Rajasthan in 1987 along with
Shanker Singh and Nikhil Dey.
"Greatness of Spirit : Meera Johri. p.168"
"Aruna Roy worked with this organisation till 1983 till she separated
from her husband."
"One of her classmates during post-graduate studies at Delhi
university was Sanjit Roy, another left-wing social activist, whom she
married in 1970. Before being wed, Sanjit and Aruna agreed on various
conditions that would govern their married life. They agreed never to
be "tied down" by having children; always to be financially
independent of each other; never to impose their beliefs on each other
and always be individually free to "do whatever they wanted." The
marriage failed within a few years and the couple were formally
separated in 1983."

There are many more such references in public domain, all implying
that Aruna Roy is not married at the present time .. Her NAC bio-data,
however, states that she is married to Sanjit "Bunker" Roy.

So this free-thinking free-living lady is the person the Central
Information Commission engaged on 13.Oct.2012 to take questions from
the 3rd class citizen delegates to the RTI Convention and convey them
to the various Commissions to be answered eventually. I must ask the
Chief Information Commissioner of India Mr. Satyananda Mishra (who is
unfortunately down with dengue) to clarify the purpose of wasting 3
hours of everyone's time merely to take "questions" from the public,
which 4 Information Commissioners and 1 lady (who the Ld. SCIC from
Uttaranchal claimed invented RTI Act in 1994 .. till I corrected
him/her that I had invented RTI Act in 1983) were unable to answer.
This is how the public's money is wasted year after year on such
meaningless twaddle. It would be better if they spent the money to
hire 20 double rooms at some private resort where these freeliving
people can f*** each others brains out without videographers,
journalists and citizens having to be present to endure/participate in
such meaningless mindf***s.

Tomorrow: "Who funds Aruna Roy ?"

On 10/15/12, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
> Dear Friends
> As we know RTI is under threat from all sides. but most importantly it
> is under threat from within. Certain HARAMIS (and I think this is the
> only word to describe them) have engineered a situation, so that RTI
> Act will be
> a) rendered ineffective
> b) information will only be given to the chamchas of these haramis
> c) Netas, judges, babus and PPPs will escape from having to disclose
> information.
> At the recent RTI Convention, I met so many of you, and I assure you
> that this group will continue our struggle to completely expose the
> persons and parties who are out to scuttle RTI. And, that we shall do
> this without fear or favour. Especially now we are faced with the
> unacceptable choices of either putting up with these corrupt and
> pliable babus as ICs OR being eaten up raw (translated from Hindi) by
> retired judges as ICs.
> Therefore kindly read this email (and my subsequent ones on this topic)
> fully.
> One of the person I met at the Convention was Cmdr (Retd) I.N. Lokesh
> Batra. Let me say that he has done outstanding work in RTI as a
> private citizen. Unfortunately, some of us try to keep our feet in too
> many stools and RTI camps. My friend Lokesh has however been used by
> Ms. Aruna Roy to scuttle the amendments in RTI Rules. He has also
> forgotten what he wrote to the DoPT in 2010 when we discussed this at
> the Convention..
> It is therefore important to get our history and timeline clear so that
> A) We know exactly what happened
> B) Ensure it does not happen again.
> C) To identify the HARAMIs (I am not implying that Lokesh is a
> harami, I feel he, like so many other innocents, has been used)
> 1) DoPT issues a small OM tucked away on their website on 10.12.2010
> calling for comments on draft RTI Amendment Rules within 14 days. It
> is clear that this OM is a legal fiction to allow NAC/NCPRI/Aruna Roy
> gang to submit their comments. Citizens, however, are alert, and this
> group (ie. HJ-GG) files over 275 comments some of them very detailed.
> Some of our comments/suggestions are not obvious at first glance and
> in fact seem anti-RTI / anti-citizen. All our comments from this group
> are filed within time. Curiously and importantly, the Secretary of
> NAC, Smt Rita Sharma also sends an email in her private capacity to
> DoPT endorsing our comments. The NAC is not able to file in time. In
> fact 2 days before the final date they organise a "pre-consultative"
> meeting, where Wajahat Habibullah, Shekhar Singh, Dunu Roy, Lokesh
> Batra, Venkatesh Nayak(CHRI) etc are present and they cobble together
> a confused Power Point Presentation which they email to Mr.
> R.K.Girdhar seeking more time.(Interestingly CHRI's own detailed
> comments in 25+ pages which are ready to shoot are objected to by Mr.
> Shekhar Singh and Dunu Roy) I email Mr. R.K.Girdhar saying that the
> time is over, no new comments may be entertained, and that if we could
> file our detailed comments in time so should other people.
> 2) Instead Aruna Roy instigates Comdr Lokesh Batra to get out our
> comments OFFICIALLY from the DoPT. They are especially interested in
> getting the email which Dr.Rita Sharma sent. Accordingly on
> 29.01.2010, after the date is over, he files an RTI to DoPT as
> follows.
> "c) Please provide me list of file/files with reference number(s) on
> which the comments received in response to said DoPT's OM of 10
> Dec2010, are being processed.
> :
> (e) I would also like to inspect all the files concerned with the said
> issue including the one where the requirement of amending RTI Rules
> was triggered and processed and consequently said DoPT OM of 10 Dec
> 2010 issued. At that stage, I will take attested copies of the
> relevant documents and notings in the file(s) as required. Please
> inform the date and time for the inspection of the files."
> (NB: At the Convention, Lokesh again insisted to me that he had not
> asked to see or take copies from the file containing the comments
> received. I don't know how he can say this in view of his own widely
> circulated email which is also archived on HJ-YG)
> 3) Since Lokesh, thankfully, had placed his RTI in public domain, I
> promptly on the same day emailed R.K.Girdhar (PIO DoPT) and also spoke
> to him saying I was a third party and the comments should not be
> disclosed to Lokesh or to anybody else. I came to learn that around
> 24.Jan.2011 K.G.Verma photocopied the entire set of comments received
> from public along with the file notings (in pencil) and handed it over
> to Ms. Aruna Roy. I promptly sent an email to his boss Mr. Rajeev
> Kapoor on 27.01.2011 (in his capacity as Public Grievance Director)
> stating inter-alia as follows
> "I am especially concerned that whereas the Ministry has formulated
> detailed comments and analysis to other persons who responded to the
> said notices/OMs, all my hard work has been corruptly ignored and/or
> malafidely destroyed merely because I once reported an Official
> Secrets Act breach by a Director of the Ministry. Its pertinent that
> unlike other persons I have not received the comments and analysis of
> my own comments/objections/suggestions to the aforesaid public
> notices, I say this is discriminatory."
> Note, I am clearly saying on 27.JANUARY.2011 that the comments (and
> especially mine) to the OM on draft RTI Rules have been malafidely
> destroyed because I complained in OSA against the Director
> (K.G.Verma), and also that other person have received copies of my
> comments and objections and the analysis thereon.
> 4) Rajeev Kapoor knows how to cover his ass, and on 2.Feb.2011
> R.K.Girdhar sends a letter to Lokesh saying that he may come and take
> inspection of all files and take copies against payment, on
> 18.Feb.2011 at 2.30 PM. It is pertinent that Mr Girdhar had previously
> declined to disclose any information whatsoever as the process was
> underway (hence no 3rd party notice), but he was later "directed to"
> invite Lokesh for inspection and be provided xerox copies of the
> comments received along with the file notings thereon (and based on
> which NAC would make their own recommendations)..
> (BTW all this is independently confirmed by emails Lokesh has himself
> circulated on HJ-YG)
> 5) Accordingly , I immediately again shoot off emails to everyone in
> DoPT cautioning them that disclosing the files would be hammered by me
> in Official Secrets Act and Prevention of Corruption Act.) I also now
> personally met Girdhar, and Rajeev Kapoor (JS/DoPt) in this
> connection.
> 6) Now here is where my version and Lokesh's version diverge.
> a) I say that Lokesh was shown all the files in K.G.Verma's office and
> provided ATTESTED copies on the spot UNOFFICIALLY which the NAC would
> use.
> b) Lokesh says that the files were never shown to him and he got no
> copies especially attested copies and K.G.Verma gave him the run
> around.
> 7) What we both agree on is that the files / folders containing the
> public comments and the detailed notings of consideration thereon went
> missing. I say this was done so that K.G.Verma (a deeply corrupt
> officer) could prepare a table for NAC to show that public was against
> the 250 word rule. In fact 70% of the comments received were in favour
> of 250 word rule and most like us wanted it reduced to 150 words (Yes
> I know that this "seems" that we are anti-RTI - but we already had
> advance information of the 500 word deal which Mahabitch Aruna Roy had
> struck with DoPT long back). In fact the draft RTI Amendment Rules
> were not even drafted by DoPT but were drafted by Shailesh Gandhi and
> Centre for Good Governance (both bodies influenced by Mahabitch) and
> sent to DoPT by the Central Information Commission.
> 8) What we know (and I stand liable to be corrected) is that Lokesh
> Batra apparently did not file any appeals concerning denial of
> information to him when he went for inspection. Which is why I stick
> to my version of what transpired.
> 9) Anyway, on 25.03.2011, I file an incredibly detailed public
> Grievance bearing no. "DOPAT/E/2011/00112" on the pgportal, and
> Girdhar on 05.04.2011 promptly states as follows.
> "None of Your suggestions on amendment to RTI Rules have been divulged
> by this division under RTI or otherwise"
> 10) Very easy for him to say this since the "folder" has gone missing.
> But that does not answer how the Mahabitch has a private copy of the
> comments and notings thereon.
> 11) After, having engineered that all the public comments went
> missing.K.G.Verma prepares a table for the NAC (which is completely at
> variance with the comments received) and the Mahabitch gets her pet
> poodle #3 (some retired Justice Shah) to issue legal opinion to DoPT,
> whereupon NAC recommends that 250 word should be instead made 500
> words "ordinarily".
> 12) And mark my words, the day these ex-judges become ICs and CICs
> their registry will have word counting software to ensure that
> ORDINARILY the RTIs must be within 500 words or all appeals will be
> rejected.
> So like our Law Minister, I will rest here today to show how Aruna Roy
> and NAC a) engineered the disappearance of the files from DoPT, b)
> Compromised a pliable officer Mr. K.G.Verma who was getting passed
> over for promotion c) got 4 months extra to make their recommendations
> after complete knowledge of the objections submitted by the public d)
> got "public" meetings arranged between DoPT and their hand-picked
> activists - all from under Sonia's rainbow colored NAC petticoats e)
> Got the "ordinarily" 500 word RTI Rule put in place.
> These are the classic methods of a tout and the Mahabitch is most
> definitely one.
> Tomorrow I will post how Mahabitch ensured that Shailesh Gandhi was made an
> IC.

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