Thursday, October 18, 2012

Re: Do We the People get support - physical &/or moral - from Supreme Court of Idia? : [HumJanenge]

Dear Aridaman Jit Singh 

Please join hands to change the system.

We may have to politically tackle the corrupt and defeat them in their own game .

We have 'Jan Sangh Party'  registered in 2009 by Defence people.

we need to make it active, change its name and  enter the very
field of corrupt politician to root them out.

For this we need every body's support

Your comments


Col Thakur Singh 

On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 5:33 PM, jaiprakash narain <> wrote:
The requirement is to rewrite our constitution as well crpc n ipc, but the question is who will do it. The law makers n judiciary are trained in the current legal system only.

From: Aridaman Jit Singh <>
Cc: RTI Movement <>;; right-to-information-act-2005 <>;; Chairman Indian Oil <>; Help Supreme Court <>
Sent: Wednesday, 17 October 2012 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: Do We the People get support - physical &/or moral - from Supreme Court of Idia? : [HumJanenge]
Dear Babu Bhai vaghela,
                           here is copy paste of my letter to Mr.Altamas kabir and it carries the answer to your question ! why supreme court of India doesn't help us. Please read with patience and send your critical feed back, I have written it after Salman Khursid exuded his full confidence on judiciary about his fraud.
On behalf of common man of India, who is always at the receiving end, I congratulate you for having assumed the highest position in your profession that you could have ever aspired for. I am completely assured that the institution of coercive criminal justice system will continue to perform and deny justice to the victims of crime and oppression/repression with its deeply entrenched and rampant corruption and mechanism of delays, I have no doubt that every high and mighty criminal of contemporary India will always remain confident and will completely trust the judiciary, while knowing it fully well that he is capable of taking the complainant on a long ride of treacherous journey where he is further going to succeed in inflicting serious injustice on the aggrieved party with perpetual delays"Justice delayed is Justice denied" that's how it was designed to perform by colonial rulers.
I am completely confident that the individuals who are trained to run the established mechanisms cannot be expected to do miracles of introducing revolutionary institutional changes that may force the outcomes as completely opposite from the standard expected once, for which they were conceived.
I am writing this DO letter to you to acquaint you with the Democratic aspirations on "security and justice" of the people of post-British India. On behalf of Nishan, a civil society public policy advocacy & development organisation, that is dedicated to the democratisation of security and justice sector, I am very pleased in telling you the truth that the common man of India has since long rejected both the institutions "the judiciary" and "the police" that form part of ruling establishment as they were conceived by its colonial rulers, victims of accidents and violent crimes keep dying with injustice due to the apathy of civilised society,not because we are inhuman but for the fear of coercive criminal justice institutions the police and the judiciary.The law abiding citizens of India, absolutely fear the judiciary and the police for its workculture that is legacy of colonial era.
As a colonial institution, you're perpetuating the colonial protocols and practices that were conceived to over awe the millions of poor of India with the grandeur and authority of the Raj and inflict severe injustice with institutional delays to force ordinary men into subjugation for unhindered economic exploitation and it continues unabated and sole reason of pernicious corruption. The continuation of black colonial laws and its language will always remain foreign to billions of poor Indians and will continue to be in conflict with the Democratic aspirations of the local Indian communities and Indian society.
All these black colonial laws through which you are purporting to be doing alleged justice never emanated out of our social fabric but were conceived in the 17th/18th century Europe and the result of Western social technologies to enslave humans en masse by breaking collective disposition of communities and these laws are all a one sided contract enforced upon native Indians with a state established on the principle of immunity to accountability.
 On 5th February 1863 at the impending American Civil War Benjamin Disraeli had said "colonies will not cease to be colonies because they are independent" and continuation of coercive criminal justice system and its attendant institutions in their original form, is the diagnosis of India's corruption and makes security & justice to the common man of India the first casualty and sole reason of conflict between the society and the state, the state that remains on war with its own people all the time and the death just a bullet away. The bullet coming from ghost police that has special protection.
You cannot dispense justice to the people in a language that remains foreign to them, will you have audacity to do it with the citizens of United Kingdom by dispensing them justice in Hindi or in Italian and for that reason will you be able to dispense justice to the French people in their own country in English-language but you can afford to do it in India for 65 years because that's how it was designed Thomas Babington Macaulay said on 02nd Feb 1835 "We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern;a class of persons, Indian in blood and colour but English in taste, in opinions, in morals & in intellect." You have fulfilled the dreams of Macaulay but not anymore.
To perpetuate the black colonial laws and its practices and protocols that reduce the position of every poor petitioner to that of a slave, you hide behind the security cover of brutal armed police that can torture and kill with impunity and you as judiciary, zealously protect these criminal acts by even denying independent judicial probes and still you term it the justice, the equality before the law, the democracy.
A time has come for us to show you the mirror to let you know the truth so that millions and billions of poor Indians may not keep falling victims to injustice of the colonial litigation industry and live in ignominy, I know with the black colonial laws and brutal armed police at your command you can put me in jail but by doing so, you shall be doing at the peril of your own institution and its left out integrity.
We don't trust you as the representative of colonial judiciary but we do trust you as an Indian who is humane and request you for following immediate actions;-
1. Please get the process initiated to identify and repeal all those black colonial laws, protocols and practices that introduce class distinction, grandeur and authority that generates sense of fear among the law-abiding citizens but inspires the criminals as they are protected from society.
2. We cannot leave it to the discretion of few to make application of colonial antidemocratic sedition laws selectively to crush the voices of dissent against injustice and corruption. Please direct your judicial offices to stop taking cognizance of all those colonial laws that were designed for oppression and repression of voices of dissent against exploitation and brutalities of the ruling class and to be specific following sections of your criminal procedure code 46,129,144,197, in addition to these, all those special laws that have been enacted by handful of criminals and corrupt minds with vested interests to infringe upon freedom and equality before the law. In a democracy you cannot provide special protection for criminal acts of the state and if you are doing so, you are doing so at the peril of your own institution and this may lead to the birth of extra constitutional mechanisms to seek justice. "Nothing rankles more in a human heart but brooding sense of injustice; illness we can put up with but injustice wants us to pull things down"
3. Please prevent governments from using those armed forces that are trained to deal with external aggression on the principle of "shoot to kill" and as a basic tactics they create a field of fire to eliminate the threat by destroying everything that falls in its field of fire with maximum fire power. Using such troops against own citizens not only remains in conflict with the basic training of such armed forces but counterproductive for India's transition to democracy that begins with this letter.
4. Please direct state and central government for preventing its police forces to carry out arrests in civil dress and also not to carry weapons and use them while they are in civil dress.
ü  Also that police personnel should be prevented from using disruptive pattern uniforms that are identical to Indian Armed Forces, the criminal acts of police with disruptive pattern fatigues on their person inspire sense of hatred among commonman towards armed force personnel and we can't afford that, as the armed forces are our last resort.
5. Please direct the government of the day that for enactment of laws they need to have collective will of the people for which elected representatives need to enter into consultative process with their constituents. By electing our representatives in the form of Member of Parliament or a Member of Legislative Assembly we do not surrender all our democratic rights to them to enact such laws that can infringe upon our very right of existence and if they do so they do it at their own peril.
We do believe democracy is not a spectator sport but always evolving process of rule of law, the law that must emanate out of our social fabric with participation of people from the grassroots.
We are on voluntary endeavor undertaking independent empirical research on the pattern of judicial processes and justice dispensed by various courts and make evidence-based contributions for sustainable short-term and long-term democratic reforms in the coercive criminal justice system of India and simultaneously empower and mobilize masses to demand changes to make India a vibrant democracy.
It will be appreciated if you nominate a Point of Contact (POC) for information sharing on the campaign so that we can bridge the gap between the stakeholders and policy makers. It will be appreciated that you may acknowledge this letter and keep us posted of the progress being made on the issues we have raised or you can ignore it at the peril of your institutional integrity and we will support front-line activism through peaceful means at various courts premises and force you to do Democratic changes.
I thank you very much for your time and attention to the letter and issues and end my letter with the quote of Margaret mead "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
with best wishes
Aridaman Jit Singh
On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 10:03 PM, Vaghela B D <> wrote:
Dear Sir,

Grand Thieves are brazenly looting public. Day light robbery in utterly shameless manner.

The question is why Supreme Court not even once direct CBI to raid the biggest Den of Corruption - PMO, New Delhi.

Blood soaked skeletons are at that place.


(Babubhai Vaghela)
C 202, Shrinandnagar V, Makarba Road Vejalpur, Ahmedabad - 380051
M -  94276 08632
About me in Annexure at -
(Administrator - Google Group - Right to Information Act 2005)
--- On Wed, 10/17/12, RTI Movement <> wrote:

From: RTI Movement <>
Subject: [HumJanenge]
Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 12:26 AM


The UPA II government's ideology is very simple. "Kill the RTI Act." 

It is quite obvious that the government is not happy with the Act as it exposes their covert and fraudulent acts. 

It is time that a concerted effort is made to quell such move before it crosses the boundary.

The wrecking ship (UPA -II) is somewhat frantic to bring in all sorts of illogical and illegal policies and sell the country. This is the right time that activists unite to fight this inglorious government and save the mother land.

Jai Hind!

John Lopez
President & Chief Executive
Right to Information Movement,
16, Kubera Munusamy Street, Chennai 600 061
Phone: +91 9 4444 84 517 || +91 90 4242 7390
Aridaman Jit Singh
For Team Nishan"Highest office in a democracy is not that of the President or Prime Minister but Patriotic Citizen"-Team Nishan
-----------------------Campaigning HQs.
C-803, Gandharva Society,Plot No.1, Omega-1,Greater Noida-201308(UP),India. TeleFax +91 120 4125362,- (M) +91 9899007392,9466283343 --------------------------------NISHAN Registered Office Delhi: 9-CSC, DDA Market, A-Block, Saraswati Vihar, Delhi-110034,India,(M) + 91 9899007392

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