Thursday, March 27, 2014

[IAC#RG] POORNA SWARAJ (the real Swaraj)


The ideology of the IAC is "Poorna Swaraj", ie the Swaraj demanded by
the "Garam Dal" of the Freedom movement. Unfortunately that true
Freedom is still to be achieved because we are an easily divided
people with vast tolerance for parasitic rule, and do not unite unless
there is violent external aggression.

In 1947 Indian's accomplished the completion of the first phase of
India's Liberation Movement in which the seat of power was transferred
from London to Delhi. India was supposed to became free from slavery
of direct foreign rule.

The second phase of Liberation Movement requires a mass upliftment and
transformation of the Indian people to emerge on the world as a single
nation. This shall only be achieved by first bringing about moral and
cultural transformation based on spiritual foundations in society, to
improve the quality of man so that he becomes the supreme value in
himself and the ultimate end of all development. This is the only way
to remove ills from national life and build a great and glorious

Selfishness, exploitation, corruption and other associated problems
are the symptoms of a much deeper national malady which is the real
cause and source of all problems. Until the capacity of man to exploit
other men is not removed, India cannot be transformed

There are no short cuts in life. To correct the course of life India
will have to return to the point where it had taken a wrong turn. That
is what some of us are endeavouring to do, to bring the nation back on
the track of natural progress and future development by regenerating
its citizens with the power to create a Glorious India, and to
overcome the powerful forces which are intent on derailing us.

The wind of change is blowing across the country. Old structures need
shattering so new ones can take their place. There is an atmosphere of
confusion and uncertainty everywhere as humans are uncomfortable with
and dread change. But, in the background there is also a sense of hope
and expectancy for something new and different to emerge. This is the
call of time-spirit which requires a Mahayagya of national
reconstruction and transformation without any reserve, without any
expectation and without any motive of self and pelf since this action
on your part in itself is the greatest fulfilment of life, it is most
sacred, most divine and most noble.


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