Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Re: [IAC#RG] Fwd: Child Rights are Shams in India

Dear Mr. Barthwal

1) Your email has nothing to do with Child Rights (title of this thread)

2) Reason I told you (in a private email to you) that I would reply
after elections was because IAC is (and has always been)

3) We have never claimed that our IAC is the "original" IAC. We also
dispute your earlier statements that there was some pre-independence
IAC, and say we have no knowledge of it.

4) As far as we know, IAC was first formed in 1973 to trigger the JP
andolan against massive Congress misrule. My (late) father was very
much a part of that movement on the operational side, and in fact
during much of the Emergency JP and our family stayed in the same
building at Mumbai.

5) On Feb 2007 a series of developments took place outside Central
Information Commission office at New Delhi. My younger "sister" was
rudely spoken to by Arvind Kejriwal and his party (which included Mr.
Veeresh Malik) and she called the police. Being some distance away I
landed up with some local friends later that evening and the police
were again called in. All this is a matter of public record in
unimpeachable documents. After peace and amity were restored, a few of
us decided to use RTI collectively to enquire into the purchases and
tenders for Commonwealth Games. Shivendra Chauhan (who I have never
met) was never in the picture. One of the names discussed for the
movement was "India Against Corruption" and I said I would get
permission to use it for our RTI campaign inre Commonwealth Games. It
was done.

6) The events you are speaking of are much later (our facts are in
public domain on many websites) . On 17 Nov 2010 Arvind booked a .ORG
website in name of IAC. On 22.Nov.2010 Shivendra Chauhan renamed his
Commonwealth Jhel/Khel FB page as IAC on FB. Both of these people were
massively funded by Art of Living who were acting on behalf of forces
of corruption. SriSri being much smarter ensured that Baba Ramdev as
pushed in front. As we now know Arvind was then secretly acting as a
Congress double agent to prevent any action against real CWG

7) As IAC(Real) is non-political (we only oppose Congress because it
is a Foreign Corporation with East India Company policies to loot
Hindustan) we refused to participate or allow IAC name to be used,
especially for Lokpal which we are totally opposed to in principle.
Team Arvind expressed their inability to do anything about stopping
use of IAC name/logo on FaceBook.as some cases and cross cases were
allegedly filed between Team Arvind and SS.Chauhan concerning
"ownership" / password of the Facebook account /page.

8) After the election results, the whole of India knows who is who and
who is with which party and lusts for political power. Shivendra Singh
Chauhan seems to be the jamoora for Mahesh Gieri (now BJP MP from East
Delhi - who in turn seems the jamoora for SriSri) - For last 2 years
Chauhan had been using the FB page to spread BJP propaganda. Arvind
Kejriwal &Co. are "stool pigeons" who cannot be trusted.

9) IAC is strictly non-political and secular. If you are politically
inclined or religiously fanaticised please find some other forum
(there is no shortage nowadays).

10) The reason this group id is with us, is because even during Arvind
days this IAC's team were managing most of the electronic messaging
(except FB) and the "split" took place relatively smoothly during the
1 month transition period between 26.Oct.2012 and 26.Nov.2012 when
there was some competition for supporters between IAC and AAP.


On 7/1/14, Kishor Barthwal <k.barthwal@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am still waiting that how this group is related to India Against
> Corruption.. Moderator told me that he will answer my question after
> election.. now election has been over but still he has not answered..
> IAC Facebook page is handled by the same person who created it, i don't
> know how this group id is claiming that it is the original IAC..

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