Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Re: [IAC#RG] Oath given by Hon President of India and Governors

Sir, whats the punishment for the person who violate the Oath  of office  ?.
MPs/minister make incorrect, misleading and false statement because of which the affected people suffer but nothing happens to the MP/minister.   is it not violation of oath ?. 
Could some one stop MP/Minister from making such harmful statements based on inputs from babus.                    why babus not punished for giving incorrect, false or misleading inputs to minister ?. 
hope due to your petition babus will also also take oath of office and get punished for wrongdoings. 
rgds. beniwal 

On Tuesday, 1 July 2014 8:49 PM, Ashraf Ppm <ashraftriangle@gmail.com> wrote:

This has reference to the 2014 judgment by Hon SC regarding shifting of responsibility to courts for decision by bureaucrats .In this regard I invite attention to the articles in the constitution where Hon President of India takes oath to protect preserve and defend constitution and law and consequences of breach is severe ie impeachment .This oath is equally applicable to the subordinates of the Hon President as well as subordinates of Hon governors.But the the subordinates more often violate the law and constitution while framing rules and regulation or executive instruction and for breach of constitution and law they are not made accountable.There are thousands of judgments by Hon SC that constitution and law is vilolated but bureaucrats still frame rules regulations instructions etc not only violating law but also violating fundamental rights
I have submitted a petition to Hon President HonCVC and Hon CM Kerala to administer similar oath to all departmental heads to protect preserve and defend constitution and law and in case of breach to suffer a  deterrent punishment Now the bureaucracy is making rules and regulation as well as law in casual manner and sending citizens to courts thereby wasting precious time of courts as well as public monet.

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