Saturday, May 9, 2020


I totally agree with Mr. R.S. Dalvi. I too noted the same many times but don't reply for the same reasons.
Please also add that Goa is not whole India.
Girendra Singh
Advocate, Social Worker and Certified RTI activist.
New Delhi

On Saturday, 25 April, 2020, 05:30:35 am IST, Rajinder Dalvi <> wrote:

Dear Rodrigues

It has been closely observed by myself and other forum administrators that you are SPAMMING the IAC#RG list with your musings such as the email below..

As you have admitted, this is a WAR, and civilian advocates like yourself have no role to play in it with your bookish knowledge and impracticality. You may also note carefully that this is not the forum to speak about churches, temples, gurdwaras  or mosques being out of bounds for the "faithful". These may very well be terms sanctioned for you by the Vatican, but in this time of WAR we have no time for "babey shabey" or the financial woes of these houses of corruptions and dens of vice.The longer they all remain shut (preferably permanently) the better for Hindustan.

NB: It has also been observed that whereas you send many messages to this list, you never condescend to reply to other members or participate in the discussion/s (as any civilised Christian western oriented gentleman would).


R.S. Dalvi
pro-tem List Administrator
camp /Germany (Deutschland)
on behalf of "Vijay"

On Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 12:44 PM Aires Rodrigues <> wrote:

We have been unbelievably witnessing over the last four months, a raging pandemic that has struck entire mankind while heartlessly bruising every corner of the world. This vicious virus has struck ferociously, without distinguishing between race, religion, colour, caste, language or borders and brought the entire world to its knees. The rich and famous have fallen victims to this virus while the poor have also not been spared.  The Doctors, nurses and their support staff have been angels fighting the dreaded virus on the frontline while many of them have lost their lives in the line of duty.

After a 14-hour voluntary public curfew on 22 March our country has been on a lock-down since March 24th but it is going to be a long haul for a corona-free India to dawn. In something very unprecedented this lock-down has virtually brought the whole nation to a standstill with Airlines, Trains and public transport shut except for the service rendered to repatriate foreign nationals stranded in India. 

Schools, Colleges and Universities have had to close their doors. Day to day governance at Government offices has come to a standstill with even the Judiciary across the country closing shop except for very urgent cases.

Temples, Churches, Mosques and Gurudwaras have remained out of bounds for the faithful with people having been unable to pay their final respects to their beloved departed as the final rites have been restricted to only a handful of very close family members.  Many had to switch to the e-paper version for news as the print media also bore the brunt. 

Having been taught to love our neighbors, in this epidemic we have been looking at the persons next door with suspicion as possibly infected with the virus and closed our doors on them. All planned Marriages and family functions have had to be postponed indefinitely with traditional religious festivities all cancelled. 

The COVID-19 lock-down which has kept the public within their homes has been very tough on all. It has been dreadful for the old and vulnerable. The very impoverished and the daily wage workers have been the worst affected finding food to keep them and their families fed. For many of us without the social media to kill our time this lock-down would have been a further nightmare.   

In a virtual war like scenario that the entire world is grappling with, one does not know how and when this war will end. All that we know for now is that this is fierce and full blown combat without firing a single missile or bullet. This virus has placed the entire world in an enormous economic upheaval with millions of jobs gone down the tube. Restoring the Indian economy will be an uphill and extremely challenging task. In this current scary scenario with the economies of the world under severe strain of post-corona virus there are no easy solutions. Very hard times lie ahead but the blow can be softened with sincere imaginative government policies and prudent fiscal management to benefit the many, not just the few.

The debate on how and who initiated this corona virus will go on for times to come but for those  who may be lucky to survive this pandemic they would have to  remain ever indebted for God's abundant Grace. But life will never be the same again and our lifestyle will undergo an enormous change. Even for very emotionally bonded communities, social distancing and wearing of masks will be a way of life ahead globally.

No matter how unpredictable the road ahead may be or where it may lead us on this journey of change, may the choices we make reflect our hopes and not our fears. Where there's life there's hope. Let's all walk tall with hope in our hearts and carve a tunnel of hope with light at the end of it through this mountain of darkness.


Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012




You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


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