Tuesday, October 9, 2012

[HumJanenge] The profits of abusing "Bob"

Now we all know that Mr. Robert Vadra is in all probability a highly
successful businessman who would have become a multi-arab-pati even if
he was not the only Anglo-Christian whom the uber-shrewd (but who
hides it very well) Priyanka could find to marry.

(If you believe this you are even bigger morons than I thought you were).

But lets examine the people who are raising the allegations against Dear Bob.

1) Last year they collected 2.51 crores as donation. The vast majority
of whom (conveniently) failed to leave their full name and address
behind to claim IT benefits u/s 80G). They only spent about 1.5 crores
most of it under "printing' and something called "Public Awareness
Expenses" and "Mass Meeting Expenses". This left them, the grand
PROFIT of almost Rs. 1 CRORE.

2) Now since the IT Dept has an OLD animus with Mr. A.K & Co. they
realised that the legal fiction that is a "charitable trust" will not
work with this sort of politeering. So AK &CO.have been FORCED to
float a political party because the TAX MAN (also known as Mr. PC) is
coming after them to get it all back with a 300% PENALTY.

PS: Mr. Arvind knows my email address, if he wants me to clarify anything.


OH. BTW, the PCRF is only 1 such trust. I believe that there are
others, most of which Manish runs.

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