Sunday, October 14, 2012



These are some very good suggestions.



On 10/14/12, Venkatraman Ns <> wrote:
> *N.S.Venkataraman,*
> *Trustee
> Nandini Voice For The Deprived
> *
> *M 60/1,4th Cross Street,*
> *Besant Nagar,*
> *Chennai
> *
> *Tel:- 91-44-24916037*
> *email:-*
> *To*
> *
> *
> *Humjanenge*
> **
> **
> *
> *
> *
> *
> **
> *
> *
> *There is considerable concern and anger about the prevailing level of
> corruption in India at every level. However, the fact remains that
> resistance to corruption is abysmally low. It appears that many citizens
> in
> the country are having a role either as a bribe giver or a bribe taker
> willingly
> or unwillingly at one time or the other. Very rarely we come across
> instances of people refusing to be part of corruption process and who
> would be willing to make the necessary sacrifices or undergo the
> sufferings in standing up to the demand of the corrupt forces. There may
> be some people who show such great qualities to resist corruption but they
> are rarely highlighted by the media and in any case they seem to be
> miniscule segment of the population.*
> * *
> *It is sad that Anna Hazare's anti corruption movement lost its steam after
> its promising start. Anna Hazare's movement failed to take off mainly due
> to the excessive stress on Lokpal Bill , while many people concerned
> about corruption thought that the existing laws are adequate and what is
> required is the need to build very strong anti corruption sentiments
> amongst people at every level. Efforts should have been addressed to
> reform the minds and hearts of the people of the country, so that anyone
> found to be involved in corrupt dealings would be looked upon by the
> society like a drunkard or a molestor. Further, Anna Hazare'a movement had
> several participants or supporters who themselves are suspected to be
> involved in corruption and tax evasion at one time or the other. In the
> circumstances, the movement did not take off and this fate for the
> movement was predicted by several people earlier. *
> * *
> *Certainly , Indian voters would reject those who resort to lawlessness in
> the name of fighting for the law. People would certainly expect that those
> who fight against the law breakers should be lawful. A hate movement
> practiced
> by Kejriwal is no substitute for a constructive anti corruption movement.
> All said and done, the average Indian citizen is always able to read in
> between the lines and distinguish between the good and the bad. This is
> the reason that many governments have been changed after the elections ,
> showing the maturity of the average voter in showing the door to the
> dishonest rulers.*
> * *
> *While tapering of Anna Hazare's movement is a sad development, many today
> think that the tapering of Kejriwal's present hate movement would be good
> and positive development for the country. . Wild allegations made during
> the street protests giving no scope for scrutiny by due process of law
> will only contribute to make the scenario more murky , creating a free for
> all situation.*
> *
> Today, Kejriwal is getting huge visual media attention , due to his
> demonstrative form of protests. Obviously, for privately owned visual
> media today, the focus is on scenes of demonstration, violence, shooting,
> rape and molestation and Kejriwal's method suits them well. Kejriwal and
> his associates will be doing a big mistake , if they would think that huge
> media publicity would take them forward , which is unlikely.
> Kejrwal's selective
> targeting of some people whom he considers to be corrupt will lose its
> "charm" for the media , when he would do it too frequently, just like
> Anna Hazare's fast lost its "charm" when it was repeated too frequently.*
> * *
> *The chances of anti corruption movement succeeding in India would become
> really great ,if the campaign against corruption would be carried out in a
> sustained manner, utilizing the due process of law and encouraging the
> common man at every level to resist corruption and urging the people to
> utilize Right to Information Act much more. Those individuals and
> institutions who resist corruption should be applauded and highlighted in
> every possible way. The country desperately needs constructive anti
> corruption movement and only such constructive protests supported by well
> investigated and logical arguments and resorting to the due process of law,
> would stand the test of time. *
> * *
> *A few hundreds of people joining the protest along with Kejriwal can only
> result in making lot of noise without results and in the process
> causing. confusion
> and exasperation amongst the people who want to fight against corruption.
> Such methods of making vague charges in public will make a mockery of law
> and regulations. It is possible that someone may bring out equally vague
> corrupt charges against those activists , who cannot then complain. *
> * *
> *People recognize that there are corrupt forces not only amongst the
> politicians, bureaucrats and government employees but also in private
> establishments big and small and amongst the non governmental organizations
> and social activists. Kejriwal's protests would do more harm than good to
> the anti corruption movement in the country by shifting the focus to select
> individuals giving to suspicion that he is settling scores for whatever
> reasons. On the other hand, the anti corruption movement would become
> credible if it would be targeted against all corrupt people irrespective of
> the positions and parties they belong to. *
> * *
> *Mahatma Gandhi said that a man of truth should also be a man of care.
> Kejriwal and his associates should also be transparent and clearly
> explain in the public domain as to how his demonstrations are funded and
> everyone knows that without lakhs of rupees of "investment", such
> demonstrations can not be organized in India today.
> *
> **
> *It would be appropriate if Kejriwal would constitute a scrutiny committee
> of eminent retired judges to whom his day today income expenditure
> statements should be presented and which should also be in the public
> domain.*
> * *
> *Thanks and regards*
> *
> *
> *N.s.Venkataraman
> *

Best Regards

R K Atri

F - 303, Munirka Appts, Plot No.11
Sector 9, Dwarka New Delhi 110075
Ph +91- 99588-83111 / 9868610518

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