Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Re: [IAC++] Ms. Medha Patkar


Why this blanket condemnation of all 'activists' (i.e., concerned
citizens who go public)?

I thought you targeted Medha because you found out that she was a TISS
alumni, hence 'funded' by Tatas. NBA does get 'foreign' funds, from
AIDIndia, for example, started by Ravi Kuchimanchi, an IIT engineer I
believe. They built the microhydels for NBA in Maharashtra and
supplied grain for Bhil families who were stranded on 'tapu' hilltops
when SSP waters cut them off from the dry land.

Aruna Roy sat on dharna with hundreds of other concerned citizens till
the RTI act was passed in Rajasthan. What's 'corrupt' about her
activities? I know anyone can write anything on the Net but you should
be more concerned with facts, evidence, and the reliability of your
sources than with tarring everyone with the same brush.

How are you all otherwise?!

Joya (Mashi)

On 11/14/12, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
> Dear Friends
> It seems I have posted 2 emails describing among other things Ms. Medha
> Patkar (and Arvind Kejriwal) as "*foreign financed*". A few kind people
> have brought this (and another item concerning the lady activist) to my
> attention causing me to research the matter further.
> I must say that I had made this statement based on my recollection of.
> a) Certain Supreme Court orders in NBA matters last year,
> b) Activism and PR of an Ahmedabad based NGO - NCCL or suchlike
> c) A series of news reports which described Ms. Medha Patkar as a Magsaysay
> awardee (the latest series of which was about 6 days back when she was
> arrested and got bail etc.). Everyone who reads me regularly knows my views
> on awards/awardees like this which are only awarded to corrupt people.
> It seems I may have been wrong on the Magsaysay award (and I couldn't
> locate it on the RMAF website either when I checked). For what its worth
> the news stories which misled me were
> and a string of others which any can search for on google.
> So I am (temporarily) modifying my statement that Ms. Patkar is foreign
> financed (Magsaysay CIA spy by implication like Arvind, Kiran Bedi, Aruna
> Roy etc...) till I fully research the matter again. My thanks to those who
> pointed this out and my apology(s) to any/everybody who was offended.
> I am also open to discuss another aspect which is being communicated in
> private emails to me from a certain IAC section on this list.
> Namely that while Arvind's group is completely corrupt, money obsessed and
> tainted (which is why the political option suits them to a T) but Anna and
> Medha etc. (but not Kiran Bedi - who is needed for other reasons) are
> mature/decent/honest/simple folk with long track records of grassroots
> clean activism etc. but who simply cannot function with Arvind. Since
> this a open mailing list I suppose, all knowledgeable subscribers should
> and ought to write in so that all dimensions / truth of the IAC
> fracture/implosion emerge and can be chronicled for future researchers.
> Sarbajit

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