Saturday, November 24, 2012

RE: [IAC++] Re:Eradicaion of corruption in India

Dear Friends,
Any sane person in India will certainly know the power of money. All the politicians derive power thro money. It is very rare that a good person with no money gets elected. Even our P.M. did not stand for election before becoming the P.M. Shri Rajagopalachari, the first and only Indian Viceroy was defeated in the elections from swatantra party and Gen. Kariappa met the same fate. Most of the honest politicians have been elected to Upper houses or nominated to Lok sabha/assemblies.
There is one sure way of losing an election and that is by not spending money.
Most of the politicians have made this a business. They invest for the elections and make many times that amount once they are elected. That is how the corruption starts. The officials are more than willing to tread the path shown by the politicians and make more than enough money.
The only way any honest person wins the election, is, if we fish out all the cash the politicians and others have in their ware houses.
Pl insist on demonetising Rs.100, Rs.500, and Rs.1000. rupee notes.  Restrict cash transactions for any transaction to an upper limit of of Rs.5,000/- and insist that not more than Rs.5000/- can be held by any person who is a major at any time and any holding more than this amount be made a criminal offence. Once this is done the govt. receipts at all levels swell to at least 20 times if not more and our rupee will be highly valued at Rs40 a dollar or better. Corruption will be reduced to just about or less than 10% of the value as of to-day. I am prepared to explain/ draw up a plan and also I can more than justify and validate my estimates.
Is there any organisation thinking in these terms or if not WHY? AAM AADMY PARTY is going to field good persons to the poles but how many can retain their deposits and how many can win. I do not think that people are still ready to vote according to their conscience and weigh the candidates for their future honesty. It is too much to expect miracles and people with no money power getting elected.
Mr.Jaya Prakash Narayan, (ex IAS, resigned) tried and how many are there in from his party in the elected houses. You may say it is only a beginning but it will only be a never ending beginning. Let us not look at the impoosibilities and strive for what is possible in the near term. We must insist on the demonetisation and ask the govt as to why they are not going for it if they refuse it. This would be a good tool to get some success for the honest parties to come up in the elections.
Let us bring the black money hoarded by all the rich, the Govt. servants, politicians and others to come clean and let us have a level playing ground for all the honest to serve the country.
I am open for discussion and debate at any place at any forum and any place.
Col.Nanda Gopal.(retd) 

Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2012 21:08:04 -0800
Subject: Fw: [IAC++] Re:Eradicaion of corruption in India

Surely, all true patriot citizens are included in the veterans. 

People of the country confer every 5 years the power upon these natas to keep the nation happy, healthy and safe. Netas actually sell this people power illegally to crony capitalists for their personal gains only to come back again after 5 years to seek the people power again. This cycle has continued unabated for 65 years. Therefore, I reiterate, Jan Lokpal is to rid the country of political corruption. Sh Anna has already led this movement to a great degree of success and he needs to pursue it until a fool proof  broad based effective Jan Lokpal bill is passed and implemented which inter-alia seeks autonomy for CBI. 

5 years time bound implementation of NeGP is to rid the country of corruption in government obligations and services to its citizens where the perpetrators of such degradation are babus, police and judges. Anna must demand NeGP to be implemented directly under the watchful eyes of the honorable PM. Routine NeGP is already under slip shod implementation by Central IT Secy and State IT Secys. Upgraded NeGP to include spending process of more than $ 1 tn financial outlay in  5 year plans must be implemented by 2017 as a national objective committed by the PM. Monthly progress by Central IT Secy on National DD, State IT Secys on all Regional DDs and bimonthly progress by PM on National TV for 1.2 billion people of the country to know the status must be done. The regular update in the progress of implementation of NeGP is the right of every citizen and is far more important than the meaningless exercise going on for last 65 years by PM coming on TV on 26 Jan and 15 Aug to do a lip service to the same people by giving them hollow assurances and speaking on corrupt and half baked MNREGA, PDS, free meals, subsidies, BPL schemes, reservations etc. Such a national wasteful exercise must be stopped and substituted by giving progress to the people on national objectives of Jan Lokpal, NeGP, national infrastructure projects etc.

These two, Jan Lokpal and NeGP are not theory, abstraction or merely concept. These two are actual permanent ground actions to create huge deterrent to the pol class and the governance machinery from getting into the gutter of corruption ever. Other things like change of hearts, self regulation, community oriented teachings against corruption would continue so long as the civilization exists but they are far from acting as system oriented deterrent against corruption. 

Every citizen irrespective of caste, creed, profession or political leaning must support Anna in these two demands as their duty. Team Anna in turn must get the PM to treat these as national commitment just like nuclear deterrent policy. 

Jai Hind. 
Col Mahesh Khera

From: Kumar Arun <>
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2012 21:02:51 +0000
To: Thakur Singh (Retd.col-India)<>; Col. Arun Joshi<>; Brig. Nair<>; <>
Cc: Col. Mahesh Khera<>; <>
Subject: RE: [IAC++] Re:Eradicaion of corruption in India

The time is approaching faster to finalize the decision as how our Indian Veterans will Reclaim India.
Our leader, Gen. V. K. Singh is in the process of making our dream come true. Please do visit:
                                "Bharatiya Patriots" on the facebook 


Kumar Arun

Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2012 12:52:39 +0530
Subject: Re: [IAC++] Re:Eradicaion of corruption in India

Dear All,

 Please elaborate as how can we implement National E Governance Plan (NeGP) 2005 to end the corruption + janlokpal.


Col Thakur Singh

On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 10:10 AM, Israel Jayakaran <> wrote:
Hullo All,
        I am  Israel Jayakaran, veteran,Chennai.
        I have been following all your messages and the Denmark example on eradicating coruption in India. While you have been exploring the steps, you have forgotten the reasons as to why some people resort to  corruption and adopt corrupt practices.
        What is the aim        behind  the             corrupt       practices?      Not everyone indulges in them but only a few;  may be in thousnads and yet they areonly a few.  Who  are they?  Not like people like you and me who draw a pension andlive comfortably. And the corrupt also lead a comfortable life.  But the money they have is not sufficient for their future profession - Politics !.  Some people in India want to enjoy high status and that happens to be politics as of now.
        It's not an easy thing to get elected in our marvellous democracy.  You need tons and tons of money to win elections. Unless you are a    multi         millionnaire,   you       can't    think        of   standing for elections.  Any winning candidate will certify to it.And this quantum could come only through corrupt means;  legal routes just won't fetch even one thousandth of the needed money.  So, now you understand why some people indulge in corruption and corrupt ptactices.Once you get     elected, you think of the next elections and prepare for it   and   collect crores while you are in position of power. And the process continues.
       Once upon a time, a  candidate spent just Rs 25,000 for Lok sabha election.  Not anymore.  You need 250 crores in   present times.
       So, the villain of the piece is 'the high cost of election'.  If we make elections a cheap affair, nobody would amass wealth to fight it. I am viualising a situation whereof one is not  required to spend even ONE rupee on elections and yet he/she  could get elected because he/she is a highly competent person to rule the land.  Unbelievable,isn't it?  And yet it is possible to set up such  a system.  I have thought of a foolproof one, for that matter.
        And tell me, why the highly experienced and most knwledgeable candidates don't stand for elecitons;  the intelligenstia to be precise?  High cost ! my friend.  And these gentlemen and ladies don't want to make illegal money to fight elections.  So, thugs who know the art of amassing tons of money stand for elections.  What kind of intellectual contributions  could you expect from illiterates like them? Is ours  a government of the people?  "People" is not any Lallu,  Panju and Idiots.  A particular brand of humans recognised and accepted by the electorate.     
       So, let us not waste our valuable time at finding ways and means to eradicate corruption but apply our mind as to how to get the 545 members elected out of 1.2 billion people with the minimum cost on the part of the government and at no cost on the part of the candidates. Corruption then will automatically get eleminated.  Incidentally, did it ever occur to you that no one wants to indulge in mal practices;  their conscience would tell them that but they are forced into it because they want to be MPs and MLAs? 
       Our Indian Election system has not ony killed one's conscience but have also detached  these indians from the connecting line to God.  Some 40 to 50 years ago, an Indian was known as the most God fearing man in the world. And the world too acknoledged this fact.  But    not anymore. "Where is God?" an Indian asks these days.
                                                   Israel Jayakaran,     Colonel (Retd), Signals, veteran, Chennai.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: [IAC++] How Denmark has curbed corruption? c link

Hi Arun,

Surely, your point is valid, ultimately, it is the man behind the gun. However, in many routine automation of functions, the dependency of man can be completely done away with. The classic example is banking. Pl recall, how ICICI and HDFC etc made debut with automation and they succeeded in all urban market in nineties and semi urban market in the previous decade. Seeing their astounding success, PSU banks have also improved now though it has taken them around 15-20 years or so but today in CBS branches of PSU banks, no one is dependent upon bank babus. 

All we need is to demand two things from the govt, Jan Lokpal bill and 5 years implementation of fool proof NeGP under the direct charge of PMO. If IAC can do their home work, they should just swamp the nation, mobilize the people with these two demands only and force the govt to give monthly progress of NeGP on national TV by IT secy and on regional TV by state IT secy. Non achievement of time bound targets should result in heads roll. Watch the most lethal combination of Jan Lokpal and NeGP in the world working wonders in 1.2 billion strong and 50 % illiterate  India. 90 % netas, babus, police, judges and crony capitalists will be turned around by the same Indian people who have been taken for a ride for last 65 years and at least 90 % corruption will vanish by 2017 and 10 % corruption will land the people responsible in jail. India jumps to 41 rank in least corrupt nations index just after 40 developed countries.  
Jai Hind

With warm regards,

Col Mahesh Khera

From: arun joshi <>
To: Mahesh Khera <>
Cc: "" <>; "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 21 November 2012 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: [IAC++] How Denmark has curbed corruption? c link

Dear Col Khera,
Pardon the interruption.
I was fortunate to attend a course MMA (ADP) in 1987 (Middle Management appreciation- automated data processing) There was one prayer our instructors recited daily.........
"Gentlemen ,these systems as they evolve are support systems. Remember it is absolutely essential for the man behind the machine to be true to his job.
I fully subscribe to your views of e governance. It will assist in reducing corruption to a discernible extent. However not until our genes (especially Govt servants) are completely overhauled would we see an improvement. 
I am presently struggling to obtain a birth certificate. Struggling because I refused to pay the Lady Rs 1000/-. RTI and a personal interview with the Commissioner of the City has not helped as yet. 
Nevertheless I have not yet lost hope.
With Regards

On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 4:16 PM, Mahesh Khera <> wrote:
Dear M/s Kris and Iftikhar,

We must thank you for bringing out such live examples to the people of India. I am happy to see this as also the curiosity of the people as to when a small democratic country like Denmark can be No 1 least corrupt country then India the world's greatest democracy can also be similar.

I must share with you that in Oct 2010, in a seminar on mobile broadband, I brought out that Denmark has achieved No 1 rank in least corrupt index due to their commitment to implement their national e governance program. The two secys to the government of India were on the chair. Secy DoT just dismissed me that I do not know any thing that India has a National E Governance Plan (NeGP) 2005 and this is under implementation. The other gentleman, Chairman TRAI did appreciate what I said and he was of the opinion that India seriously needs to look at what Denmark has done. For Danish NeGP, they have had huge broadband penetration in the country over which their NeGP, inter-alia,  touching upon every national infrastructure project right from e-RFP, to e-tendering, e-bidding, e-purchase order, e-implementation monitoring and e-operations monitoring has been included. You can imagine our NeGP 2005, the less said the better. We had 2G scam, CWG scam, Coal scam, host of mining, land, power scams and so on. Going forward, we have a $ trillion financial outlay in our 5 year plan, an unlimited money for nation building and some people must be licking their fingers. Suppose, we were actually implementing the real NeGP 2005, all these scams would not have been there. If at all some one does then the e evidence which is indelible in nature can nail the person(s) and within less than a year, the guilty is/are prosecuted, sentenced and find themselves in jail. Imagine, the huge deterrent which true NeGP can bring to the corruption. This is what Denmark has successfully implemented.

I would be happy to contribute to the real India's NeGP through Telecom, Media and Technology (TMT) which in conjunction with Jan Lok Pal can give 90 % relief to India from corruption. For more details, would request you to please click the URL
With warm regards,

Col Mahesh Khera

From: Kris Dev <>
Sent: Monday, 19 November 2012 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: [IAC++] How Denmark has curbed corruption? c link


I like the way Denmark has done. Do you think it's possible in India? If yes, how do we make it happen?


Kris Dev

"He/she should not do that which he/she knows to be wrong, and suffer the consequence whatever it may be, this is the key to the use of soul-force." ( Hind Swaraj , p. 69).



Col Arun Joshi(Veteran)



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