Thursday, December 6, 2012

Re: [IAC++] IAC position on FDI in retail

Sukhdev or Bhagat singh did not have a country to run.  They did not have any responsibilities of governing.

A respectable movement or a political party should not advocate such positions.

Regarding "selling our country" ... that is corruption... And it is wrong.
Corruption is independent of whether it is a domestic or a foreign company.

IAC should not be in the business of having policy positions on specific issues like this.
We can and do have a strong position about lack of transparency or corruption surrounding it.

- Mandar

On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 1:49 PM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
The Lok Sabha has passed the FDI in retail motion.
The action now moves to the Rajya Sabha.

Somebody asked me today what IAC's position was on FDI in retail.

I said we hadn't worked it out, but my own view was surprisingly
quite similar to the Shiv Sena's as expressed by their MP
Sanjay Raut today in Parliament

"selling the country to foreigners like Wal-Mart.
If Sukhdev, Bhagat Singh were alive, they would have
bombed the people who are sitting here.

What do IAC members think ?



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