Saturday, December 1, 2012

Re: [IAC++] Identity of Mr. Ash

I totally disagree with Sarbjit Roy and his claim to IAC tag. As mentioned earlier IAC became a household name only through association with Team Anna. Sarabjit we know as the moderator of Humjanenge e-group.

Next coming to Arvind's 'wild' allegations and his failure to get info sought and Sarabjit getting all the info sought itself does give clear indication of who does what and how.

Even in this forum we can see how foul mouthed Sarabjit is and he is casting aspersions on Arvind for making allegations against a clerk of the IAS cadre. These clerks are supposed to be the backbone of the govt administration and we know how rotten it is. Even the failure of the RTI Act is a success in the way it has exposed the perfidy of these scamsters. I dare say that the best of the members of the IAS cadre are third rate clerks and the rest traitors!

I had met Aravind for the 1st time in 2007 when NAPM organised a Jan Sansad at Jantar Mantar. The worst I could say of him was that he was a serious person always. Of course he has his own ideas and the courage of conviction to try and put them to test. His PCRF and RTI Awards are examples. Personally I was totally against his introducing an award for the best information commission but he thought it was necessary to recognise whatever good was being done by any information commissioner and he had to give that up after 2 years. But you can't blame him for that. It would certainly have been some learning experience for him. That's about all. 

Anyhow, to cut a long story short, Aravind is head over shoulders compared to most of us in this group. If each one us could do even 10 percent of what Arvind had been able to do then there could still be reason for hope.

regards n bw


On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 10:42 AM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
Dear Mr Reddy

I have known Arvind for quite some time, about 10 years when we both started using Delhi RTI Act. We first met outside Office of the Chairperson Delhi Public Grievance Commission who was the Appellate Authority for Delhi RTI Act.

Even in those days Arvind was a very confused and hyper person with a perpetual chip on his shoulder that the entire system was corrupt. He used to file all sorts of wild RTIs and never used to get information. He used to publicly abuse the Chairperson Ms. Shailaja Chandra IAS and make  wild allegations against her. He never got any information out of her because of his attitude. I on the other hand invariably used to get favourable orders from her and I went on to use the information obtained to great effect.

Arvind in those days was unemployed (or as we say 'vela') since he had fought with the Govt and was on leave. He formed a group known as "Delhi RTI Munch" of people who used to assemble outside Shailaja Chandra's office. Initially I was also in it, then they started dreaming up all sorts corruption fantasies involving her and many people left after bitter quarrels, and they got my friend Mr. Ravindra Balwani (he was a simple noble soul who obliged everybody) to level a complaint against her in the LokAyukta. The legal process being what it is, after levelling the accusations they refused to come forward with evidence, and finally after  4 years Ms. Chandra was exonerated after she went to High Court. This has always been Arvind';s modus operandi - level half baked allegations and then run away when it comes to giving evidence.

It is only because of Arvind's special relationship with people like Aruna Roy, Harsh Mander and Shekhar Singh that he could survive in Delhi in those early days. Whenever he was short of money, some foreign award like Ashoka or Magsaysay used to be conveniently arranged for him by these people. In those days Arvind even used to carry Aruna Roy's handbag and mobile when Nikhil Dey was not around.

These ringmasters also arranged that Arvind and his wife were always posted in Delhi/NCR region for 20(?) years to act as their peon. Later of course Arvind turned the table on some of them by setting up his own outfit and power base.

All these people, are professional touts who "sing for their supper" knowing very well that "he who pays the piper calls the tune". If you want to know more about this deeply entrenched anti-national NGO industry racket please read the very well researched book by Dr. Krishen Kak IAS which completely exposes them and their methods.

There is more than enough material in public domain to show that all these people, Arvind, Anna, Kiran Bedi etc are all professional foreign financed trouble makers, wo are only concerned for themselves & their foreign paymasters and not for the public.


On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 9:33 AM, MVR Reddy <> wrote:
As Sameer Banerjee rightly pointed out, allegations of this sort against Arvind Kesariwal and Sisodia by some of the IAC leaders (Who are all these people I dont know) like today by Mohd Ali Baig
Dist Coordinator IAC and yesterday by Raktim Mukhopadhyay, Advisor/ Consultant For NGOs are hurting us all. I am still not a member of AAP. But people like me are in millions who admire Annaji, IAC and Arvind Kesariwal. Daily non-stop so many ill things are happening in our country. It is really sad that  people like Mohd Ali Baig, Dist Coordinator IAC and yesterday by Raktim Mukhopadhyay, Advisor/ Consultant For NGOs are confusing public this way. Open your eyes, see today TOI headlines, see how CWG scam associated people are coming back in a big way. Why are you wasting your by wild allegations energy against AAP. Let them work and you also work to have synergistic effect. 
Hope sense will prevail in these people.
Writing with anguish.


 Veteran Major P M Ravindran

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