Thursday, December 6, 2012

Re:[IAC++] A new political set up forI ndia.

Dear Sarabjit,
         Thank you for the update.  Didn't expect Kejriwal and Co to do  a somursalt.  What will happen to AA Party? Who will head it if both Kejriwal and Anna have fallen out of it?  Do we go in for another right from the scratch?  Have you any idea  how to go about it?.
        I have lots of new thoughts and goals in this regard.  I think both of us could put our thinking cap on. Do remain in touch.  The best way to eradicate corruption and provide  a clean administration is to form single party government and change the whole set of rules and modus operandi.I don't see any  problem  at sweeping the next polls.
        Mean time, could you collect around  thousand or more devoted and committed people about  the age 60 to do the 'running around' work  for the new party? I am out of this role  being 86 but I am ready to provide the think tank.. 
       Assuming AAP is dead and a new party has to come into being in its place, we need a top notch to head the party - a well known figure !  Who could it be?  Any brainwaves? I feel we should rope in Anna since he has a halo round his nead all over India. Do you think we could goad him to agree in the interest of the nation?
      Looking forward to your reply and progresson the issue.
                       Israel Jayakaran, Colonel (Retd), veteran, Chennai.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 11:31 PM
Subject: Re: [IAC++] How AAP should go about the job

Dear Col Jayakaran

Mr Arvind Kejriwal is no longer part of the IAC movement. Neither are Manish Sisodia, Prashanth Bhushan, Shanti Bhushan, Kiran Bedi, Anna Hazare, Justice Hegde, and so many others.

Messages addressed to them on this group
will probably not reach them (officially).

OTH, in the new IAC, I can assure you that we listen to everyone very seriously, nobody is a small fry, and we try our best to give you a proper reply (even if it is not always what you were expecting).

The new IAC is very open, democratic and a flat structure geared towards action.

PS: the "abusive" phase this list is going through is a temporary one.

Sarbajit (Roy)
National Convenor, IAC

On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 8:37 PM, Israel Jayakaran <> wrote:
Dear Mr. Arvind Kejriwal,
       Please read my message dated 29 Nov 12, given below..  I am your well wisher and I have no ambition to hold any post in your party.  I want your party to harvest the maximum number of LS  seats so that you can form a single party governmernt, hence these suggestions.
      I am rather disappointed that you have not replied my above mail though some 8 have passed by. Do not treat anyone as small fries !  Do respond to this mail.
                      Israel Jayakaran, Colonel (Retd). Signals, veteran, Chennai. 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 9:15 AM
Subject: Re: How AAP should go about the job

        I am Col. I.Jayakaran, your well wisher  from Chennai and one who has been craving  for a change in our political scenario.  May I add something more to what Dr.Vohra has said.  It's absolutely possible to win 500 seats in the next elections. All what you have to do is travel the length and breadthof India in your van, address as many road side meetings as possible and recommend to the voters that your party would give a clean and corruption free aministration and restore to the people all their democratic and civil rights.  Since the voters are fed up with Congress and BJP, they would fall for AAP with fond hopes. 
         Also in the meantime you need to select your candidates for the next elections - those selected must be totally honest, competent, financially independentt and with the highest level of character and integrity.
        Also you need substantial numbers of members for your party. [Unless one is a member, he/she cannot hold any kind of post in the party including standing for elections]  You run the party enirely on the members'  subscrition and do not accept any kind of donations from industrial houses.  Make your membership fee to Rs. 50 per year.  If you can muster around one million members, you would be financially sound.
        Appoint District commitees to recruit members(and also issue the membership card) and collect the subscription. It is the District committee that should meet the financial neeeds of the Central headquarters, to be located at a place of your choice. Alternatively, the control could be exercised entirely by your head office.
        On hearing from you, I shall give you a "list of  more talking points" for your roadside meetings.  Your core group should consist of around ten members who should travel along with you.
        I am making these suggestions beause I want you to succeed and you need to go all out on the mission.
                                  Israel Jayakaran, Colonel (Retd), Chennai.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 6:54 AM
Subject: Re: [IAC++] Dear Arvind

Dear All,

The Key Component of the IAC is to Inform the people about their rights and duties and involve as many as possible in the silent movement of opinion building.

Dr Prashant Vohra

--- On Wed, 28/11/12, Brig Ahuja <> wrote:

From: Brig Ahuja <>
Subject: Re: [IAC++] Dear Arvind
To: "jaiprakash narain" <>
Cc: "" <>
Date: Wednesday, 28 November, 2012, 6:30 AM

Bring accountability in governance , punish people found guilty  and than see the difference.Civic bodies are the worst in discharging their duties in providing the basic amenities to their citizens . The moment Commissioner of a Municipal Corporation is made accountable  ,there will be no pot holes on the roads , no depleted buildings & damaged drains  and above all basic amenities will be made available at  door step.

Bringing Accountability , responsibility  and transparency  in the governing system is the mantra to remove corruption.

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 26, 2012, at 9:21 PM, jaiprakash narain <> wrote:

The only way to eradicate corruption from public life is to implement the rule of law in this country. implement the act of citizen charter, the lokpal bill n  RTI  in a effective manner. Though the main disease is the corruption in high places but it is multiplied by so many smaller diseases like poor education, unregulated poor welfare schemes, population n poor awareness of the people of its overall effect on the development of the nation. Our politicians n babus take full advantage of this weakness of ours.

From: Kris Dev <>
To: Mahesh Khera <>; Sarbajit Roy <>
Cc: "" <>; Ravi Raj Vasudev <>; ADR <>;; Ashutosh Singh <>
Sent: Monday, 26 November 2012 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [IAC++] Dear Arvind

Dear all,

I too like what Sarbajit, Anil, Mahesh, Pratik and others have written.

We need to find a sure way to eliminate corruption and create a near level playing field for the 1.2 billion.

I think one sure way would be to demonetize currency in stages so that we remove Rs. 1000 and Rs. 500 currency notes from circulation to eliminate big corruption and fake currencies. The surrendered amounts can be updated in the respective bank accounts. Next phase Rs. 100 and Rs. 50 can be demonetized.

Instead of cash, Biometric Smart card linked to a money account as Debit Card can be issued for tracking all transactions.

What do others think of this idea?

Kris Dev.
ICT & e-Gov Consultant.
Manthan Award Winner for Biometric Tracking.

On 26 November 2012 08:56, Mahesh Khera <> wrote:
Dear Mr Sarbajit,

Great to read Mr Anil's description. The nation is grappling with the most complex problem perpetrated for the last 65 years by the pol class and babudom where solution is not easy to find and actually much more difficult to implement. The only thing simple to practice and common to all 1.2 bn we the people is to brace our selves to exert unlimited pressure upon all governments to implement things like Jan Lokpal, NeGP and many other generally accepted political and governance reforms. Economy would grow in any case despite the government but freedom from most of the corruption so as to breathe clean air would need the might of the nation. Let there be no doubt, every citizen irrespective of caste, creed and community is an integral part of this transformation and all of us are doing service and even those who are leading such movements are actually demonstrating their leadership by service. 

Once again echoing Mr Anil Behl's golden advice.

Jai Hind.
With warm regards,

Col Mahesh Khera

From: Sarbajit Roy <>
Sent: Monday, 26 November 2012 8:03 AM

Subject: Re: [IAC++] Dear Arvind

Dear Anil

Great to hear from you after all these years (35 yrs ?) Never knew that you were into this IAC type stuff (we probably got it from studying Moral Science). People like us can engineer a solution.


On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 12:06 AM, Anil Bahl <> wrote:
Intent is an important start. Talk is a follow up. But what is crucial is the WALK. Good people do what they say – they WALK THE TALK!
Most importantly, let us not be judgmental of anyone, especially when each one of us (including myself) does several wrong things every day (from telling white lies, to bribing a cop to bunking a red signal to losing our cool, to hatred for many)
Do not judge, for each one of us shall surely be judged when our time comes.
God bless and transform this Nation.


"He/she should not do that which he/she knows to be wrong, and suffer the consequence whatever it may be, this is the key to the use of soul-force." ( Hind Swaraj , p. 69).


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