Monday, January 14, 2013

Re: [IAC#RG] Basic ingredients of IAC

Dear Anamika

Yr points are somewhat correct but need to be explained in context.

1) IAC is "apolitical" and we discourage members or adherents of ANY political party.  If somebody being a member of say party "X" but publicly declaring himself as such, we have no objection to his occasional communications to our members over IAC lists PROVIDED his messages are not UNDULY political / PoV-pushing .

2) IAC is not only a "list", but is a full fledged people's movement. "List" is one of the aspects. We cannot disclose our operational forces / strengths on the ground as yet because of the Aam Aadmi "problem", for instance, IAC brigades were under strict instruction during the recent Parliament demos a) NOT to use Indian Tricolor b) Not to bash up AAP or "other" IAC people who were misusing Indian Tricolor - which IAC feels is a sacred and unifying emblem of India and above politics/activism.

3)  As a take-off from the above, at the present time IAC does not differentiate between "subscribers" and "members". This is an aspect which has to evolve in a transparent and public manner. It could emerge when IAC drafts its manifesto and updates its Charter.

4)  All of us at this IAC are genuinely and demonstrably for transparency and accountability - THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR and not under special dispensations !!!.

5)  I am the HONORARY INTERIM "Convenor" of IAC. I am as much of a "figure head" as Mr.Anna Hazare was for the last IAC. I equally have great RESPECT for people who can publicly disagree with me in a civilised way and on merits - and such people are never censored or moderated (subject only to list bandwidth).

National Convenor ... blah blah ..

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 6:05 PM, Anamika R <> wrote:

As I understand, this list has the following basic ingredients:

a) there are no subscribers who align themselves with the AAP
b) it is apolitical and believes in making the system accountable and making it work 'for the people'
c) that Sarbajit Roy is the Convenor of IAC

Please let me know if the understanding is correct.

If it is correct, then the subscribers need to respect the views of the Convenor.


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