Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Re: [IAC#RG] PRESS RELEASE. Death of Delhi's innocent gangrape victim.

I concur with views of Maj Kapur and Mr Kumaran.
Ashok Coomar
-------Original Message-------
Date: 12/31/2012 8:43:32 PM
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] PRESS RELEASE. Death of Delhi's innocent gangrape victim.
Dear Mr. Kumaran,

Though your suggestion of boycotting Republic Day would seem too harsh, but in the circumstances is the appropriate response.
There seems to be no real democracy, no freedom for the vast majority of citizens, and worse no republic in the real sense. The politician and the babu decide what is good for strengthening crony capitalistism - you and me do not count. The powers of the states are being usurped in several ways by the Centre, so why celebrate what is not? We as a society stand shamed, what is there to rejoice? The defence services are downgraded, what is there to show off? Our public conduct has crossed all limits of decent acceptable limits, what culture or heritage do we claim and what do we want to celebrate?

The befitting alternative to Republic Day celebrations and Independence Day celebrations in all state capitals and district HQ across the country would be to erect a symbol in a public place in memory of the young Indian woman who galvanised the youth of entire nation to seek a change from the current unresponsive, insensitive system and take a pledge, year after year with a resolve to be the change that we want to see.

Major Kapur

On 31 December 2012 11:21, PA Kumaran <pakumaran@gmail.com> wrote:

The govt is silently watching the powerful peace protest. It is hoping that, it will die down from today, being a working day. This is a wishful thinking. The govt is likely to plant some miscreants to break peace and blame it on peaceful protestors. It is now that we all should act and continue to exert pressure, so that the momentum is not lost.

We should also consider boycotting the "Republic Day" celebrations.


On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 3:42 PM, Mohammed Ghani <mdghani33@yahoo.com> wrote:
we share your feelings and pray for the departed soul to rest in peace

From: Ash IAC-Media <ash.ashwati2012@gmail.com>
To: iac-media@lists.riseup.net
Sent: Saturday, 29 December 2012 3:06 PM
Subject: [IAC#RG] PRESS RELEASE. Death of Delhi's innocent gangrape victim.

To all media

Sub: PRESS RELEASE Death of Delhi's innocent gangrape victim.

India Against Corruption regrets the unnecessary loss of live of another innocent female victim in Delhi by a gruesome crime against humanity.

The wishes and sympathies of IAC's entire community goes out to her family members in their time of grief.

IAC is concerned that the competent authority - Lt. Governor of Delhi was allegedly vacationing abroad when the incident occurred and his rudderless office could not respond to IAC's communications during the crisis as required under the Right to Information Act 2005.

IAC is concerned that Chief Minister of Delhi, Smt Shiela Dikshit seemingly behaved in a partisan and selfish manner and allegedly interfered with the investigation of the crime and medical treatment of the victim for her own political purposes.

IAC is concerned that the office of the Transport Commissioner of GoNCTD Delhi is an Authority steeped in corruption which facilitated the death of this innocent victim.

IAC resolves to carry this incident forward to ensure that measures are taken to prevent such incidents in future.

for India Against Corruption

Ajay Dixit
National Cyber-media Coordinator

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