Saturday, March 28, 2020


I endorse your suggestion so that people are not misled. 
However the government should also be alert to problems that arise. For over  2 days I had been raising the problem of migrated labour. The businesses who employed them suddenly abandoned them and left them to their own fate. The state governments too left them in the lurch. They started marching on empty stomach. The central government should have warned employers not to dismiss the workers. The state governments should have been warned to accommodate the workers in empty schools with social distancing. and to provide food. Suddenly these workers who had staked their life to do dangerous jobs for their employers staking their life for meagre wages were suddenly orphaned. For media they were interesting human interest stories. Media barons should have telephoned or emailed PM about the emergency. You would have watched how Delhi transport overcharged them by charging ₹30 cash and deposited them in Anand Vihar and left them high and dry. This joint neglect is now posing huge danger. Army should now manage them and transport them to their places. The country is full of empty schools to offer shelter but they have not been used. 
Only Modiji can immediately help solve this countrywide problem. He has his heart in the right place.
Prof. N. Natarajan

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

On Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 9:53 PM, Venkatraman Ns <> wrote:


Insdia Against Corruption

                                          NEED "CURFEW" ON DEBATES ON COVID 19 IN MEDIA AND SOCIAL PLATFORMS

Anxious to fill the space in these "corona days" and probably with the good intention of spreading awareness about COVID 19 , print and visual media are organizing debates between "experts" and social platforms are full of "views" on cause and effect of coronavirus. This has now reached an alarming level, as most of such observations are poorly informed and without any detailed study and back up data.
One "expert" in TV debate in India has said that according to his calculation, around 55 lakh people would be affected by coronavirus in India by April.

Another "expert doctor" has said that coronavirus is already showing signs of reaching unmanageable level in India due to poor medical infrastructure facilities and lack of sanitary habits of many people and added that "writing is on the wall" .
Some "experts" have said that herbal medicines can cure coronavirus. Some suggested that spraying the mixture of turmeric and neem leaves in front of the house can help. Suggestions also have been made that "Keezhanelli" a traditional herb, can cure coronavirus disease.

Some "experts" have said that cleaning hands with medicinal soap would be necessary and others said that any soap would be adequate and some others said cleaning with clean water would be enough.

Some "experts" said that coronavirus would not affect when the atmospheric temperature would be around 35 deg. centigrade and therefore , in summer coronavirus would go away.

Some "experts" say that life of coronavirus is 14 days and some others say that it is less and some others say that it is more.

Some "experts" say that mask should be worn at all times and others say healthy people need not wear mask.
It should be kept in view that medical doctors and medical researchers are different. Doctors prescribe the medicine suggested or approved by medical researchers. In such circumstances, the views of the doctors need not always be considered as correct, as they have no research capability in the true sense of the term.

It is high time that government should declare that only announcements by the government should be publicized in the media and social platforms and not the views of the so called "experts".

Nandini Voice For The Deprived
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