Friday, February 18, 2011

Re: 04 - Re: [HumJanenge] Re: HOW TO UNSUBSCRIBE

Dear Col. Heble

I presume you are referring to me.

Firstly, we don't moderate or censor posts to this group. Our moderation policy is not based on "insolence" but on transparent regulations which are unexceptionable and similar to many other online groups / fora, and designed to ensure compliance inter-alia with Google Terms of Service.

Secondly, as you have made allegations / insinuations against the moderators, I am exercising my right to reply.

Your efforts in RTI (based on what I know and the CIC decisions in your matters in re DIAL, AAI etc) were certainly NOT in the public interest, but in furtherance of your private problems - namely that you were a landowner in an illegal encroachment on Airport Authority of India owned land, that you were trying to extend the old lal-dora boundaries of the existing village of Shahbad Mohdpur to seek shelter for your illegal colony under the regularisation scheme, that in addition to your illegal palatial bungalow built on this encroached land you were also running a courier and cargo business from there in blatant violation of the Master Plan and other laws etc. That you are a misuser of RTI for personal benefit (not larger public interest) and that hence I and the other "responsible" RTIers on RTI_India declined to assist you in your RTI misuse. etc for the illegal "community" you live in. Or perhaps I am wrong and I am thinking of some other person, so you may correct me and I shall apologise ?!


On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 8:51 AM, ANIL HEBLE <> wrote:
> Dear Mr. Bhanot
> Extremely well said. I stopped interacting or replying or being a part of the group precisely for reasons mentioned by Mr. Surendra Bhanot
> The arrogance, abusive and self assigned power of at least one moderator and to some extent of other too was misplaced.
> However inspite of the moderators, the community I live in has largely been benefitted by my efforts through RTI, its erstwhile members who always rendered helpful advice and at no stage were rude and insulting, specially one of them.
> There is nothing anyone amongst the present lot can do to help others or seemingly be a part of this platform.
> Therefore I am a dormant member and in may years this is perhaps my first reply, if indeed gets through insolent moderators.
> Best Regards
> Lt Col (Retd) Anil Heble  

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