Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Re: [HumJanenge] Chalo Assembly- Long March from Nandurbar to Mumbai(500km.)

Dear Guptaji

Please don't worry about things like prescribed email limit for the group. The group's moderators are very experienced in managing the process. You will note that in month of January we achieved our target of 300 emails with a tracking error of 6 emails (ie. 2%).

If you feel that there are pressing RTI issues to be discussed then you must definitely post on these without any mental reservations.

For instance I can propose 2 issues which all persons on this group can ponder on.

1) Govt. has informed me (unofficially as of now) that only responses from Congress party activists will be considered as public consultation for policy framing issues like RTI Rule amendments, and that this is the official policy of UPA-2 government which is published on govt websites. I am awaiting a certified copy of this policy to be given to me in RTI so I can move the Supreme Court in contempt jurisdiction.

2) That the IB has reported to the Cabinet that the amount of money involved in recent scams is almost exactly equally to the amount of counterfeit "super" currency circulating in the country. The figure they have given is Rs. 3,80,000 CRORES. Yaani ke 3,800 ARAB Rupees. This is only for the "super" fake currency or BEST QUALITY PAKISTAN OR CHINA fake notes which duplicate each and every security feature of RBI very closely so that no common person and almost all currency machines also get fooled. The end conclusion which any reasonable person would make is that the Congress party scamsters are part of the ISI havala/drug network and have siphoned all the genuine RBI notes out of the country and dumped fake Paki notes on the helpless citizens. Very shortly you will find that they
will also make the Indian Rupee (which they have given a symbol) international currency.


On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 12:57 AM, M.K. Gupta <> wrote:
I agree with Shri Govind ji. 
Though, these are important developments but the members of the group have limited time to read and reply the mails. Many pressing issue on RTI front are pending. If v go with such issues, we will not be able to contain ourselves to the prescribed number of mails. 
There are so many other blogs/ websites to discuss these developments.

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