Friday, March 4, 2011

Re: [HumJanenge] Appeal made to President of India : May kindly issue Order to Mr P J Thomas CVC whose appointment has been cancelled by Supreme Court being illegal to vacate CVC Office..

President of India should immediately issue his termination order if he does not resign in complaince of Supreme Court Order.  He should fight his case further through review petition as without holding the post of CVC.  The SC decision is with immediate effect. The decision on the Review Petition, if admitted, in every likelyhood will take long time.  years in case it is admitted, that does not mean that Mr. Thomas should continue till that.  Once, his appointment has been declared as illegal, he is no more CVC irrespective the President issue any termination order or not.  
In fact, after his appointment has been declared null and void, his resignation will be only a technical one to complete the formalities. Even without that, he is no more CVC as the orders are effective immedialely after the decision is made.  He should not be allowed to enter CVC, after the reception, without any gate pass and should not be given any file for taking decision.  He can only be allowed for handing and taking over the charge and to remove his personal belongings, if any.  

From: Vaghela B D <>
Sent: Fri, 4 March, 2011 11:49:14 AM
Subject: [HumJanenge] Appeal made to President of India : May kindly issue Order to Mr P J Thomas CVC whose appointment has been cancelled by Supreme Court being illegal to vacate CVC Office..

Dear All,

SOS Appeal made to President of India forwarded herewith is for your kind perusal.


(Babubhai Vaghela)
C 202, Shrinandnagar V, Makarba Road Vejalpur, Ahmedabad - 380051
M -  94276 08632
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(Administrator - Google Group - Right to Information Act 2005)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Babubhai Vaghela <>
Date: Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 10:48 AM
Subject: SOS - President of India may kindly issue Order to Mr P J Thomas CVC whose appointment has been cancelled by Supreme Court being illegal to vacate CVC Office..

President of India,
New Delhi

Dear Madam,

Your kind attention is invited to the Tweet "on Social Media Website Twitter by "Rajdeep Sardesai is editor in chief IBN network. When not chained to the news, he watches cricket, reads books and enjoys family holidays." printscreen of which is enclosed herewith for kind reference.

What is likely to happen cannot be said to be in larger public interest since it amounts to illegally, in Contempt of Supreme Court, allowing to occupy the chair of Central Vigilance Commission to tainted Mr P J Thomas whose appointment as CVC has already been declared illegal by the Highest Court. If need be, Mr P J Thomas be physically stopped from entering CVC Office and, if already entered, be forthwith removed from CVC Office.

Mr P J Thomas, if aggrieved, should be at liberty to seek legal recourse for quashing SC Order and his re-instatement but, at the moment, he must go as CVC. 

UPA Govt, without acting dishonestly, must implement Supreme Court Order fast.


(Babubhai Vaghela)
C 202, Shrinandnagar V, Makarba Road Vejalpur, Ahmedabad - 380051
M -  94276 08632
About me at -
(Administrator - Google Group - Right to Information Act 2005)

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