Thursday, January 20, 2011

[HumJanenge] SPAM / Moderation policy at this group

Dear Members/HJ-GG

This is in reply to an offlist query.

1) We do not tolerate spam (especially cross-posted emails).

2) We are now running automated advanced message filters to "moderate"
posts to this group. All messages detected by these filters are manually
verified by a moderator to ensure that the filters are working properly.
No substantive message pertaining / relevant to RTI posted to this group will
ever be rejected or censored. However, trivial emails (even those connected
to RTI) such as those merely agreeing with a previous poster may be rejected
to regulate the number of posts to the group. Messages in the moderation
queue may be delayed by 1 day (although the norm is 1 or 2 hours).

3) The limit of 300 emails/month is not carved in stone. We encourage
substantive discussion on RTI well beyond such arbitrary limits.


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