Sunday, January 2, 2011

Re: [HumJanenge] Handing over the group ownership

Dear Mr Jagadesh Kumar

You have raised some valid points on behalf of members. I shall answer them as best I can (and so there is no misunderstanding later on)

1) This is a mailing list. Posting of 1 email to the list causes some irritation to some members. Posting of MANY emails causes some irritation to many members. Posting of MANY rubbish emails causes MUCH irritation to EVERY member. Therefore we have made regulations to control the quantity of rubbish and/or offensive emails. This is a REASONABLE RESTRICTION on the rights of members. They have been voted on many times on the parent group (RTI_India) and the result was overwhelmingly (3:1) in favour of such regulations.

2) Unfortunately many members post emails to this group as though it is a forum. Let me state plainly that this list is NOT a forum. Every irresponsible email posted here is an intrusion into somebodies email inbox. Each intrusion results in complaints to moderators, and unsubscriptions.

3) The list has definite purposes. Prime among these are to disseminate widely information /news // views  counter-views etc to RTI stakeholders; Prime among these stakeholders being CITIZENS (as distinguished from NGOs). Maintaining a stable and receptive membership of active citizens is more important for the list owners than providing a free platform for every member to exercise his freedom of expression in an uncontrolled fashion.

4) This group is a shared community resource. Use it wisely, preserve it, help others, and always remember the golden rules

A) WHEN IN DOUBT DON'T !!!!  <-- Ask yourself do I really need to post this. Ought I to give another member a chance to say the same thing.

B) MORE SIGNAL LESS NOISE !!! <--- Each and every post must contribute something substantial on RTI.

List Owner.

On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 7:03 PM, K N Jagadesh kumar <> wrote:
Before Enforcing rules & regulation on this group, I here by request you all to keep in mind the Rights available to every citizen under this Constitution of India. The Part III of the constitution gives every citizen Fundamental Rights that is Equality before Law, Freedom of speech, Right to life & liberty including Right to privacy also which is been interpreted by the judiciary in many cases. "Keshavananda bharti V/s State of kerala is one the case which gives better understandings towards the Indian Constitution.
Before Enforcing the fresh rules ,please bring it to the domain of the group so that group members are able express there views.
This new rules should not allow the group to split.
Thank you

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