Saturday, January 22, 2011

Re: [HumJanenge] Quick group poll: HONESTY OF POLITICIANS

This is further to my previous email. A member (and co-moderator) has suggested offlist to me that this thread be stopped as it has nothing to do with RTI.

I wish to disagree with my respected colleague by sharing a few observations.

1) The RTI Act mentions that for a democracy, the prerequisite is a well informed citizenry which can hold the government accountable to the governed.

2) My experience of over 30 years of participating democratic processes leads me to conclude that it is the so-called misinformed "good", "educated" person who is the biggest stumbling block to achieving deep and meaningful reform in India. Let me list out the characteristics of this class.

a) They blindly believe what is written in laws, press releases, media, and their personal "heroes". They perpetuate this mess by endlessly circulating this misinformation to other "arm chair" / "internet" warriors.

b) They have brains (physically) but cannot think for themselves or develop their brain to use as a weapon/tool.

c) They have no clear idea of the real cancers in todays society, and limit themselves to discussing petty corruptions / affairs like Adarsh Society, CWG scam, 2G scam etc and cheer themselves in their little self created clubs when a few token/minor victories are "achieved." (tossed to them as scraps to divert them). They feel very happy with the media publicity they sometimes get and bask in their little cozy cocoons of self spun moonlight fabric.

d) They do not utilise properly the tools and chances which their peers have won for them. These hard fought victories of individuals are fleeting and evaporate unless other people take advantage of them and defend them.

e) They cannot tolerate disagreement with their own settled views, or criticism of their chosen heroes.

f) They don't understand that the power of "One" is different from the opinion of the "many" What Rabindranath Tagore summarised by 'ekla chalo re'.

3) Polls like Ashish has posted are vital tools to gauge the potential of this group. Are we wasting our time by giving to this group when it is inefficient and/or unproductive ? Does this group need to be refined further ?.

Let  the fun continue. I shall post my own "vote" in due course.


On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 11:45 AM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
Dear Group:

based on replies to this thread so far.

1) This topic has the potential to spiral out of control and breach our group's email limit of 300 emails.
2) The "poll" is already vitiated because people have started giving reasons to justify their choices. This will influence subsequent "voters".

a) This group exists to further citizens right to express freely and publicly.
b) This googlegroup is hampered by not having a poll section like yahoogroups did.
c) At this group we believe that the say of even 1 citizen is as important as the voice of a "mob".

A) Posts to this thread will not count towards 30 email limit. BUT be very formal and civilised in your posts
B) No party propganda is allowed.
C) Cast your "votes" and give your own BRIEF "reasons" (if you so wish).


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