Thursday, January 2, 2014

RE: [IAC#RG] Dear Arvind : Letter 1 of many to come

Dear Mr. Roy.
Concept of Subsidies by itself is a highly debatable and much misunderstood issue-specially as practiced in the country. Somehow it gives me a feeling that it is being used as a vote catching device by central/state Govts from vulnerable section and source of corruption for the intermediaries..
The 3 main sectors where it has been extended and misused are FOOD,FERTILIZER and FUELS. Subsidy for
Electicity and LPG fall under fuel susidies alongiwth petrolium products. But from where the Govt. finds the money for giving the subsidies. Obviously either they have already recovered the money through ta
xation or will borrow from banking and financial institutions.Ultimately the burgen falls on the people.
Now with regard to elctircity there are 3 components in the billing-
1.Cost of production or energy charges-about 47% of billing amount..
2.Govt. electricity duty(17%) and Sales tax.
3.Other charges like fixed charges, Asset charges etc. which the regulator has agreed to be charged from consumer.
.Obviously there is a strong case to go into the 3 components and for the Govt. to reduce taxes.
Normally the feeling is that the producers, distributors and the regulators are in league.
Same applies to LPG,petrol products, fertilizers and food products(PDS).
If AAP can get CAG involved,we may know more on the subject.
I know your relationship with AK and your views about hiim and Prasant Bhusan. Yet I feel at one time they were a part of the India Against Corruption Movement. Today we are at a point that corruption has taken centre stage and no political party can go against this movement.

Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2014 18:11:12 +0530
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Dear Arvind : Letter 1 of many to come

Dear Mr. Gaur

AAP has NOT done any 50% reduction in tariff.

It seems that they have enhanced the existing subsidy to consumers upto 400 units to effectively lower tariffs by 38% as compared to the normal rate for unsubsidised consumers in those already reduced slabs.

This is like the subsidy which is given on domestic LPG gas cylinders upto 6 or 9 cylinders per year. It is also not clear if the subsidy will be given to the DISCOMS or directly to the consumers under DBT.

If you read the fine print, AAP proposes that this subsidy will be ADJUSTED against the outstanding dues of DISCOMS to the Delhi Govt. These dues are for UNPAID and disputed electricity bills for power which DISCOMS have taken from PPL (Pragati Power Ltd.) and DTL (Transco) because the DISCOMS claim to be cash strapped.

If I may put it very simply, AAP is WRITING OFF DUES which the PRIVATE Discoms owe to 100% Govt bodies (ie. citizens). It is like Robert Vadra allowing Kingfisher Airlines to keep flying by waiving landing fees at Airports. Govt Co.s like DTL and PPL will be forced into sickness and be snapped up by Tata and Reliance to make a bigger monopoly.

As somebody who knows Arvind for a very long time, I can tell you that he is doing this because he is a corrupt tout and is being very well paid for it.

Now, let me explain this 50% scam with the help of the LPG gas example. The open market price of LPG (in Delhi) is Rs.49.68p per kg. [] so a 14.2 LPG cylinder should be Rs. 700 per cylinder in the open market or if a consumer could fill his LPG cylinder from a car filling station.

Now due to the subsidy distortions some now people get cylinders at Rs. 400.and others at Rs.1,000. This creates a huge BLACK MARKET which is being manipulated by benaamis using FAKE AADHAR nos. Politicians of all parties have been co-opted into this AADHAR and DBT linked scam and are looting the nation through subsidies. AAP is no different.

Finally let me also inform IAC members that the BHUSHAN family are the regular counsels for a large number of these private power players. Increasing subsidy will only increase consumption of power. Extra power will have to be purchased at high peak rates. This power will be purchased from Bhushan clients at exorbitant prices. The Discom's turnovers will increase and they get 16% tax free return on that
guaranteed.  A neat circle.

And here is a reminder of yet another example of insider-ism,
Prashant Bhushan usually files his PILs (such as Coalgate) through Common Cause where he is a Governing Council member.
[]. Another prominent lawyer on the council is J.Sagar of J.Sagar Associates Law firm. This firm is the regular counsel for the Delhi's Discoms for as long as I can remember. So let me tell you that Arvind is only a puppet of the Bhushans and the actual game is still being played for Tata and Reliance by them. Anyone who has read Bhushanji's ghost written book
"Reliance the real Natwar", carefully, knows who is batting for whom.

NB: Let us hear even 1 party say that they will abolish all such subsidies, abolish Aadhar and abolish DBT, and IAC will support such a party or parties even if that party is AAP.

Hope this makes IAC stand crystal clear


On 1/1/14, Gaur J K <> wrote:
> 1/1/14
> Dear Mr. S. Roy
> Happy New year 2014.
> I just happened to chance upon the enclosed post while sorting out the old
> unread msgs in the box.
> During the last 8 months lot of water has flown under the bridge.
> The matter of electicity tariffs has again come into focus after
> announcement of 50% reduction by AAPGovt.
> What is IAC,s take on this now?
> Regds
> JKGaur

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