Thursday, November 25, 2010

[HumJanenge] Re: [HumJanenge-YG] TOI: Gujarat: Info panel flayed over pending cases

Dear Mohit

All the so-called "eminent persons of RTI" (non-babus) are either

a) in the pay of foreign intelligence agencies directly (CIA, British
Council) or indirectly (Google, USAID),
b) financed by foreign govts in the guise of fake awards (Magsaysay,
Ashoka ..)
c) shunted off to:"offices of profit" (like Information Commissioner)
d) Maoists
e) Terrorists / Separatists
f) IPS, IRS officers on long leave
g) floating fake RTI forums and egroups to grind their personal axes
and create a false sense of numbers.
h) Floating fake NGOs to get finance from Planning Commission scheme
(50% kickback)

Or all of the above and many more..
If you want I can give at least 10 names in each category above.
In any case why should we expect eminent people to know/do anything
about RTI.

Lets take the examples of eminent persons I have heard speak on RTI
(at CIC functions)

a) Lord Meghnad Desai (selected by Habibullah) @ 4th Convention. A
crashing bore who knew nothing about RTI and whose speech was
basically about the.economics of RTI versus not having RTI.

b) Gopal Krishna Gandhi. (once again selected by Habibullah) @5th
convention. Knew something about RTI - having been the competent
authority for WB and with so many RTIs filed against him. Did he say
anything useful ??? His entire talk was about Gandhiji and Roy (Aruna
Roy) who inspired him - 17 references to her in his speech - it seems
she, WH and GKG were all batchmates together in the IAS class of 1968,
and general platitudes about what a great thing the RTI Act was. The
CIC manipulated it very well so that only PIOs and sarkari babus could
put questions to him, although Cdre.Lokesh (Batra) did try his best to
ask something about the eternal NRI question.

c). Ashish Nandi (handpicked by ANT) on 1st foundation day This horse
was definitely the worst of the lot. He knew nothing about anything.
The less said the better. Saikat Dutta of Outlook had a field day
toying with him, asking him pointed questions about impositions of
penalties citing section 20 (both parts) and poor Mr Nandi had no clue
whatsoever and kept nodding vaguely in that unique style our
Parliamentarians have developed while dozing off during speeches on
fish production in Mizoram. The saving grace was a crisp speech by ANT
and the always reliable dinner at the IIC (although the menu could
have been slightly more tilted towards IIC's specialities)

There is a way to sort out the mess. No more eminent people teaching
us about RTI. No false gurus of RTI. No oonch no neech no f***ing DoPT
rules of procedure, Just pick up a gun, knife, bow+arrow, stick,
chappal whatever, and let the f***ers have it. (If you don't like this
one I have a Plan "B")


On Nov 25, 5:01 pm, Mohit Goel <> wrote:
> Dear Mr Roy
> Noted.with thanks
> Just wondering what all is being done by eminent people active in RTI awareness
> to bring just malpractices to halt. Its pathetic to see that people who are
> entrusted job of implementing the act are slaughtering it like anything for
> their own personal reasons, ignoring resources, time , money appellant spend
> till the time his matter is heard in CIC and then same appellant end up with
> such unexpected closures. !!!
> Wish some day our MPs will come out with CIC accountability bill on lines of
> judicial acc bill.
> i wish COI

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