Sunday, November 21, 2010

Re: [HumJanenge] AID obtains IB's list of RTI activists with suspected terrorist links

Dear Mr. Sarbajit
You are just too right. from that list of signers simply too many person are on the list of  suspects. Who would have though that people like below would be on watchlist of IB

Amit Bhaduri
Arvind Kejriwal
Colin Gonsalves
Dr. Mira Shiva
Dunu Roy
E.A.S. Sarma
Harsh Mander
Himanshu Thakkar
Jagdeep Chhokar
Javed Naqvi
Madhu Bhaduri
Manoj Mitta
Nikhil De
Shabnam Hashmi
Teesta Setalvad
Trilochan Shastri
Vandana Shiva
Yogendra Yadav

On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 2:11 PM, sroy 1947 <> wrote:
Dear Rao

So the IB was keeping 2 Admirals under surveillance for Maoist links
as was suspected.

On the 20 of April 2010 the usual gang of RTI/Transparency haramis
circulated a letter denouncing the DGP/Chattisgrah's plans to arrest
Arundhati Roy for sedition. The first signatory was Admiral Tahiliani,
who as Vice Chief of Navy staff was implicated in a deal involving
defective Harrier VTOL/STOL aircraft but managed to PR his way out of
trouble and get appointed as CoNS.

The test of the letter is here

From the trend of names tumbling out of your alleged list, the list of
signatories to this letter should all be under the IB scanner.

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