Friday, November 26, 2010

Re: [HumJanenge] CIC minutes of meeting

Minutes of the Meeting held on 16 11 10

Sri A N Tiwari, Chief Information Commissioner
Sri Satyananda Mishra, Information Commissioner
Smt Annapurna Dixit, Information Commissioner
Sri M L Sharma, Information Commissioner
Sri Shailesh Gandhi, Information Commissioner
Secretary and officers assisted the Commission.

Agenda 1: Draft RTI rules- for discussions
Commission discussed the draft rules and suggested some modifications. The
changes as suggested by the Commission shall be incorporated and sent to the
Government at the earliest.
(Action: Secretary/JS (law))

Agenda 2: Status of Helpline for the Commission- for information
Secretary apprised the Commission that the helpline would be put in place by
the middle of the next week. He further apprised that appropriate procedures
are being met as of now.
(Action: JS (A &P))

Agenda 3: Approval of payment on enhanced rent and service tax for AKB- for

Agenda 4: Draft cabinet note on declaration of CIC as grants in aid- for

Agenda 5: A brief analysis on RTI applications received by the Public Authorities
and the appeal/complaints by CIC
Commission discussed the analysis and desired that such analyses are required
more frequently.
(Action: DS (PP))

Agenda 6: Suggested format for the portal in compliance to the direction of the
Commission u/s 19 (8) (a)
Commission adopted the format as circulated for uploading the personnel
related details and functions of Public Authorities in terms of section II of its
order CIC/AT/D/10/000111 dated 15 11 2010. Commission directed the
secretariat to take up the matter with the NIC for creating a portal on which
these informations would be uploaded. This exercise would be completed at
the earliest but in no case later than two weeks of time.
(Action: DS (PP)/Mr Paul, NIC))

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