Friday, November 26, 2010

Re: [RTI INDIA] Fwd: Our apology to HumJanenge family members

Dear Bhaskar and Anil

Both of you have been associated with RTI and groups like HumJanenge
for a very long time. You would also doubtless also recall late
Prakash Kardaley. If you have forgotten him please refresh your memory
with videos such as this

You (and much of the RTI world) are not aware of many things which
Prakash, Rahul Mangaonkar, me and some other persons did collectively.
No matter how much Prakash and I argued in public, we always had
respect for each other in private, and used each other to fine-tune
our own positions. So I think it is better that you don't raise such
issues to cause doubts in the RTI fraternity. I can also say that
establishment of RTI_India group owed a great deal to Prakash Kardaley
and was used by him to expose the doublespeak, duplicity and
dishonesty of some people within NCPRI (of which he was the leading

Prakash and I were also very clear about what a "devils advocate" is ...

"someone who, given a certain argument, takes a position he or she
does not necessarily agree with, just for the sake of argument. In
taking such position, the individual taking on the devil's advocate
role seeks to engage others in an argumentative discussion process.
The purpose of such process is typically to test the quality of the
original argument and identify weaknesses in its structure, and to use
such information to either improve or abandon the original, opposing

The devil's advocate is not the devil, although no doubt some
misguided people identify the advocate with the devil, and encourage
others to do so.


On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 11:03 AM, Bhaskar Prabhu
<> wrote:
> Dear proclaimed Moderator/Chief Patron/ Software Architect- HJ Google group,
> What you have well done is hijacking some other groups name, so you were
> very clear in doing cunning architecture of copyijg the goodwill name and
> very inteligent in telling haramis or sakakharam or tukaram with tint
> of consuming S(H)ARAB-JI :-).and talking of truth.
> Congratulations of achiving this,
> > In RTI service
> Bhaskar
> On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 12:08 PM, sroy1947 <> wrote:
>> Dear Friends
>> In a few days the beta phase (ie. trial period) of this new
>> development of the HumJanenge group will be complete. We are now
>> approaching the first milestone in this group where 2,500 active and
>> RTI aware citizens with properly functioning email Id's have achieved
>> membership of this group. In time this will definitely be among
>> India's largest and most powerful RTI email lists, founded and managed
>> by citizens with considerable experience in RTI Act, running RTI e-
>> groups and who are steeped deeply in HJ's former (but alas now
>> forgotten) civilised fighting culture.
>> There has been considerable speculation about the identities and
>> motives of the owners / moderators of this group. Specifically there
>> have been allegations made that "we" are
>> a) people out to destroy the RTI movement,
>> b) people out to disturb the established RTI groups,
>> c) people in collaboration with Information Commissioners,
>> d) people who create fake email Ids
>> e people who have stolen humjanenges's identity without any right to
>> it, etc etc..
>> I, on behalf of the HJ team, can firmly deny all these allegations.
>> They have been made by vested interests opposed to the RTI movement
>> and/or by persons not fully aware of the complete facts. All these
>> motivated allegations shall be answered in the right place and at the
>> right time, if so needed to be.
>> This mailing list / google group are in themselves not enough to
>> achieve the change that is needed to be achieved. Google does not have
>> many features which Yahoo had (and vice-versa). To supplement these,
>> we have opened (yesterday) our own HJ website. It will give us
>> additional features like polls, forum, chat, RTI decision database,
>> photo gallery, news post area, sms, tweets, etc.etc. which are not as
>> intrusive as emails are for those few members who are interested in
>> such features.
>> This is the link to it, but the website is not our primary focus, this
>> mailing list is.
>> Best wishes, and once again our sincere apologies to everyone who was
>> offended / hurt during our beta phase.
>> Sarbajit
>> Chief patron and software architect HJ-GG

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